Introduce Yourselves:

Hello and welcome to all the new forum members :)

I would like to greet everyone by name but there are just too many, my aging brain can't remember the names on the previous page :rolleyes:

Nevertheless welcome, hope you guys have fun :rock:
From what I've seen so far, I didn't think so. Looking forward to being part of the community and getting my hands on some tasty vapours. There's a really nice vibe here.
Hey all you new members
From what I've seen so far, I didn't think so. Looking forward to being part of the community and getting my hands on some tasty vapours. There's a really nice vibe here.
Hi, most welcome. Happy vaping.
Welcome everyone, I'm still amazed at the amount of ppl joining the family every month. Keep vaping.

Sent from my GT-I9190 using Tapatalk
From what I've seen so far, I didn't think so. Looking forward to being part of the community and getting my hands on some tasty vapours. There's a really nice vibe here.

Welcome @RATZ
You are spot on, the vibe here is special. We have a great place!
Wishing you well for your vaping. Do share your experiences
Hi fellow cigarette quitters. :hi:??

Ranting time. :-@ I have been vaping for a month and a half now, unfortunately using a lung buddy. I was told it was a good product and other nonsense which it has not lived up to. I trusted the guy, so lesson learned: never believe anyone if it's too good to be true. I've learned my now ex-shop has provided me with unsustainable prices (browsing online) and smoking would have been cheaper. My girlfriend has not been able to make the switch, she desires more vapour and I suspect may be sensitive to PG. I hope to get her off the stinkies soon and would appreciate input on which combination of products would provide her with the maximum vapour without breaking the bank, since I would like her to switch sooner than later.

I truly prefer vaping over analogues because my health has improved; no more colds, sinus, mucus, shortness of breath or headaches. I've only vaped the Liqua range of juices and prefer fruity flavours, can't wait to support like minded individuals and try their juices in the future, even make my own when the time is right.

From what I've researched the Reo mini 2.1 looks like it would suit my needs best. I like the mechanical nature and bottom feeding system. Now I just have to save up for it. I'm stoked about the idea of making my own coils and understanding the theory behind them better.

Thanks to all the guys maintaining this forum, I know I am going to learn a lot and hopefully help others. Which admin should I contact regarding my birth date (Tapatalk ID made me 44 rather than 27)?
Thanks to all the guys maintaining this forum, I know I am going to learn a lot and hopefully help others. Which admin should I contact regarding my birth date (Tapatalk ID made me 44 rather than 27)?

You can drop me a message with your birthdate and I'll fix it for you!

Welcome aboard and you have no doubt realised that there are tons of other devices and juice out there!

I can highly recommend Vapour Mountain Juices

If you even remotely like Menthol ciggies then the Menthol Ice is a huge win!
welcome @Stochastic . a few juice vendors on here will make juices for you that have mostly VG in them, one or two even sell almost full VG juices and a lof of others have their juices 50/50. maybe look at either getting something like the itaste mvp as it's battery just lasts ages and ages, or else the new vision spinner 2 with a mini protank 3 on there has received rave reviews and wont break the bank, anything with at least variable voltage as that will allow you to crank up the power and get more oomph out of your device
Hi fellow cigarette quitters. :hi:??

Ranting time. :-@ I have been vaping for a month and a half now, unfortunately using a lung buddy. I was told it was a good product and other nonsense which it has not lived up to. I trusted the guy, so lesson learned: never believe anyone if it's too good to be true. I've learned my now ex-shop has provided me with unsustainable prices (browsing online) and smoking would have been cheaper. My girlfriend has not been able to make the switch, she desires more vapour and I suspect may be sensitive to PG. I hope to get her off the stinkies soon and would appreciate input on which combination of products would provide her with the maximum vapour without breaking the bank, since I would like her to switch sooner than later.

I truly prefer vaping over analogues because my health has improved; no more colds, sinus, mucus, shortness of breath or headaches. I've only vaped the Liqua range of juices and prefer fruity flavours, can't wait to support like minded individuals and try their juices in the future, even make my own when the time is right.

From what I've researched the Reo mini 2.1 looks like it would suit my needs best. I like the mechanical nature and bottom feeding system. Now I just have to save up for it. I'm stoked about the idea of making my own coils and understanding the theory behind them better.

Thanks to all the guys maintaining this forum, I know I am going to learn a lot and hopefully help others. Which admin should I contact regarding my birth date (Tapatalk ID made me 44 rather than 27)?
Most welcome to the forum. Of course, the Reo is always a winner - more information here in Reoville. Below something for you to chew on for your girlfriend. These devices with a proper juice will make all the difference. Juices from are hightly rated and they have most of said gear as well.

If you want to go slim and trim:
    1. The Vision Spinner1 1300 mAh. Think your current batteries are 650 mah. It has variable voltage so you can up your power for more throat hit. You can buy that for R350.00 here. With that you need a USBcharger at R100.00 with wall adapter at R60.00. An Ego C Twist, also at 1300 mah will also work. Available here at R289.00.
    2. The Vision Spinner2 at 1650 mAh (will last longer the version 1 but is a little bit longer) available hereat R400.00. With the same charger and wall adapter as mentioned above.
    1. On top of that my recommendation is a Kanger Protank Mini 3, which has dual coils so will give you a super hit. Also nice and slim and will fit the Vision Spinners like a glove. Takes 1.5 ml. get it here for R180.00. Get some spare coils for you mPT3, at R30.oo for one.
    2. Another, less expensive option is the Kangertech Evod2 at R100.00 here. From all accounts the Evod 2 is a great clearomizer as well, also dual coils. Takes the same spare coils as the mPT3.
    3. A third option that has become available recently is the Kanger Aerotank Mini available here at R400.00. And some spare coils at R180.00 for five.
Here is a picture of the Vision Spinner1:

