Vape King - Retailer Reviews

@n0ugh7_zw this is the head branch they are talking about if the head branch cant even get there stuff sorted how is it going to sort out the sub branches
It is sad, Because I still stand by Mike at the Kempton Park Branch. Excellent, excellent service.

Maybe VK, should institute something a long the lines of a points system? Each time theres one of these big complaints, branch looses a point, lose 10 points, and franchise is then lost?

Hell maybe points can work the other way around too, so that branches that are making their clients happy, can get a little more investment in them (wider range of stock, etc...) or something like that.

Only one problem Greg, its the Head-Quarters that's making people turn away from VK. If they close, the entire franchise closes with them.
Just about EVERY franchise re-seller of theirs runs their business with a passion for it (Can only vouch for the ones I have been at or heard of, the rest I cant speak for)
It is also up to every shop keeper as to what they stock, or can afford to stock. They buy from HQ and resell, so obviously cant stock EVERY single thing HQ has out of their own pocket, and end up sitting with dead stock and no profits.

And to what @rvdwesth said, I can concur. Last time I got to take a VK brand Cheesecake juice from the branch I bought from, as a thank you for all the money I've spent there already. Nice gesture. But the worst night in a LONG time. I could not sleep, I could hardly go to work the next day. Binned the juice, and by the following evening everything returned to normal, after I thought I hit the flu of my life, turns out I was vaping some kind of virus....
From half full e liquids to bad customer service, I bought a 30ml King Royal Kings Creme about a week ago, got home and realized the bottle was only half full, sent Vape King an email and to no surprise my complaints were ignored. I left the situation as is, due to no response from their side. A few weeks before this I bought myself the ego one XL from the same retail shop @Fourways, I told the lady behind the counter that I am new and do not know have a lot of knowledge about these "devices" she was happy to take the money and there was no introduction on how this device works, I stood infront of the counter only to be ignored while she walked to the storeroom and ignored my requests. Like before I left the situation as is for I am not one to start a fight. Today I went back to exchange the ego one due to faulty battery... Arrived waited in line.. and waited ... and waited.. 15min in the lady with blonde hair realized I was getting ticked off for they were chatting behind the counter, not giving any notice to the customers. I spoke to her, and asked if I can get refunded or the money be changed to points, (not asking a client "can I help you") with just a simple "yes" from her side it was clearly effort to help a loyal customer. The lady with blonde hair at Vape King Fourways, You should not be allowed to deal with clients. You have a bad attitude! and no manners at all. Sorry Vape King, but you lost a potential customer. Will not be spending any money at this place again.

Hi @Leandro

I just got back from leave and saw your message this moment, please advise which email address you sent the email to so I can check and see why you never got a response. Please note that the King Royale bottles are sold as 30ml's although the bottles are larger than 30ml's so when they are filled they are measured to exactly 30ml's, this is the only liquid I could possibly think that you would have gotten which may have seemed like it was half full, if it was a different liquid please send me a PM here and I will sort it out for you accordingly. I would also like to offer you a replacement juice in any case for no matter which liquid it is.

Please note we were understaffed while myself and Gizmo were away and I do apologize if you got ignored, I have warned the staff which were here this morning (All of them) and I trust that it will not happen again, I do understand that we were busy and that they were trying their best to deal with all customers in a timely fashion however, I know when I got here there were at least 8 cars parked outside and I can see by the amount of transactions which have gone through that it has indeed been very busy, although I know this is no excuse. Please send me a PM regarding the juice and any other problems which you experienced and I will be happy to sort them out for you.
especially no VK Juice --> not sure whats in it but it had me and HRH at a doctor because it made us so sick.
In fact my brother in law bought a bottle last week and he had exactly the same result, no proof or science just the fact that it happens while vaping on the juice and when one switch brands the symptoms goes away after a day...

And to what @rvdwesth said, I can concur. Last time I got to take a VK brand Cheesecake juice from the branch I bought from, as a thank you for all the money I've spent there already. Nice gesture. But the worst night in a LONG time. I could not sleep, I could hardly go to work the next day. Binned the juice, and by the following evening everything returned to normal, after I thought I hit the flu of my life, turns out I was vaping some kind of virus....

