Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome @dissol ... fantastic job on your first few days of vaping!

So you started fulfilling the new years resolution a bit early...first time for everything ;)

I was just as surprised that the stuff actually worked, but very happy that it did. And the iStick+Nautilus is going to cement that for you, guaranteed - it's a great combo.

Ask if you need any advice, and enjoy the forum :D
Thanks for the welcome. Yes, I am enjoying this experience. Given that my work means that I have to travel a lot around the country, I also hope that the combination I have gone for (along with the Twisp) will work for me.
Thanks for the welcome. Yes, I am enjoying this experience. Given that my work means that I have to travel a lot around the country, I also hope that the combination I have gone for (along with the Twisp) will work for me.

As long as you can get to a charger at some point each day/two, the setup should be just fine. Having two devices is absolutely essential, even if one is vastly different. You'll probably find yourself vaping more on the iStick+Nautilus due to it's improved vape experience, but then having the Twisp to fall back on if you run out of battery power will be a saving grace. Travelling also means that you can go visit the various vape shops that are popping up all over :D
Welcome to all the new comers. Hope you enjoy yourself. There is a lot to learn and see. :)
Yes, i know several of the people I work with in different parts of the country use different e-cigs, and have suggested in the past that I give them a try (I am now wishing I had done this earlier!). I do feel I need a backup - I know there are times when I feel like lighting up, but then have a few draws on the Twisp, and the need evaporates! But I know if the Twisp did not work for whatever reason, then I would reach for a cigarette...for the moment...
Happy New Year to one and all. I have only been vaping since xmas day (one of my son's treated me to a Twisp kit as a present), but have been stinky free since then! While I wanted to give up smoking (and thought the e-cig would help) I wasn't planning to, but have not wanted a cigarette since boxing day. As my son only bought me the smaller kit (with just the one battery and clearomiser), I decided I needed to have something else available if / when this is down, so (after some internet research on here, & elsewhere), ordered a Nautilus Mini and iStick, which I hope will arrive shortly. Cannot still quite believe I have not had a cigarette, nor wanted one, for over a week now - previous attempts had me ready to commit murder or suicide by this stage!! Looking forward to meeting more people and learning more about this alternative approach.

Wow, @dissol - that is a great achievement!
Well done that you just stopped like that. What a great thing you have done.

Sounds like you are well on your way with the incoming Nautilus Mini and iStick.

As far as travelling goes - I think you will be ok. Just remember to take your juice, chargers and your spare coils. One other thing - that Nautilus Mini has a glass tank which can break if dropped. So I would suggest getting a spare glass tank for it or a metal tank, which wont break.

Wishing you all the very best with your vaping journey from here. Do pop in and let us know how it's going.
Yes, i know several of the people I work with in different parts of the country use different e-cigs, and have suggested in the past that I give them a try (I am now wishing I had done this earlier!). I do feel I need a backup - I know there are times when I feel like lighting up, but then have a few draws on the Twisp, and the need evaporates! But I know if the Twisp did not work for whatever reason, then I would reach for a cigarette...for the moment...

I am a year in @dissol - and even now, I sometimes get a craving to light up a real cigarette. It happens when I am around other smokers. Happens less often nowadays. But same as you - I take a few long drags on my vaping device and I am fine.
Welcome @dissol. Congratulations on the best decision you have ever made and a huge applause to your son's for a fantastic gift (They really gave you much more then a vape). You decision on a backup devise was really great one. you will not be disappointed with the Nautilus Istick combo.
@dissol, Unfortunately it is very seldom that a coil lasts its advertised time. the reason for this is you as an ex smoker is working the coil a little hard to get the same nicotine you would have got from an analog. eventually the wicking materiel and the coil does start to give a little bit of a burnt tast. but this is where a rebuildable device comes in. in most cases a daily or every second day wick change will prevent this. Just to ease your concern, I am a very heavy vapor (more then 6ml a day) and the Nautilus coils does give me 3 to 4 weeks.

the other thing that you need to look at with the twisp, is the tank is a top feeding coil which means every second or third puff you need to tilt the tank down (drip tip facing the floor) in order to keep the wick saturated. a quick 10 second dip will do the trick.

