Introduce Yourselves:

i have to force myself away from the stinkies today, just got very disappointing news about i job that would've been perfect for me that i didn't get... really bummed and all my mind can think is i need a stinkie... :( :confused:
Dude, remember, times are tough at the moment. These guys raving at Marikana etc. has hit SA hard. Things will change in a few months and then you will be available for even something better.
At least you still have a job and things can just get better.
Take a moment and have a strong coffe and vape that Twisp red hot!
Strongs Liz!
Welcome to the new members
@Agent X

You have come to a great place. The advice the others have given some of you on your setups is very good.
Read more on the forum and make use of the search function.
All the best and wishing you well on your vaping journey
Happy to admit that about an hour and a half after my disappointing start of the day, thanks to this forum my smile is back on my face and my "need" for stinkies has vapourised :D
Happy to admit that about an hour and a half after my disappointing start of the day, thanks to this forum my smile is back on my face and my "need" for stinkies has vapourised :D
And I must say, I really dig your avatar pics. How did you manage to get pics with them?
And I must say, I really dig your avatar pics. How did you manage to get pics with them?
Thanks @TylerD, yeah that was one of the best days of my life, when they came down the first time with Coke Fest in i think it was 2006, i won a backstage pass through their official website and got to meet all of them :D It was amazing and they are really such humble human beings :) I am a HUGE Metallica fan :oops: - Even though i have to admit that their second show at the Bellville Velodrome, kicked the Coke Fest show's @ss hehehe
Thanks @TylerD, yeah that was one of the best days of my life, when they came down the first time with Coke Fest in i think it was 2006, i won a backstage pass through their official website and got to meet all of them :D It was amazing and they are really such humble human beings :) I am a HUGE Metallica fan :oops: - Even though i have to admit that their second show at the Bellville Velodrome, kicked the Coke Fest show's @ss hehehe
Lucky fish! The second show was also beter in JHB. Golden circle both times! They are really such an awesome band! I only met Rob on the airport when I went down to CPT for a wedding. He was actually flying domestic or something. Weird! He was trying to hide behind a postcard stand! Hahaha. Anyway, and the whole Seether was on my Mango flight. Couldn't believe it myself. Also just the best guys ever. Old Saron gas.:D
welcome guys

have a great stay, and remember if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask
quick "silly" question... if anyone can help... how many mls of e-liquid does the twisp clearo take to fill?
Enough so that it doesn't overflow


No clue - sorry
Thanks @Allan that makes sense with having to refill it so much haha!! @devdev you seriously crack me up hahaha :D

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I can't believe I made it onto this month's leader board hahaha, I absolutely love this place!!! What great people with amazing information and it has such an awesome community feeling to it, I love being a part of this :D
Hey folks!
I'm a cop from the Free State, just outside Vereeniging across the Vaal River. Been vaping for just over a month now and loving it! Had a few smokes, but not going back to it again. Wanna really get into vaping and forget about cigs for good. Glad to be here and hope I will make it to the next meet!
Thanks to Gizmo for the help with my account and to Stroodlepuff for the help and info on the live chat on the Vapeking website today :)
Very welcome @zadiac you found the right place and before you know it, you won't even think off cigs anymore.

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Welcome @zadiac !

Glad to hear you have already started out on the smoke free path, and that you can spread the word about vaping and the healthier alternative in the Free State :)
Hey folks!
I'm a cop from the Free State, just outside Vereeniging across the Vaal River. Been vaping for just over a month now and loving it! Had a few smokes, but not going back to it again. Wanna really get into vaping and forget about cigs for good. Glad to be here and hope I will make it to the next meet!
Thanks to Gizmo for the help with my account and to Stroodlepuff for the help and info on the live chat on the Vapeking website today :)
Most welcome @zadiac. Browse around, lots of info here. I you have questions please ask. The only dumb questions are the questions not asked. Happy vaping.
Welcome @zadiac. Glad your application got sorted out. Enjoy the forum. This is a great place!
Thanks folks. Can't wait to start experimenting and building coils! Got a friend who will show me the ropes and gonna visit Vapeking either today or tomorrow and get my new stuff that I ordered. The nemesis mod clone and the kayfun lite pro! Wanna build epic coils and chase clouds! hahaha :)
Welcome @zadiac, you certainly in the right place.
Geez you don't waste time, straight into the mech mod and KF ... Nice!

Please do a lot of research into coil resistance, the associated currents and the batteries you have. Just so that you are aware of the dangers of going below one ohm on a coil.

Please keep us up to date with your setup and coils, etc. We like looking at pics:)

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