Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

me and the wife are now both a bit over {one year and}a week!!! Thank you community for helping us, wish I knew then what I do now, would have had an awesome vape from the start, hehe... spending a couple of grand to get to a sweet spot is kinda crap.. so I try to advise all the newbies that I convert to go for the good stuff :) keep everyone happy :)

Latest convert is my mother in law that was introduced to a mvp 2.0 and nautilus mini that I procured from @PeterHarris
Awesome stuff. Congrats to you both.
Awesome milestone @Genosmate - congrats! Two years is a long time. Im sure your lungs are thanking you

And @PeterHarris - well done on the 1 year! Great stuff! And wishing you well for the planning for Ireland ;-)
Two months and quite a bit more more cash spent than anticipated, but still stinkie free :D I find myself stepping around the corner to vape at work to get away from the smell of the smokers more and more, lol. Yesterday I sat at the smoking area talking shit for more than 3 hours with none of my gear with me, didn't even bother me at all that I didn't vape while there. Would be great if vaping could become a "I want to vape now to relax" rather than a "I have to vape now because I have a craving" more permanently. Thanks for all the support and advice from the wonderful people on here.
Well done. Like @Silver said, it's downhill from here both for the cravings and your bank balance

Sent while vaping on Okkum my Smok M80
Two months and quite a bit more more cash spent than anticipated, but still stinkie free :D I find myself stepping around the corner to vape at work to get away from the smell of the smokers more and more, lol. Yesterday I sat at the smoking area talking shit for more than 3 hours with none of my gear with me, didn't even bother me at all that I didn't vape while there. Would be great if vaping could become a "I want to vape now to relax" rather than a "I have to vape now because I have a craving" more permanently. Thanks for all the support and advice from the wonderful people on here.
Congrats, you have done the hard yards and some.
Two months and quite a bit more more cash spent than anticipated, but still stinkie free :D I find myself stepping around the corner to vape at work to get away from the smell of the smokers more and more, lol. Yesterday I sat at the smoking area talking shit for more than 3 hours with none of my gear with me, didn't even bother me at all that I didn't vape while there. Would be great if vaping could become a "I want to vape now to relax" rather than a "I have to vape now because I have a craving" more permanently. Thanks for all the support and advice from the wonderful people on here.

Well done @Viper_SA
Keep it up! You are doing so well!
I was looking to change up my signature and lo and behold, I see that i am officially 1 Year and 1 Day stinkie free :D :rock:
I was looking to change up my signature and lo and behold, I see that i am officially 1 Year and 1 Day stinkie free :D :rock:
What a milestone! A huge congrats. Feels like just the other day that we met here.