Quick look at the Cthulhu V2

@Redeemer came over today and sorted out the wicking with his fancy butterfly technique - so at least that's sorted now ;-)

Now to give it a proper vape and hopefully get a better impression.

*EDIT* - and I got to try some mystery @Paulie yoghurt… mmm.
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So after a week of using the tank. Do you think its better then a goliath v2 for example? (besides the CQ issues)
First of all QUALITY!!!! UD Goliath v2 is like 10 times better quality in all aspects.

Goliath has strong posts that will last for ever
- easy to install coils
- can insert wick cut and close tank and chain vape at 60watts never a dry hit.
- orings is nice and strong
- glass is thick and strong
- can vape dual or single coils
- get replacement coils
- treads is good and brilliant quality
-easy to turn juice flow control AND THE JUICE FLOW WORKS.

Chuthulu dual coil deck posts wont last
-orings is thin and wont last
-glass is thin
- threads is horrible and WONT LAST.
- have to wick correct or get dry hits.
-dont get replacement coils
-not easy to turn juice flow control AND DONT REALLY WORK IN THIS TANK

End of the day vape quality/flavor on both tanks are exactly the same.

My Ud Goliath v2 is just over three months old and all the threads, orings and screws look like the first day I purchased the tank.

Chuthulu v2 after a day i could have seen the threads shattering.

This all is IMO
Thanks @VapeSnow
This will be my first RTA, so I have nothing to compare it to, besides my subtank nano.
3 being sold secondhand within a week they land in the country isnt very positive. Will see how it goes when I get back home end October.
Hey guys.. Please post some pics of your wicking techniques for this tank.. I seem to be doing something wrong..
Cthulhu RTA V2 Manual
  • Build Deck Access

To access the deck, turn the bottom section anti-clockwise.


  • Refilling
To refill, turn the top cap counter-clockwise. Please refer below video.

  • Inner Wick Ring
The ring (below picture) can help to secure the wick in place. It can be removed if you do not wish to use it.


  • Juice Flow Control

  • How To Change The Deck(install the Juice flow control ring)

  • How to install the deck parts

source: http://www.cthulhumod.com/cthulhu-rta-v2-manual/
Hey guys.. Please post some pics of your wicking techniques for this tank.. I seem to be doing something wrong..
I have only done the single coil RBA so far. Using Rayon and the 2 cut wicking method. Seems to be wicking fine. After doing the cuts I wet the wick and paste the thin ends into the channels. Then screw on the wick ring. Some pics below. Unfortunately the only ones I took. Further down a video showing in better detail how to do the 2 cut method (check from around 8 minutes). Also works well with dual coils and with cotton.


Well, finally got mine during the week thanx to @BigGuy and @Sir Vape
I seemed to have lucked out, getting one with absolutely no issues.
Decided to try out a new build given the large deck, went with 24G VapoWire Kanthal.
First did a 8 wraps spaced around 2.5mm ID giving 0.32 Ohms. Wicked without the wick ring, and it vaped great. Massive clouds, no dry hit in sight even up to 60w... But wasnt my ideal build.
Redid doing 6 wraps spaced around 2.5mm ID giving 0.22 Ohms. Still hitting up to 60w the flavor was there, and the tv disappeared behind a misty haze.
Disassembled, and let it lie in a glass of boiling hot water, and let it soak over night..
Rewicked with wick ring in place, adapting a different way of my tried and trusted technique, and all worked out just fine. Can go low or high watts, which changes how the juice's profile comes through, and how big the clouds get.
So far, well, its not Goblin Mini class of flavor, but it is very easy to build, wicks effectively using VG75/25PG while chain vaping, and all seems to work as they should. Juice controll seems to work, but I just keep it fully open, dont see the point in throttling it.
Only thing with chain vaping 24G is that the atty gets hot to the point where the drip tip is too hot to keep on vaping.
Will report back in a week or two of use, to see if the reported shady QC makes it fail from use.
@Redeemer would you mind awfully to share some photos/guidelines on how you wick the V2?
Well, finally got mine during the week thanx to @BigGuy and @Sir Vape
I seemed to have lucked out, getting one with absolutely no issues.
Decided to try out a new build given the large deck, went with 24G VapoWire Kanthal.
First did a 8 wraps spaced around 2.5mm ID giving 0.32 Ohms. Wicked without the wick ring, and it vaped great. Massive clouds, no dry hit in sight even up to 60w... But wasnt my ideal build.
Redid doing 6 wraps spaced around 2.5mm ID giving 0.22 Ohms. Still hitting up to 60w the flavor was there, and the tv disappeared behind a misty haze.
Disassembled, and let it lie in a glass of boiling hot water, and let it soak over night..
Rewicked with wick ring in place, adapting a different way of my tried and trusted technique, and all worked out just fine. Can go low or high watts, which changes how the juice's profile comes through, and how big the clouds get.
So far, well, its not Goblin Mini class of flavor, but it is very easy to build, wicks effectively using VG75/25PG while chain vaping, and all seems to work as they should. Juice controll seems to work, but I just keep it fully open, dont see the point in throttling it.
Only thing with chain vaping 24G is that the atty gets hot to the point where the drip tip is too hot to keep on vaping.
Will report back in a week or two of use, to see if the reported shady QC makes it fail from use.
Thanks, very useful. Have you tried the Goliath V2? If so, how does it compare to the Cthulhu V2 for you?
Here is the clearest pic I have, I perform the exact same technique to all my RTA builds, and works every time.

