Introduce Yourselves:

Hi the name is Zain. Love the vaping scene. Kraken clone with a chi you clone. ;)
Most welcome Zain. You have come to the right place - we all love the vaping scene! The Kraken is a genesis type RBA if I remember correctly? Happy vaping.
I claim another convert... This one from a Facebook posting! Sonja should join the forums shortly!

She is stinky free for 16 days! Now she wants to upgrade so I'm recommending an MVP with Aerotank which she will get for her birthday next week!

@Stroodlepuff she will be online in the next day or so to order! :D
Hi All
My name is Jimmy and I've been vaping for 2 months since kicking the smoking habit after 22 years. I stay in Vereeniging in the VaalTriangle (just south of Jhb).
Got my Evod stater kit from Eciggies and have since upgraded to MVP (from VapeKing)and also got ProTank Mini & PT 2 and recently Kayfun Lite Plus. (which I haven't tried out yet)
Also tried my hand at some DIY E-juice mixing which worked out fine but needs some more tweaking.
I've been lurking around the forum and found it very informative and I learn so much from you guys.
Looking forward to Learn more from the experienced Vapers
PS - I've already converted 3 other smokers to Vaping

Welcome @Jimbo. May your vaping grow from strength to strength. Sounds like you have had a great start already and well done on the conversions of 3 other smokers. You will have to teach me how to do that. The two i tried with are still smoking ;-(
Hi the name is Zain. Love the vaping scene. Kraken clone with a chi you clone. ;)

Welcome Zain. This is a great place. Enjoy it. Vape on!
Thanks people for welcoming me, im really new to vaping and have been reading posts, i really want to quit smoking and im sure with help from this forum and yourl friendly guys, il be able to get the correct devices and liquids etc, thanks
Welcome to all the newcomers.
If you are interested in trying out some juice samples please add you name here.
Welcome to all the new members, glad to have you on board the vape train!
welcome to all the newbies, you will love it here, i've been here not even a week and i absolute LOVE it!!! :) but please be warned hahaha, this is a HUGE site with LOADS of interesting information and it gets VERY addictive, VERY quickly hahaha! My 2 cents ;) Take your time to browse and most of all - have plenty of fun!!!
just downloaded tapatalk for ecigssa on the go :) i kept seeing posted via tapatalk so then decided to investigate hahaha, this is pretty awesome!!!
A warm welcome to all the newcomers from me :)
Morning everyone.

I'm Justin, based in Cape Town and just started vaping.

I've been smoking cigarettes on and off for the last five years. I've been smoking about a pack and a half a day for the last six months. I'm the type of guy that smokes premium cigarettes even through they're horrendously expensive. I usually smoked Camel filter's, Marlboro Red or Dunhill Red.

Last Saturday I was looking at my carton of Marlboro's and decided bugger this I'm done smoking.

I chucked my carton away, and went to the nearest tobacco store and asked if they had any E-cigs. They only had a Green Smoke starter kit. It was R280 so I thought it was worth a try.

At first I tried the standard tobacco flavored cartridge they give you with the kit, I think it tastes horrible. I picked up a pack of vanilla cartridges and they are a lot more tolerable.

I've just got a couple of issues with it:
- Battery life is pretty bad, it will last about three hours.
- The tip of the cartomizer tends to get very hot, and about 40% of the time it leaves a brown liquid residue on the mouth piece (I'm assuming e-liquid).
- I'm using about 1 cartridge a day, sometimes one and a half if the battery works with me.
- The vapor can be quite harsh when inhaling, I'm inhaling as if I'm smoking a cigarette.
- I don't like that it looks like a cigarette.

I have no intention of ever touching another "stinky". Even with my "inferior" e-cig I am enjoying vaping more than I enjoyed smoking.

I like to do things properly and not bugger around with inferior products. I've seen Twisps just about everywhere I go, they seem interesting enough but I'm not sure if I want to invest R700 for one + R200 a vial for e-juice.

I've been doing some research on vape king and have found some very nice products. I would like to ask for everyone's opinion so I can make an informed decision.

I'm stuck between:

Innokin iTaste SVD Express

I like the design of this one but what is the battery life like?