Picture of the Kanger Protank Mini 3 on top of a Vision Spinner1 and Vision Spinner2

A Vision Spinner2 with Aerotank Mini:

If you do not mind a little bulkier:
    1. The MVP is very popular and has a battery capacity of 2600 mah - so should last almost twice as long as the Vision Spinner. R760.00 here. Comes with a USB charger, but do get a wall adapter. And a clearomizer, which is not well rated in this forum. There are some other MVPs, bit more expensive, on the site linked.
    1. On top of that - the Kanger Aerotank. The Aerotank uses the same coils as the Protank Mini 3 or the Evod 2 mentioned above, but takes 2.5 ml. Available here at R340.00 or here at R350.00.
    2. The Kanger Aerotank Mini will also look good on the MVP.
Here a picture with dimensions of the MVP

MVP with Aerotank Mini:

Many reviews and more photos of above-mentioned gear in our review section.
Always a good idea a second atomizer to alternate juices and as a backup. A second backup battery is also recommended
Welcome @Stochastic.

Try get some 100% VG juice for her. This will make huge clouds and if she does have a PG sensitivity it would kill 2 birds with one stone. If you order from vapour mountain, he makes the juice to order so should be able to help with the VG.

Also, don't jump to the PG sensitivity conclusion too quickly... there is more than likely another explanation.
Welcome @Stochastic , I know exactly what you mean about the lung buddy, I was also told that it was the best thing on the planet but soon realized that they were just rebranded cheap knock offs, really cheap! But hey, it got me off the stinkies and kept me off them, mostly, for over a year. My weapon of choice at the moment is a Kayfun (knock off :rolleyes:) mounted on a 18650 powered iTaste SVD, loving every second, so much that I have another one sitting at my local post office :dance:
Hey guys! New to the forum, but not so new to vaping. I'm a born and bred Cape Town Vaper, started way back in 2012. Purchased my first vape at Vape Africa, a ego c upgrade battery and a ego cartridge atomiser. Lol old school. I started retailing on the side line after my first month of vaping, seeing how well it worked for me, I figured it would work great for others. Vaping isn't a business (although it is beneficial on the pocket) but its more of a life style. I salute all you independent vape stores nationwide for bringing world renown products to our shores.

I'm currently a vaping on a handful of devices. I've got a MPT 3 on a vision spinner in the one hand, and an eVod in the other. The former topped up on 5Pawns Gambit and the latter on boba's bounty (damn great juice) my mods aren't that sophisticated after having sold most of them, but I'm stacked on an astromod with a trident and (very old school) my old faithful k100 with nimbus dripper. Eciggsa, you guys are awesome.
Yusuf Patel
Welcome @Stochastic, I can vouch for the Reo Mini 2.1:). It's simply the best. And all the best with your journey, hopefully your gf will join you soon.

Welcome @Yusuf Cape Vaper, here's hoping you can give us n00bs a few tips:p
Familiar in what way bumblebee? Haha. I worked with some vape companies in the cape :)
I started retailing on the side line after my first month of vaping, seeing how well it worked for me, I figured it would work great for others.

I was so impressed with my setup in the beginning that I also got a few people started, unfortunately the kits I was peddling at the time were not very good long term and the juices progressively deteriorated in quality to the point that I wouldn't even consider selling them, many were tossed straight into the trash... I have since learned so much and the availability of quality gear and juice in SA has increased considerably, especially over the last few months.
Hi fellow cigarette quitters. :hi:??

Ranting time. :-@ I have been vaping for a month and a half now, unfortunately using a lung buddy. I was told it was a good product and other nonsense which it has not lived up to. I trusted the guy, so lesson learned: never believe anyone if it's too good to be true. I've learned my now ex-shop has provided me with unsustainable prices (browsing online) and smoking would have been cheaper. My girlfriend has not been able to make the switch, she desires more vapour and I suspect may be sensitive to PG. I hope to get her off the stinkies soon and would appreciate input on which combination of products would provide her with the maximum vapour without breaking the bank, since I would like her to switch sooner than later.

I truly prefer vaping over analogues because my health has improved; no more colds, sinus, mucus, shortness of breath or headaches. I've only vaped the Liqua range of juices and prefer fruity flavours, can't wait to support like minded individuals and try their juices in the future, even make my own when the time is right.

From what I've researched the Reo mini 2.1 looks like it would suit my needs best. I like the mechanical nature and bottom feeding system. Now I just have to save up for it. I'm stoked about the idea of making my own coils and understanding the theory behind them better.

Thanks to all the guys maintaining this forum, I know I am going to learn a lot and hopefully help others. Which admin should I contact regarding my birth date (Tapatalk ID made me 44 rather than 27)?

Welcome to the forum @Stochastic - very interesting forum name!
Finding the right equipment and equally important, the right juice that you really love is vital.

As for your girlfriend, the advice already given by others is excellent in my view. A mini protank and Spinner battery wont break the bank but gives good performance for the cost. I can vouch for the mini Protank 2 and Vision Spinner 1 since have used this kit for ages and it performs nicely. Since then newer stuff has been released which most report are even better.

As for your choice to go for the Reo Mini, yes, i have been using mine for the last month and can say it is one heck of a package! Am so happy with it, love it to bits. I also have the Grand, which has double the juice capacity and battery capacity but the mini just fits so beautifully in my hand and is great for me as a portable device. You cant go wrong with the REO in my view. Just be comfortable with the box shape. I like it a lot but some people prefer tubes.

All the best for your journey