Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome to the family Steve nice to have some more veterans!

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Hi all, i've been lurking on this forum for a while now and think its awesome, really like the community feel and team spirit, not to mention reams and reams of useful info. i actually took time to work it out today and ive been vaping for 14 months now, although it was a good couple of months after that that i fully switched over. started with a twisp, that didn't last long, moved on to egos and t2s, and the story goes on . At the mo im using mvp/nautilus/aerotank combo for the most part and i have a couple of mech mods, an igo-l and igo-w rbas . I put off coil building for ages and just relied on friends but have finally, finally taken the plunge. Oh and im based in Cape Town !!
Thanks for an amazing forum
Most welcome to the forum. Congrats on being stinky free for so long. Yes, as @Gizmo says you are a veteran at vaping. We wanna see those coils. Check out our next Cape Vape Meet: Happy vaping.
Thanks guys all for the warm welcome @Matthee you really dont want to see my coils quite yet, i have only ever built two in my life and @Gazzacpt had to rescue the second one !! what has really impressed me is how advanced a lot of the guys who have been vaping a few months really are
Thanks guys all for the warm welcome @Matthee you really dont want to see my coils quite yet, i have only ever built two in my life and @Gazzacpt had to rescue the second one !! what has really impressed me is how advanced a lot of the guys who have been vaping a few months really are
Yeah, the learning curve for many (myself included) was/is quite short, the wise peeps take their time. Both groups enjoy the ride!
Yeah, the learning curve for many (myself included) was/is quite short, the wise peeps take their time. Both groups enjoy the ride!
True that , i may have taken a long way round but ive definitely enjoyed every minute
Hey guys, where can I learn more about making coils? Does anyone know of a good tutorial?
Good morning all, i'm a newbie :) I'm from Cape Town and have been smoking for 16 years. I bought my first ecig from CapeVape about 3 months ago, at first it was 100s untill my first atomiser broke, then i got a replacement one, it kept leaking. that one has been replaced now 6 times and everytime there's something that goes wrong where it either doesn't vape at all or i keep sucking oil, which is horrible. So yesterday i got sort of fed up and just decided to buy a twisp double starter pack for me and my bo. I am now waiting on the delivery and am really hoping that my problems will now be a thing of the past. I really want to give up my cigarettes, but am a pretty heavy smoker (sometimes, especially when partying with friends, even up to 3+ boxes for the day) and need a ecigarette that will give me my smoking satisfaction without too many problems. Well that's my 2 cents for now haha, hope everyone has a great day! Now to figure out how these forums work and where to post what questions :)
Welcome to the forum Liz!

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Thanks Gizmo! wow that is fantastic!! I definitely want to get where you are!!! can't wait for my new ecig to arrive :) then i am going to give this a proper go! now just to find a new fluid supplier aswell that has a bit lower nicotine content than CapeVape and is not as hellishly expensive as Twisp haha
silly question... what is analogues avoided? *blush*
hi @Metal Liz

welcome to the forum.

by deciding to give up smoking cigarettes you already won 90% of the battle.

good luck on your journey- it is not at all as hard as some make it out to be :)