"vaping will always be better than smoking" - Has there been 50 years of vaping evidence, at least to determine the real long term effects? Or are you following what every vape buddy keeps shoving down your mouth? Sure, for now it is better than smoking (for me), but please don't let your ignorance lend you towards the opinion that you have seen the future...
If vaping is indeed better than smoking, you do acknowledge that not vaping or not smoking is the best (you said better than, so you have already accepted this opinion) - I'm a pretty good friend, and don't encourage "clean" friends to get into vaping... Nicotine or not, the air we breathe, is the healthier/smarter choice.
I got into vaping to quit smoking, and that worked fantastically - but I would be a lot happier if I had not started smoking because then I wouldn't vape... Not this cloud chucking, trickster hipster HYPE.
Like honestly, a bowl of F*cking fruitloops tastes like exactly what fruitloops taste like.
Dude, theres no use... you will have better luck having this conversation with an overly weathered rock.
Some people should just lick their fingers from time to time and taste the k@k they type.