Out And About With Your Reo!

I think I must braai today or tomorrow or today AND tomorrow.
Haven't had a drink in a while( over 8 days I think).
Tips: medium heat fire for about 30 to 40 minutes.
The chutney burns as it's a sugar so you need to turn very regularly and the marinate tends to be a thick paste which I dip the chicken in before its ready to re-coat that awesome sweet zing.
Also I like having half the weber with more coal and half with less because the olive oil tends to create fire so it's convinient to move the food to a cooler fire.
You should for a wicked chicken baste:

Equal parts Light/medium Soy and Honey
Half that 'parts' Lemon Juice
Chilli Flakes as you like

Marinate the Chicken in that for a few hours. Salt and pepper.

Wicked on a gentle-heat braai (BBQ for our friends)

Edit - I normally buy chicken pieces and slap them in a large sandwich bag with the marinade, seal it, chuck it in the fridge.

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You should for a wicked chicken baste:

Equal parts Light/medium Soy and Honey
Half that 'parts' Lemon Juice
Chilli Flakes as you like

Marinate the Chicken in that for a few hours. Salt and pepper.

Wicked on a gentle-heat braai (BBQ for our friends)

Edit - I normally buy chicken pieces and slap them in a large sandwich bag with the marinade, seal it, chuck it in the fridge.

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Lemon, ground coriander, ground cumin, origanum, mint, meat tenderiser and salt.
Chicken was all sold out so I'm going for lamb ribs and lamb riblets tonight and a beef fillet souvlaki tomorrow.

Reo overlooking the process and making sure the lamb is behaving. 2016-04-23 19.32.01.jpg
The real reason I'm braaing.
Like I said stock was low but that's expected if you go shopping at 7pm :D
Had to settle for pre marinated ribs as the others looked like rubbish. 2016-04-23 19.41.05.jpg
No risk of cholesterol overdose, it must be vegan ;).
I have pills for cholesterol.
Just before my son was born I had a full spectrum of blood tests done.
Turns out I have hereditary high cholesterol. Even ate legumes for a month and my cholesterol was higher when I did the tests again!
I have pills for cholesterol.
Just before my son was born I had a full spectrum of blood tests done.
Turns out I have hereditary high cholesterol. Even ate legumes for a month and my cholesterol was higher when I did the tests again!

Sorry to hear that - I keep quite a distance from doctors, I don't want to hear stuff like that ;).
Sorry to hear that - I keep quite a distance from doctors, I don't want to hear stuff like that ;).
My parents parents lived into their 90s without doctors.
My parents are doing ok. My dad is 77 this year and still doing ok.
I'm not a fan of doctors either I tend to know what disagrees with my body but I do want to live a long time now that I have children and I do want to see them become responsible, self sufficient adults. That being said I don't want to have a heart attack at 40. Heart disease unfortunately was prominent with my dad's brothers and my mom's side.
According to doctors I had a 80% chance of having a heart attack before 40.
Now Im down to 10% chance.
BTW, folks, I am having an awesome time googling all these SA terms. "Braaing", "staamrib", "tjoppies" - it's all baie goed.

That lamb looks lekker.

(Ek hou van Afrikaans)
BTW, folks, I am having an awesome time googling all these SA terms. "Braaing", "staamrib", "tjoppies" - it's all baie goed.

That lamb looks lekker.

(Ek hou van Afrikaans)
You just need to learn some affectionate endearments like "jou moer" and you are well on your way :D
I'm thinking voetzek too :D
My afrikaans is not great. I passed it in high school (Secondary school). My first language is Greek followed by English.

Anyways while the fire gets ready. ..
2016-04-23 20.16.42.jpg
BTW, folks, I am having an awesome time googling all these SA terms. "Braaing", "staamrib", "tjoppies" - it's all baie goed.

That lamb looks lekker.

(Ek hou van Afrikaans)

Winner winner @Papa_Lazarou !
Lol, i showed this post to my wife now and we both laughed a lot
Oh, I'm sure he says that a lot, too...

View attachment 52289

... but in this case, he's making an anatomical reference :)
Reminds me of an event when I was younger. Driving from a party with friends, 2 ladies and 2 guys in the car.
Stop off at a traffic signal and a prostitute approaches and says R100 for a good time.
I ask her how much for all of us together (as an intoxicated joke).
Her response: "Jurre fok, julle is te rof ver my"
Translation : F ¥€k you guys are too rough for me.
Brussels 2016 trip with Reos.

In conference.

Typically Belgian - chicken pie-ish, beef in a beer sauce, meat ball in a sauce and fries on the side (always).

Grand Place - buildings are around 300 years old.

Cosy restaurant on the Grand Place.

Mussels are obligatory when in Brussels.

Biggest tourist attraction in Brussels - Mannekepis.

Memorial to Brussels attacks.

Brunch in PMB with friends from Colorado!

Cappuccino to start!
Out and About 001.JPG

They had Ribs and chips on the menu but I decided to have a salad!
Out and About 004.JPG