I apologize for this, please let me know exactly which liquids made you ill @rvdwesth, we sell over 2000 bottles of VK liquids a month and have had a few complaints on taste but no complaints up until this point on flavors making people ill. I myself vape our juices exclusively and have never had a problem, our ingredients are listed on the bottles and we use mainly international concentrates, and base ingredients. I am not sure why it would make you ill.

@Redeemer Cheesecake is one of our most popular flavours, please PM me with the branch which you received it from and I will look into it for you.

Again I apologize for the bad experiences guys. Please PM me with your details and I will sort out all the issues accordingly.
If you end up being served by the blonde or the old hairy guy you're in for some very poor service, so bad you wont go back there again.
Wait for the brunette, shes quite good and willing to help.

I went there with the intention of buying quite a bit of stuff, around R3000 worth, ended up walking out with a R400 purchase and a sad story.

I hope other vape stores open up in the Fourways area.

Hi @JK

Please advise which old hairy guy you are referring to? Have you dealt with him on a Saturday? I apologize that the service that you have received from them is sub-par and after today I can guarantee that noone will give you bad service again (getting back from a nice holiday to a ton of complaints makes for a very shouty Stroodlepuff) Please PM me your complaints and I will sort it out for you
I found that dealing with @Stroodlepuff was always a great experience. I learned to build my first coil from her. She is always accommodating and she knows her stuff. Perhaps when the store gets a lot of customers there may be a lack of attention due to the fact that a lot of new customers have a lot of questions to ask.

Thank you for the kind words
Here I recount the sad tale of my one and only experience with VK fourways.
I was quite excited to visit, as many of us are, being quite passionate about vaping, and I like B&M stores.
Arrived and there was the infamous wait at the gate, not too bad.. so far so good.

Up the stairs and into the shop and I was hit by an instant wave of bad vibes, my stomach sank, nevertheless I pressed on into the fray.
Walked up to the counter where bosslady was sitting vaping and seemingly doing not much else except ignoring me.
I got the impression that I was unwelcome, or at the least, an annoyance.

Answering questions seemed ever so tiresome for the bosslady, who had her eyes fixed on her vape, movement seem to come at a great effort as well.

I asked if there were any juice samples, and bosslady, with some effort, raised a hand and gestured towards the test rack, there were no drip tips for the drippers and sensing that asking for one would create further tension, I let it be, opting to sample some of the flavours that had drip tips equipped - only to have my first taste be of burning cotton.

That was enough for me as far as tasting goes. I had come ready to purchase juices, atties, mods, you name it. I was in consumer mode! Ready to spend! In a reckless state of un-thriftyness!

But the sour atmosphere and rather grimy feel of the place was enough to dampen my spirits, left with a roll of kanthal (grudgingly purchased at this point - but much needed)

After leaving - I got stuck at the gate (no-one buzzed me out) - I had seen this happen to another customer while I was in the shop so I KNEW it was going to happen when I tried to leave. Of course it happened and I had to walk back and ask to be let out.

I left, feeling really bad, as if I had soaked up the negativity of the place, confused. Did I smell bad? Was it something I did?
Judging a place on "vibe" may be somewhat unfair, as one persons bad vibe may be another person's "chillaxed ambience"
After chatting to a couple of buddies who verified my experience with their own I feel more clear about the situation now.

Having just a few days before visited Kieran at Vape Cartel, the difference in attitude was all the more striking.
Also after having had interaction with sirvape, skyblue, atomixx, and various other vendors (trying them all!) - I feel that VK is the odd one out in terms of attitude.

And thus ends the recounting of my first and last visit to VK.

Hi @method1

I apologize that you had a bad experience, I know which drippers you are talking about and that was the first testers we had for the King Royale Range, unfortunately the Doge's which is what we were using initially after the launch whilst waiting for stock do not fit our drip tip covers however the testers have since been changed when we got stock.