Above is a Goblin Mini build.
I start by cutting the wick to suit the ID of the coil. Wick ends extend enough to reach right down the juice channels. Wet them with juice till they are saturated and can be moulded. Then I use a needle, and brush the wick ends in half, half going down the juice channel, rest brushed towards the coil, making a Bow Tie looking wick. The portion going down the juice channel depends on its groove depth, it should be just enough to loosely fill it, and the rest brushed upwards, some cut the excess, but I keep it to saturate and keep feeding the wick inside the coil.

Hope that explains it?
I will try do a complete build some time with pics, to be used on RTA's in general, not just aimed at one specific.

So far it works for my Goliath V1 and V2, Goblin V1.2 and Mini, Zephyrus, Billow V1 and V2, Lemo 1 and 2, etc....
Thanks, very useful. Have you tried the Goliath V2? If so, how does it compare to the Cthulhu V2 for you?
I still don't like the Goliath V2 as much as my V1... The juice controll worked best on V1. But flavor in any of the Goliaths, actually all of the Youde tanks I have, seems superior.
But with tinkering, and the huge deck to play on, the Cthulhu will find its niche in my collection of tanks.
Thanx for stirring up the OCD in me, ofcourse a generic pic wont do! :D

Here is a pictorial of a build I just rewicked to get pics. And yes, the Tab 521 vapes like a charm :-D

Build specs:
6 wraps spaced (paracoil method)
2.5mm ID
0.24 Ohms

Vape On :rock:
Rewicked the Cthulhu V2 and Goblin mini to do a little side by side flavour test. Used Master Yogi from Plume Station to test as I know the juice quite well. Unfortunately my builds weren't quite the same, still getting used to the deck on the Cthulhu V2.

First thing I noticed is that I couldn't taste the fresh cotton on the Cthulhu V2. I won't say the flavour is muted but rather different I get more creamy and savory notes from this juice while on the Goblin mini I get more tangyness from the yoghurt and the strawberry flavour comes through more.

All in all the Goblin mini still holds its spot as a flavour RTA but that bottom full screw kills my soul as I have almost lost it countless times. The top fill on the Cthulhu V2 is very convenient.



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So, I finally got my hands on my Cthulhu V2 today. Looks like I got a good one. No real quality issues.
Second attempt at wicking the pre rolled coils included in the package, and I have no leaks, even after a refill, no dry hits. Just a smooth, very surprising vape. Flavour is excellent (considering this my first RTA, coming off subtank nano) and clouds like I've never seen before.

After a few hours, I'm happy.
Had mine for a few days it did arrive with a few burrs like around the airholes on the deck. Took a minute to remove with needle point file.

This tank is incredible I just cannot make it leak. 3mm coils are tight but do fit. Airflow is insane and sometimes it feels like I'm getting too much flavour. First tank I've used capable of 65w chain vaping.

It is very well built, top filling is a joy and juice flow control works well I use it as a on/off switch. If I'm leaving the mod in the car I turn juice flow off as the heat and pressure change will cause vacuum loss.

I tried a Bellus and the airflow is not as hefty though flavour is equal.

I think this tank is as it's name suggests an absolute vaping monster!.

Now to try out the single coil deck.
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Been experimenting with the single coil deck First tried a 22G 2.5mm coil, it was great at first then after a day dry hits started after a few drags. Turns out the wicking had burnt through in the centre. Would making the coil I/D bigger help this?

Then I made a 24g spaced coil, works ok, flavour very average.

Both done with Scottish wicking method and little "tails" running down the juice wells with the rest of the cotton stuck in on top.

Has anyone played with the single deck and has some tips or recommendations as to what will make it shine??

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