KUI a closer look

Can someone post some "hi-resolution" pics of the firing pin mechanism for me to check out please?
The delrin insert must have a section that pushes the leaf contact up, creating the tension required for the springiness in the firing pin and the keep the connection away from firing. Mine looks too shallow too. Just going to superglue something in to get it right
My solution was to bend the plate that runs from the bottom of the 510 the top of the battery contact. The side were the bottom of the button make contact I bent up a bit. This puts more pressure spring in the button an gives it a longer throw on the button.
So that is the firing pin that touched the metal housing and caused a short for @dr phil?
The lock ring screws into that round brass bit and when the lock ring is all the way down the brass round can move of the plate. That is what i think happened, he can tell us more @dr phil
@VapeSnow here is a temp fix for the atty not sitting flush. In the spares packet you will find a small white isolater . It is the very small silicone one . Strip your Kui and first remove the positive contact plate by unscrewing the bottom piece of the center pin just like you would with a reo .

Then remove the center pin . It is very tight but push it out from the bottom . Now remove the old insolater from the 510 .

Put the small one in from the packet and replace the center pin . Put an atty on and if you use the right one from the spare parts the atty will sit flush .

Pls just test it with a tester to make sure all is in order and nothing is making any short before using it .

I just tested it that way and it works 100%
@jtgrey what did you use to push it out ... that pin is VERY soft. Oh, and how do you unscrew the bottom piece? ;)
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@VapeSnow it will actually be a permanent fix if you can also machine (or file or grind or dredmill) the top of the 510 center pin , the shoulder part , to half of its original size.

The best option would be to replace the 510 all together!
Hi buddy are you going to replace your 510 ?
I modified mine slightly.
  • Glues a small piece of plastic on the case at the bottom of the inside cover to stop it from moving when button pressed.
  • On the inside of the cover also glued a small plastic block. This puts pressure on the plate so that there is more tension on the button and also keeps the plate from making direct contact with the battery terminal.
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@LandyMan yes the pin is very tight fit . I used the backside of a screwdriver to push mine out .

If you look at the 510 pin where the pipe connect to that small piece unscrew from the rest of the pin . That is to get the positive connection plate out
Guys I promise to post pictures of it later tonight when I get to my camp .
@LandyMan yes the pin is very tight fit . I used the backside of a screwdriver to push mine out .

If you look at the 510 pin where the pipe connect to that small piece unscrew from the rest of the pin . That is to get the positive connection plate out
Cool thanks man. Will try again :)
I modified mine slightly.
  • Glues a small piece of plastic on the case at the bottom of the inside cover to stop it from moving when button pressed.lued
  • On the inside of the cover also glued a small plastic block. This puts pressure on the plate so that there is more tension on the button and also keeps the plate from making direct contact with the battery terminal.
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That piece of plastic works very nice thank you :)
Woohoo, got mine today. Managed to carefully tap/press the 510 deeper and worked at it till somehow the Odin (Also arrived today :D) is sitting near-perfect plumb. Raided my Reo spares to get it further shanana bottle and tubing wise. I've got one of the silver ones, so can't take proper pics coz it's too shiny with the flash at night:rofl:. I'll try again in daylight. Look and vape is ossim
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I found another reason the firing button drops dead/loses tension is that the connector leaf skates off the tip of the firing button. I remedied this making sure the leaf is flush and not angled to promote skating and by flaring the edges upward a bit on the widest points on the tip before it starts tapering down to the the connection spot, to help prevent the button skating off. Also remember to keep the nozzle firmly screwed after refill (Turn bottle clockwise to check and tighten the nozzle via the tube). If the nozzle is loose, the leaf connector becomes loose. Or tighten properly with a needle plier prior to installation or tube and bottle. Just make sure it's tight.
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Mmmm..interesting, just noticed it won't take much to fit one of my .40 S&W "buttons" over the KUI firing button, and still keep the locking ring accessible.....the width of the standard firing button is favorable for this type mod.
My first impression is that its a oke MOD but allot of things that could be allot better.
How can you design a MOD with a atty special made for the MOD and not make it sit flush. I understand you cant always cater for all the atty's to sit flush but the one you made your self for that MOD i dont understand.
And the paint job on mine is pretty bad. Allot of small scratches a couple dents and paint chipped of the door.
I know its a cheap MOD but some quality checks can be done at the end of the proces.