I apologize if I seemed blase' and uninterested (I am assuming you are referring to me here), there is no excuse for this. Please PM me your details and I will happily assist to ensure that your experience is better.
I have only ordered some sample packs from VK with great service, I have not gone in any VK B&M stores (I'm in Cape Town) and if the service is going to be like this, would rather not want a store in Cape Town.
Because of some of these reviews, I took several months before purchssing anything from VK. I have made two or three online purchases, and I can honestly say we can do far worse than VK. As a matter of facts, I'm contemplating placing an order tonight
@Gambit to each their own I guess. I have had several orders mucked up by some vendors, have paid shipping fees on orders that were so supposed to be free (was never notified by the vendor that my order had gone over their free-shipping threshold or been offered a credit) and some even never bothered to reply to questions on the forum or via email. I think the fact that VK hosts this wonderful forum for us, and the service I have received from them so far, warrants a good word for them. That being said, opinions are formed rather quickly, and for that very reason there is a certain vendor who's juce I will never even sample for his blatant verbal attack on a noob recently, so I guess it's just a question of who the offender is sometimes. I have seen reviews on here far more deserved by others. End of rant. :)
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@Gambit to each their own I guess. I have had several orders mucked up by some vendors, have paid shipping fees on orders that were so supposed to be free (was never notified by the vendor that my order had gone over their free-shipping threshold or been offered a credit) and some even never bothered to reply to questions on the forum or via email. I think the fact that VK hosts this wonderful forum for us, and the service I have received from them so far, warrants a good word for them. That being said, opinions are formed rather quickly, and for that very reason there is a certain vendor who's juce I will never even sample for his blatant verbal attack on a noob recently, so I guess it's just a question of who the offender is sometimes. I have seen reviews on here far more deserved by others. End of rant. :)
Viper you said it yourself, you've had bad service from some, are offended by others & because of that you are put off by them and will not support them. That is exactly what these customers have experienced from VK. We as customers still have the freedom to spend our hard earned money where we feel most comfortable and appreciated. With regards to this complaint - I saw the typical response - try buy their goodwill and try make the problem disappear. Geez I get offended when a vendor spins that one on me. I'm not after freebees, I don't expect freebees - the only deal I want is a fair deal, coupled with good service and recognition for spending - a simple thank you is more than sufficient. If you feel they deserve your money and support, that's your right. If I feel another vendor is worthy of my money, that's my right and until law states otherwise, so it will be. I recall a thread a few weeks back in which you ranted and raved about bad service - people let you rant because that was your right. Another thing, this forum is a communication tool and things move here, instant and members share their experiences & ideas and reviews such as this are bound to come to light, the vaping community is a close one and if you wish to trade within the community you'd better have your act together & deliver on your promises. Rant Over.:-@
Went back to Vape King this morning regarding the past few days incidents, was welcomed in a friendly matter and issues were resolved. Thanks for helping out @Stroodlepuff and thanks for the "on the house" King Royal juices. Thumbs up!
jeez there are a lot of complaints on here. it almost feels like after the 1st one got out, it was a snow ball effect.
I personally never had bad service from VK. also i would not really call myself a loyal customer to VK, as i get my juice from another vendor, but that is simply because this vendor managed to make juices that fit my palette to a Tee!
Dont get me wrong, the VK juices and now the ROYAL range are great, but taste is subjective, and the other vendor's juice is nicer for me, even while others say that vendors juice tastes like pee lol, hmm maybe i should try and vape my socks with pee... but i digress.
when i was still buying mods ect (before i had my REO) from VK their service was great, even ordering online was painless, and i read the Ts & Cs of Free delivery or next day delivery. we need to remember that these guys make use of a courier service.

to wrap it up, all of us are entitled to our own opinion and i am of the opinion that VK is a good vendor and we should be proud to have them!
Hi @method1

I apologize that you had a bad experience, I know which drippers you are talking about and that was the first testers we had for the King Royale Range, unfortunately the Doge's which is what we were using initially after the launch whilst waiting for stock do not fit our drip tip covers however the testers have since been changed when we got stock.

I apologize if I seemed blase' and uninterested (I am assuming you are referring to me here), there is no excuse for this. Please PM me your details and I will happily assist to ensure that your experience is better.

