How long?

Way to go Buan proud of you my man

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Thanks guys the encouragement from everyone here definitely makes it easier

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Thanks guys the encouragement from everyone here definitely makes it easier

And now that you have made so many friends you don't want to ever let us down now... I remember this feeling when I started... actually a really nice feeling that some complete strangers (now your vaping mates) do actually care! :rock:
Quick update I still haven't touch an analogue it's not 4 days

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Great stuff, I also started on 36 mg, now around 12 mg. Just missed the carto era. What are you vaping on nowadays?
I have several mechanical and VW, regulated batteries, tanks, RBA's and RTA's, including some rare limited edition RTA's and RBA's, some of which have never been used.

I mix 95% of my own liquids and only buy brand liquids as a night time "treat".
Been mixing my own liquids from about my 2nd month of vaping, because I have never really found an all day vape which is shop bought. I tend to like subtle single flavor liquids for my all day vapes, and the more complex bought liquids for short bursts in the evenings.

Carto's were the muts nuts when I started, and I wouldn't mind if they were still around. The new tanks and drippers really drink the liquid at speed nowadays. 30ml bottles used to lasts weeks in cartos.

Vaping was just meant to be a way to stop smoking, but it has been a hobby and gives me more pleasure than smoking ever did.
Same story here.

Sharri and I started on Green Smokies in June 2013. They were not really good and we continued to smoke.. I then found Eciggies and bought the Evod kit. It was far superior but still struggled to kick the habit for about the 3 months. Suddenly cigarettes tasted disgusting and have never smoked since. That was in October 2013. So nearly 2 years clean off those stinkies.