Hi @dissol

Coil life depends on so many factors. The juice, the length of your drags, whether you tilt it and keep the wicks wet (necessary for the top coil Twisp Clearo) and the volume and strength of juice you are vaping. And the power you are vaping at.

When I was on the Twisp about a year ago, I was vaping about 4 to 5ml a day of their regular strength juices (most flavours). I was getting about a week or two until I could tell the taste was not good.

My biggest gripe with these commercial coils is that they don't get bad suddenly - it is a gradual process. And you don't really notice it. So I would say just change them when you notice anything or even periodically. When you put a new coil in after a week or two, it is quite amazing to taste the difference. Like a new device!

Another thing I have found that affects the life of commercial coils is the darkness of the juice. Dark juices like certain tobaccoes, chocolate flavours and coffee flavours tend to "gunk" up the coils and wicks and they do not last very long. Lighter coloured juices tend to last much longer.

There is one more thing about Commercial coils. You get duds occasionally. In a pack of 5 coils, it is very possible to get one coil that is not performing well or at all. This has happened to me a few times. I think it is a bit of lucky draw though. You may go through 20 coils and not get one dud or you may get 2 duds in a pack of 5. As far as I recall, I didn't get many dud Twisp coils.

Just have enough coils on hand and you should be fine. An extra pack of coils will save you.
Yes, i had noted to tip the Twisp to keep the wick wet, but I fear I may have to put in the spare coil shortly, as even after I have done that the burnt taste is around... I had guessed that I am over using this device, in some ways, to replace the usual cigarettes, but very pleased to hear that I can expect so much longer with the Nautilus device.
Hey All! First of all, "Happy New Year"! As a result of Vaping, I've been smoke free for a year now. Went from a personal vaporizer (Ego C Twist- Kanger Pro) to a Mechanical Mod. I feel better, sleep better, wake up more refreshed, have more energy and I no longer stink like an ashtray. Sure, I've had a couple slip-ups, but I think that's normal coming from such an incidious addiction. Life is good!
Welcome to the forum @Adam Ross and a very happy new year to you too :)

Congrats on kicking those nasty stinkies :)
Yes, i had noted to tip the Twisp to keep the wick wet, but I fear I may have to put in the spare coil shortly, as even after I have done that the burnt taste is around... I had guessed that I am over using this device, in some ways, to replace the usual cigarettes, but very pleased to hear that I can expect so much longer with the Nautilus device.

Just encase you didn't know but your Nautilus tank will work on your twisp battery as well. you will notice a silver ring in the Nauilus box when you get it. This is called a beauty ring and its to finish off the join between the twisp and the Nautilus.
Just encase you didn't know but your Nautilus tank will work on your twisp battery as well. you will notice a silver ring in the Nauilus box when you get it. This is called a beauty ring and its to finish off the join between the twisp and the Nautilus.

Yes; another reason for going that route - I imagine that the Nautilus Mini and iStick would tend to be the main option of choice, but I should have the capability to swap and change if I want. Will certainly let people know what I think of the new kit compared to the Twisp.
Happy New Year to one and all. I have only been vaping since xmas day (one of my son's treated me to a Twisp kit as a present), but have been stinky free since then! While I wanted to give up smoking (and thought the e-cig would help) I wasn't planning to, but have not wanted a cigarette since boxing day. As my son only bought me the smaller kit (with just the one battery and clearomiser), I decided I needed to have something else available if / when this is down, so (after some internet research on here, & elsewhere), ordered a Nautilus Mini and iStick, which I hope will arrive shortly. Cannot still quite believe I have not had a cigarette, nor wanted one, for over a week now - previous attempts had me ready to commit murder or suicide by this stage!! Looking forward to meeting more people and learning more about this alternative approach.
Welcome to the forum @dissol