Thanks - might visit again sometime.
@Gambit to each their own I guess. I have had several orders mucked up by some vendors, have paid shipping fees on orders that were so supposed to be free (was never notified by the vendor that my order had gone over their free-shipping threshold or been offered a credit) and some even never bothered to reply to questions on the forum or via email. I think the fact that VK hosts this wonderful forum for us, and the service I have received from them so far, warrants a good word for them. That being said, opinions are formed rather quickly, and for that very reason there is a certain vendor who's juce I will never even sample for his blatant verbal attack on a noob recently, so I guess it's just a question of who the offender is sometimes. I have seen reviews on here far more deserved by others. End of rant. :)
Who's this vendor :CROSSCROSS:
4 Reasons Why Your Vape Shop is Failing

Why Is My Vape Shop Failing?
Your vape shop might be suffering from a lack of sales for many reasons. If you are marketing your business correctly, have a good online presence, and carry a decent range of products chances are your vape business is failing due to the way that you run your store.
Here are 4 of the most common mistakes that e-cigarette store owners make…
1. Your Employees Look Like This:


In many cases vape shops employ people under 25 years old. The employee’s role at the shop is not really a “career” but a job to hold them over until they finish college, get a better job, or make some other type of change. Because these younger employees do not have much professional development, they might not have the best customer service skills. While we should never judge people based on their appearance, some people do. You can change this stereotype by making sure you hire people who are intelligent and can understand that repeating the word “bro” to a potential customer will probably cost you the sale, and the repeat business. Unless of course the customer is also a “bro” in which case the two bros will “bro out”.

2. You Can’t See Through the Clouds
Many shops I have been in are cloudy with vapor. While you and I may not care about this many people will. Especially a new customer walking in your store to buy their first e-cigarette. Being uneducated about what is actually contained in the vapor they may feel as though their health is at risk. We suggest having some sort of ventilation system or at the very least have numerous fans (box fans) circulating the air around. Being a new vaper walking into a cloudy vape shop can be intimidating. Also, on a personal note, my wife will not accompany me into many vape shops for this reason.

3. Your Employees Only Try to Sell Cloud Chasing Devices
If your employees are so immersed in the cloud chasing world that they try to sell every person who walks through the door a sub ohm setup then you have a problem. Not every new vaper desires to chase clouds. In fact, most newbies don’t even know what “cloud chasing” means let alone possess the desire and knowledge to jump right in to sub ohm building. By selling new users devices that they are not qualified to use, you are not only doing them a disservice but also putting them in harms way. Properly training your staff to identify which devices would best suit certain customers will go a long way to growing your vape business.

4. Your Pricing is Outrageous
Being a local business, you can’t offer vape products as cheap as the online only retailers can. People who visit local stores expect to pay a little more but they shop with you for convenience, support, and personal interaction. If you are making your own juice in-house and marketing it as a premium brand selling for $12.99/15ML then you are screwing up. Your house e-liquid is not a premium brand (unless you are selling it nationally and the market has shown that people will pay a premium price for it). How can you expect people to buy from you if they can buy the same product online for less than half the price. I understand that you have to make money but price gouging will put you out of business very quickly.

Just something to read :)
The thing about safety is close to my heart. For example.
At vape King park wood a man came in to get some batteries for his subox mini. The batteries he chose were the lg 10 amp hi capacity 18650s (he was getting it for a noob friend who I'm guessing just wanted hi capacity) at this point the person at the counter made no effort to explain the science of battery safety and as such I decided to step in. All in all the man left with some efests (35 amps (or so they say ;) ))
And I was happy. At the time I didn't think much of it but can you imagine a noob Vaper with a mod that blows up in his hand. The anti-e-cigs would have a field day. And what about the poor chaps hands and no longer smoke free lungs.
Just something to think about. ;)
I apologize for this, please let me know exactly which liquids made you ill @rvdwesth, we sell over 2000 bottles of VK liquids a month and have had a few complaints on taste but no complaints up until this point on flavors making people ill. I myself vape our juices exclusively and have never had a problem, our ingredients are listed on the bottles and we use mainly international concentrates, and base ingredients. I am not sure why it would make you ill.

@Redeemer Cheesecake is one of our most popular flavours, please PM me with the branch which you received it from and I will look into it for you.

