Out And About With Your Reo!

Well I guess we are all entitled to our opinions:D. My collection, with a few mods and attys missing as the picture was taken a while back. I think they look beautiful;).

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While I generally never say never, I’m also pretty sure I will never post in the “Help My Vape Broke” sub forum. Don`t get me wrong. I am not a fanboy or anything like that but for me and the work that I do, I don’t think a lot of regulated mods would survive when I`m out and about.:)
@Blu_Marlin, that is nice. I like your collection a lot.
Hey @Waine

Dont feel bad about saying the Reo is unattractive - you are not the first that has said that
I also think its not the most attractive mod by a long shot.
But the colour schemes and different door options make for a bit of customisation which helps

It may not be the prettiest but it certainly makes up for it (and more) in so many other areas.
Which makes it "beautiful" in a different sense
You're not unpopular with me at all for expressing your opinion... I don't put down folks who just don't get it when it comes to Reos. :lipssealed:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and I currently behold 32 Reos. Their simplicity makes them the brightest stars in my world that always have and always will deliver my perfect vapes reliably. IMO Reos are the quintessential no fuss, no muss KISS mods that will go on trouble free for a lifetime.

A few of the many...

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That blue one on the left in the second last photo looks stunning @Spydro !
Hey @Waine

Dont feel bad about saying the Reo is unattractive - you are not the first that has said that
I also think its not the most attractive mod by a long shot.
But the colour schemes and different door options make for a bit of customisation which helps

It may not be the prettiest but it certainly makes up for it (and more) in so many other areas.
Which makes it "beautiful" in a different sense

My thoughts exactly.

But I do find many Reos here that others own to be gorgeous.
That blue one on the left in the second last photo looks stunning @Spydro !

@Silver, that's Princess Lazuli, the blue anodized OG Mini from the February 2011 run that is still in pristine as new condition despite being owned by 3-4 others before me. The rich blue changes to a wide range of silvery to deeper blue colors when turned to receive light from different angles... she is drop dead gorgeous (and matches my eyes). She runs what AFAIK was the last brand new authentic BF Hornet available for sale in the US (maybe worldwide), or at least the only one I could find from an extensive worldwide search for one. She has the whole package with the matching DT, a matching blue 14500 battery and a perfect fit pristine black leather belt clip holster left over from the c.2009 Janty Stick mod days (that also fits all 5 of my Mini 1.0 Reos). Her only flaw is her small catch cup that was designed for cartos so can only receive very small diameter atty's like the BF Hornet. I have left this Hornet as the MTL tootle-puffer atty it was intended to be rather than drilling it out for my DLH's. That means I have to slip stream the DT to vape her at all, and that practice degrades the flavor. But she was mainly bought to have another rare piece of Reo's history, so I don't mind that I seldom vaped her.

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@Silver, that's Princess Lazuli, the blue anodized OG Mini from the February 2011 run that is still in pristine as new condition despite being owned by 3-4 others before me. The rich blue changes to a wide range of silvery to deeper blue colors when turned to receive light from different angles... she is drop dead gorgeous (and matches my eyes). She runs what ASAIK was the last brand new authentic BF Hornet available for sale in the US (maybe worldwide), or at least the only one I could find from an extensive worldwide search for one. She has the whole package with the matching DT, a matching blue 14500 battery and a perfect fit pristine black leather belt clip holster left over from the c.2009 Janty Stick mod days (that also fits all 5 of my Mini 1.0 Reos). Her only flaw is her small catch cup that was designed for cartos so can only receive very small diameter atty's like the BF Hornet. I have left this Hornet as the MTL tootle-puffer atty it was intended to be rather than drilling it out for my DLH's. That means I have to slip stream the DT to vape her at all, and that practice degrades the flavor. But she was mainly bought to have another rare piece of Reo's history, so I don't mind that I seldom vaped her.

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Beautiful @Spydro
Didn't know it was a mini from the photo - thought it was a grand - lol.
Great piece of Reo history. Love the colour!
@Silver, that's Princess Lazuli, the blue anodized OG Mini from the February 2011 run that is still in pristine as new condition despite being owned by 3-4 others before me. The rich blue changes to a wide range of silvery to deeper blue colors when turned to receive light from different angles... she is drop dead gorgeous (and matches my eyes). She runs what ASAIK was the last brand new authentic BF Hornet available for sale in the US (maybe worldwide), or at least the only one I could find from an extensive worldwide search for one. She has the whole package with the matching DT, a matching blue 14500 battery and a perfect fit pristine black leather belt clip holster left over from the c.2009 Janty Stick mod days (that also fits all 5 of my Mini 1.0 Reos). Her only flaw is her small catch cup that was designed for cartos so can only receive very small diameter atty's like the BF Hornet. I have left this Hornet as the MTL tootle-puffer atty it was intended to be rather than drilling it out for my DLH's. That means I have to slip stream the DT to vape her at all, and that practice degrades the flavor. But she was mainly bought to have another rare piece of Reo's history, so I don't mind that I seldom vaped her.

