Song Of The Day

Always thought this was an AC/Dc song... Not sure who did the original.

Would love to hear a duet with her and Bruce Dickinson...

Speaking of great covers...this kicks ass compared to the original Prince version

So this song came out about 2-3 months ago:

It already has over 165 Million views on You Tube!
I have a soft spot for female vocals, but I can't get through the song, for me personally the song is very "Whiney".

But luckily to my rescue came Ali Spagnola. Ali is a You Tuber that takes songs and redoes them in another Artist's style from the original. She is very quirky and very "all over the place". She decided to redo 'Drivers License' in the style of Blink 182, and collaborated with another You Tuber, Alex Melton, and the end result is a song I'll gladly listen to!
This one needs some volume or at least a decent set of headphones