Again I apologize for the bad experiences guys. Please PM me with your details and I will sort out all the issues accordingly.
Every one I've tried so far, including those in the Samplebox
Well, I have had mixed responses from the various VK branches..
First one I phoned up was the one in Parkview area, asked if they had the SubTank mini in stock, and got a swift 'no' and then nothing, not when stock may be in again, just a kind of 'will that be all'
Wanted to support them since they are on my way home...
Next up VK Northcliff.. Luke, what a bloke! Very friendly, helpful, and will get whatever I need with his next order for me, checking if HQ has stock for him.
I agree, the VK juices dont rock my world, a bit harsh tasting, can't quite put my finger on what could improve it for my palet...
All the other juice ranges? So far all winners! Thus all my empty bottles.
With Luke's service, I always seem to walk out with more than intended!
With my last visit there, the shop was packed, so I got to listen in on his current sale. The guy buying was a nood, and his mom the one paying. He decided on a SubTank mini (if I remember correctly) but was all starry eyed with the mods to choose from. Luke suggested an iStick 50W which would suit all his needs (heck, I love my iStick, so sound advice!
But the oke tried to justify getting a Smok M80 +, revving up his mom's bill just for what he thought would be better, as a first buy. Luke admitted he could be a salesman and sell a more expensive mod, but still the iStick would be better to start on. The mom agreed, and the sale was made. Unfortunately the last iStick 50W in stock, which I wanted too, but oh well, got one the following week.
Luke is also very patient with me bombarding him on WhatsApp regarding what I want to get, and as long as I ask before he goes to pick up his stock from HQ, and they have stock, i'll have it asap.
Went to VK HQ once....
Luckily there was a couple in front of me at the gate, so I could just follow them around the side and find the shop :-D
I wouldn't say I felt uncomfortable, just a tad out of my depth, not knowing their juices, and didn't really know what to get. It's probably just me, but the testers weren't easy to navigate solo with no guidance from someone, so just chose juices based on what was said was in them, luckily plaid out ok, but wont buy them again though, very strong chemical odour/ taste.
Got some decent help in getting an omnitester, ceramic tweezers, and a Kuru Concepts coiler (advised by the lady as being better than the VK one, and yes, it works like a charm)
Didn't know much about the imported juices, and wasn't advised on any of them after saying what kind of vape I'm looking for, so decided to call it a sale on what I've selected so far, including batteries and a Nitecor D4 charger.
Didn't bother with points, as I had already decided VK Northcliff would be my go-to shop.
Overall a good experience, but as stated by others, the vendors selling on their behalf seem to put in a little extra to get return clientele.
Next time I visit my parents I will be escourting them to the Centurion branch, as that's 16km from them, and hopefully open a door for them to go do all their top up purchases as they use up the starter coils and juices I got them at VK Northcliff.
I prefer to walk into a shop and buy in person, and for that VK meets my demand.

Thanks For the king words and sorry for the late response, I only just saw this review now!

Always happy and ready to help, even on Whatsapp :p
Never expected so many bad experiences from other vapers guess im not alone.

I agree with the rest, Fourways branch isn't quite the best and not very helpful. I've only ever been there 3 times once when Vape king just started and they had their little testers in ego CE4's on a wall as you walk in and twice thereafter once re-vamped. initially they were very helpful explaining each device and wattage but now its all about just giving you what you ask for no recommendations. I too like @method1 had to wait and walk back twice to the shop to have the gate opened.

Luke from Northcliff has managed to restore my faith in Vapeking to a certain extent by always getting what I want when I want it and recommends different products.
Never expected so many bad experiences from other vapers guess im not alone.

I agree with the rest, Fourways branch isn't quite the best and not very helpful. I've only ever been there 3 times once when Vape king just started and they had their little testers in ego CE4's on a wall as you walk in and twice thereafter once re-vamped. initially they were very helpful explaining each device and wattage but now its all about just giving you what you ask for no recommendations. I too like @method1 had to wait and walk back twice to the shop to have the gate opened.

Luke from Northcliff has managed to restore my faith in Vapeking to a certain extent by always getting what I want when I want it and recommends different products.
I have to concur, Luke at the Northcliff branch is fantastic and clearly understands how to treat customers well.
I guess each of us have our own experiences.
In my case I can only say that every time I have been to them I have been welcomed with a friendly greeting, professional advice and a great service.
I even went to them for a wicking lesson and they assisted me with a smile.
So guys you get my vote
Excellent service from Vape King today. Popped in at 12:00 and they were quite busy. Everybody was friendly and super helpful. Walked out with some of their excellent King Royale juice and a new atty. Happy!