Really great hearing that you've taken to vaping so easily, I've got a feeling you're going to have fun here :D
Hey Guys! Name is Jaco, been reading the forums for a couple of months now had to join! Been off the analogues for little over 3 months now have not fallen off the wagon once. Currently the proud owner of the following: Twisp, Kangertech MPT3, eLeaf iStick (Broken but we will get to that) Eleaf Lemo and finally the little Magma (reason the iStick is broken lol).

Anyway happy to be here and hope to get tons and tons of info from you all.
Hey Guys! Name is Jaco, been reading the forums for a couple of months now had to join! Been off the analogues for little over 3 months now have not fallen off the wagon once. Currently the proud owner of the following: Twisp, Kangertech MPT3, eLeaf iStick (Broken but we will get to that) Eleaf Lemo and finally the little Magma (reason the iStick is broken lol).

Anyway happy to be here and hope to get tons and tons of info from you all.

Welcome. Glad you finally joined. Hope you enjoy yourself here
Hey @Riddle thanks alot for the warm welcome. Still finding my feet in the forum posting wise but I'm sure I will pick it up soon :)
Hey Guys! Name is Jaco, been reading the forums for a couple of months now had to join! Been off the analogues for little over 3 months now have not fallen off the wagon once. Currently the proud owner of the following: Twisp, Kangertech MPT3, eLeaf iStick (Broken but we will get to that) Eleaf Lemo and finally the little Magma (reason the iStick is broken lol).

Anyway happy to be here and hope to get tons and tons of info from you all.
A warm welcome to you @Jaco De Bruyn :D

So glad to hear that you're doing so well off the stinkies and that you've decided to join us :)
Welcome @Jaco De Bruyn!

Congratulations on staying off the sticks for 3 months already, and for already acquiring a great set of vaping goodies :D
Sorry to hear about the iStick...I really like mine and would be very sad to see it go :(

Enjoy the forum (as you have already have ;)) and I hope 2015 is a cloudy and flavourful year for you :)
Happy New Year to one and all. I have only been vaping since xmas day (one of my son's treated me to a Twisp kit as a present), but have been stinky free since then! While I wanted to give up smoking (and thought the e-cig would help) I wasn't planning to, but have not wanted a cigarette since boxing day. As my son only bought me the smaller kit (with just the one battery and clearomiser), I decided I needed to have something else available if / when this is down, so (after some internet research on here, & elsewhere), ordered a Nautilus Mini and iStick, which I hope will arrive shortly. Cannot still quite believe I have not had a cigarette, nor wanted one, for over a week now - previous attempts had me ready to commit murder or suicide by this stage!! Looking forward to meeting more people and learning more about this alternative approach.
Most welcome.....congrats on your stinky free journey so far. Do shout if you have any questions. Happy vaping.
Hey Guys! Name is Jaco, been reading the forums for a couple of months now had to join! Been off the analogues for little over 3 months now have not fallen off the wagon once. Currently the proud owner of the following: Twisp, Kangertech MPT3, eLeaf iStick (Broken but we will get to that) Eleaf Lemo and finally the little Magma (reason the iStick is broken lol).

Anyway happy to be here and hope to get tons and tons of info from you all.
A warm welcome. Congrats on the 3 months - a great achievement. What did the Magma do to your iStick?
Thanks alot for all the kind words you guys, I think I am going to like it here!!! @Andre the bit that screws into your mod on the Magma is 1.5mm to long so if the little copper plate in your mod is not spring loaded it will push it down if screwed on to tightly. This is what happened to my iStick. The copper ping is pushed down to far so now it does not pick up on any atty. This is apparently a pretty well know issue, i have posted on the vape king page and asked if they will be able to exchange my istick at this is the second time it hs happened :(