Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome Zeki! Enjoy the forums, they are a great bunch :)

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Howsit guys... Interested to know what you're vaping right now. Whatever I do I keep going back to my iTaste VV battery and T2 tank... Needing to find a new Mod, clearomizer that has a nice tight, long and tasteful vape.
Hey guys and gals,

My name is Lee.
Currently studying at my community college in order to transfer into an astrophysics program.

I am a tinkerer/hacker/modder, never satisfied until i take it apart and play with the guts.

My friend vapes a lot, so i looked into it and saw a lot of fun to be had in all of the modding potential. I'm currently waiting on fasttech to come through with my first device.

I'm actually living in Los Angeles, and i stumbled upon this forum by accident through tapatalk. I decided to make an account after reading through the late thread about installing LEDs in cartomizers. @johanct demonstrated how helpful you guys are to each other so i figured why not stick around to learn and share ideas, maybe making some into finished products.

A few hobbies besides vaping include lasers, astronomy, flashlights, debate, and electronic music.

I look forward to contributing what I can here.

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EDIT: wow y'all are quick to the draw. Thank you for the warm welcome.
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Welcome to the forums Lee. Nice to have some more international vapers. You sound really talented and looking forward to seeing all your diy work :)

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Wow, that sounds like a Star Wars type of career...but never as glamorous in real life I presume. Welcome @Lee_T. Beautiful city Los Angeles. Had the most awesome crab at your waterfront looking out at Alcatraz. Happy tinkering and vaping.
Maybe not glamorous per se, but rewarding intrinsically. I get to follow my curiosity into the unknown depths of our universe. And math. Lots of math.

     ∧ ∧
 ( _(,,・∀・)
Morning Y'all... I'm Zeki busy working away with a lot of e-cigs and stuff to process. Have a nice day ;-)
Thanx for the welcome. The name is Dan and I'm in Stellenbosch. Been off the dreaded analogues for 2 months without a single relapse after a 2pack a day 30year habit. Loving this vaping thing. Currently using eVic with Protank 2 and 3 and eVod for work. Looking for a actual vape store other than online stores close by.

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Welcome @Lee_T - as it happens we have a bunch of people from LA in our city this week - they are shooting some scenes from Avengers 2 in Johannesburg (and driving the traffic crazy)

looking forward to hearing more from you, especially in the modding scene
Welcome @Lee_T - as it happens we have a bunch of people from LA in our city this week - they are shooting some scenes from Avengers 2 in Johannesburg (and driving the traffic crazy)

looking forward to hearing more from you, especially in the modding scene
Thanks Derick, some day I'll be traveling down for the observatories. My girl and I are excited for the SKA in Cape Town.

Thanx for the welcome. The name is Dan and I'm in Stellenbosch. Been off the dreaded analogues for 2 months without a single relapse after a 2pack a day 30year habit. Loving this vaping thing. Currently using eVic with Protank 2 and 3 and eVod for work. Looking for a actual vape store other than online stores close by.

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Welcome dude.
Thanx for the welcome. The name is Dan and I'm in Stellenbosch. Been off the dreaded analogues for 2 months without a single relapse after a 2pack a day 30year habit. Loving this vaping thing. Currently using eVic with Protank 2 and 3 and eVod for work. Looking for a actual vape store other than online stores close by.
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Most welcome, @Danrmb111. You will be the vaper closest to me on this forum, I think. I am in Koringberg (between Moorreesburg and Piketberg). Go to Stellenbosch quite a lot for meetings, mostly at Nietvoorbij. Congrats on being smoke free for 2 months, that is a huge milestone for us heavy smokers (3 pack a day here). No vape stores close by. Some in Cape Town, but mostly mom and pop efforts. Your best resource for the time being is the Internet. Check out our resellers and review section. For juices most recommend Vapour Mountain. Happy vaping.
Thanks Derick, some day I'll be traveling down for the observatories. My girl and I are excited for the SKA in Cape Town.


My daughter had a field trip to our local observatory - it was after hours so parents came too - long story short - we saw how they made the dishes for the SKA - was pretty incredible, but also very simple - just a big concrete mound out of the ground that acts as the mold - they build their fiberglass composite over the mound and remove when dry :)
My daughter had a field trip to our local observatory - it was after hours so parents came too - long story short - we saw how they made the dishes for the SKA - was pretty incredible, but also very simple - just a big concrete mound out of the ground that acts as the mold - they build their fiberglass composite over the mound and remove when dry :)
凄ッΣ(o゚д゚oノ)ノ so jealous haha. That's awesome!

Welcome @Lee_T and @Danrmb111. Wishing you a pleasant stay on the forum. This is a great place!