And the

Innokin iTaste MVP 2.0 Laser Black

I also like the deign of this one. And it seems like it has a very good battery life.

I'm stuck between the two. Can some of you guys give me your input? Which would suit the needs of a heavy "vaper"?

Apologies for the minor essay but I'm really glad I found this forum.

Morning and welcome @Justin223 You've taken some excellent first steps by joining this forum, doing some research and most importantly commiting to it all.

I do not own an SVD, but I have an MVP and it is an excellent starting point. Something to keep in mind between the two is that the MVP is a single unit. With the SVD you will need to purchase a proper charger and the correct batteries for it seperately. The battery life will be dependant on the batteries you buy.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions ;)
Hi @Justin223 ! Welcome to the forum.

Just must also remember you would need an atomizer of sorts. I think you get an atomizer with the MVP, but no Atty with the SVD.
@Justin223 Welcome to you and all the new members!

The discussions of the MVP vs SVD have been thoroughly covered in previous posts. I suggest you search and see.

The summary is as follows: MVP has built in battery and pass through (Vape while it is charging from a micro USB). It has a puff counter and is variable voltage and variable wattage. It only has 6w - 11w power settings. It is a box mod, which some people don't like. There is no proper battery meter. You can check the Ohms of your coil.

SVD: No built in battery. Runs on 18650/18500/18350 sized cells. You will need a charger and spare batteries. Has Ohms meter, voltage meter, and puts out between 6w and 15w. Is a tube mod. Looks like a giant silver dildo.

I have both, and I use both everyday. I find the SVD with the shoddy panasonic battery I have lasts all day. The MVP can last two days. If I am only using one device because I am on site at a client I go for the MVP.

If you get into vaping in a big way the SVD will likely be the better purchase. As it forces you to buy a battery and charger, you are going to need those for any other serious mods that you would consider purchasing.
Hey @Justin223, welcome to the forum, I also started this journey myself a few weeks ago, I began on the ego kits from the flea market, thanks to a friends advice. They were good in the sense of getting me off the cigs, almost from the word go. And I was excited about being free from the habit after 28 years and 2 packs a day of Winston.

I have always enjoyed smoking, and vapeing gives me the same joy without all the side affects. Which I have slowly come to realize are in fact numerous. My wife and kids love it, hell even our siamese cats like getting close to me now.

Back to the choices though, after a few days using the "ego's" and after watching a ton of youtube stuff I wanted something more. I was impressed with the SVD and had my mind made up to get that, but in real life and in my hands I didn't like it one bit.

It just felt like a cheap tube that rattles around without the battery in, and it's not much better with the battery inserted. Plus the thing is huge, and coupled with the added cost of batteries and chargers etc, I had premature buyers remorse. But then I saw the iTaste MVP and it just felt great in my hand. I had not done any research on the MVP before, but I knew it was going to be a much better option for me.

Built in batteries, VV/VW, and you can use it while charging and a great price, especially as it comes with a pretty good clearomizer. So I got that instead and I can vouch for the device, it's awesome. The battery life is insane.

I recently got a rebuildable atomizer, the Kayfun 3.1. To satisfy my need to experiment with coils and all that entails, and the Kayfun RBA works perfectly on the MVP, and just takes vaping to another level. Then moving on.....I got the Nemesis, which is a mechanical mod, ie.. No electronics, nothing to break or go wrong, just pure power.

Knowing what I now know, I would probably have just go for a mech mod from the start, but hey.. life is a journey. And we are always learning along the way.

Best of luck in your vaping, I hope it goes as well for you as it has been for me.
That's something I didn't think of either @TylerD thanks for that. Still lots for me to learn.

This may be a dumb question but I'm completely ignorant.

Is there a specific range of atomizer's that would work with a MVP? Or is it more like a one size fits all?

Thanks for your input @devdev, I'll be researching the hell out of it and will make use of the forum's search function.

Thanks @Alex for sharing your experience with me.

I've got a lot of reading ahead of me but I'm really interested in vaping and am glad I found a awesome community like this.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the MVP.

I really appreciate all the help and info from you guys!