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@Spydro, where did you get that pouch? I love it.
@Spydro, where did you get that pouch? I love it.

I doubt that you'd ever find a this size Janty Belt Holster anywhere. It came with the OG Mini when I bought it (the purchase price reflected its added value). The original owner of this Reo in 2011 had kept it from when they had had a Janty sometime prior to 2011, eventually tried the OG Mini in it and found that it was a perfect fit. Many Reonuaght's who also had OG's and/or Mini 1.0's from the old Reoville forum tried to find one after seeing these pictures of the combo there, but none ever did that I ever heard about. No idea how many Janty's this size were sold back around 2009, but I was told by someone from that vaping era who used Janty's that the holster was an accessory that didn't come with the Janty and had to be ordered and bought separately. Makes this one quite rare and extra special to me in as new condition when it can also carry any of my 5 Mini 1.0's. I haven't worn belts for many years, but it clips in a shirt pocket just fine for safe carry.
The solid brass Mini 1.0's are beauties in their own right too. I call mine Brickles because it resembles a sparkling brick of gold, and weighs just about as much as one. They are the heaviest Reos ever made despite being the smallest, so are not what I'd call ideal for shirt pocket carry. :shake:

Love your photos and descriptive commentary @Spydro
@Spydro raining in Vegas? That must be an exciting happening in the desert?

Everything on a true desert is all about it's extremes, and the Mojave Desert is not an exception to that. It is the next door neighbor of Death Valley, the most extreme place in the continental US and among the most extreme places worldwide.

On a normal year we get two monsoon seasons per year. How severe our monsoon seasons are varies from year to year same as some of our other extremes (snow in winter is rare but I've seen it 3 times here, up to several inches deep twice where winters are usually very mild shirt sleeve and shorts weather; 120F+ in the shade long sizzling hot summers, the monsoons, the 42 million plus visitors in Vegas per year, etc). One monsoon event might be monster thunderheads and lightning storms that it seems like is dumping half of the Pacific Ocean on us in 15-20 minutes, and up to several times over days/weeks. So flash floods are fairly common here during these events. We call them gully washers for good reason. I have a 50' by 120' deep dry lake bed right out in front about 20' from my front door that can go from bone dry to overflowing within minutes (and be bone dry again within hours). Another event might be rain that drizzles for up to 2-3 days off and on with thunder and lighting, a gully washer or two tossed in for good measure. That's what is happening now. The most spectacular in the 24 plus years I've lived on the Mojave was in July 1999 when what was called a 100 years storm flooded much of the Las Vegas Valley in less than half the day. I lived on the north west side of the valley then in Peccole Ranch, the high ground, and the roads were waist deep ragging rivers that swept cars away and stacked them up against walls/houses by the dozens several deep. 1000's of homes were flooded/some washed away and were destroyed, roads were destroyed, some underpasses were under 30' of water, thousands of trees toppled, the storm drain infrastructure in some areas was completely destroyed, power outages, the whole drill of a natural disaster. Luckily only two people were killed. The lightning storms here are always spectacular, but they come at the cost of endless fires started by them. I remember a couple of years when at night the high Spring Mountains just NNW of Vegas were an eerie silhouette against a bright red smoky haze in the sky from all the fires, and the smoke that blocked out the sun almost turning day into night. It's about extremes here... and you can place a bet on them just like anything and everything else in the Capitol of Sin.
No idea why not... ?
You would end up with a gun to your back pretty damned fast if you were here and got seen at 3am with a car, booze, and a cellphone / camera! The vapes seem to be attracting a bit of attention lately as well :mask:
You would end up with a gun to your back pretty damned fast if you were here and got seen at 3am with a car, booze, and a cellphone / camera! The vapes seem to be attracting a bit of attention lately as well :mask:

Got it. Vegas is like any other big city, has some very real dangers (2, 4 and no legged varities). But for a fairly big city it is actually a very nice place to live. I have always been street wise, very strong with a bull of the woods mentality that has never been afraid of anything in my life. So I consider the wee hours of the night the best time to be out and about in Vegas. In fact when I moved here I had a concealed carry permit and several carry firearms, but never felt to need to carry here (not even when still married with a son). So I let my permit expire. I do live far from the bright lights where the streets are dark, but in what is a good area so to me they are plenty safe enough for me to go out and about alone.