Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Hi Everyone

I just joined this forum and I must say I am impressed. I just wish I could have discovered it sooner. But never the less, I have been vaping now for over 2 years and haven't looked back to another cigi since as I am enjoying the vaping experience so much more.:-D

Welcome and congrats @DJC
Mighty fine achievement
Enjoy the forum
I believe about 9 months or so :) Had a few when out with friends and all batteries are finished but yuck would never turn back. :p Get that horrible chemical taste on my tongue from stinkies o_O How on earth did I start smoking that.

Congrats @korn1
And I agree 100% with your comments
Nine months today.

And still going strong.

Sent while vaping on Okkum my Smok M80
Thanks Guys. @free3dom congrats vage buddy, who cares what that counter says

Sent while vaping on Okkum my Smok M80
Congrats vaping twins @Raslin and @free3dom
Great achievement even though you are going strong and enjoying it now!
Great stuff anyway!
I see that it's now 2 years since I smoked a stinkie and the journey started.
I see that it's now 2 years since I smoked a stinkie and the journey started.
Great stuff. Congrats on the huge milestone. Has been a great pleasure to keep you company on part of your journey.
I may be odd,but i havent checked my "vaping for" stats for ages.maybe once a month when someone tells me " ah ja hey,those things don't work"

10 months stinky free yet buy a pack every day...eish.wish the wife would convert already
I may be odd,but i havent checked my "vaping for" stats for ages.maybe once a month when someone tells me " ah ja hey,those things don't work"

10 months stinky free yet buy a pack every day...eish.wish the wife would convert already
Congrats. Have patience with HRH - took mine exactly one year to convert.
I see that it's now 2 years since I smoked a stinkie and the journey started.

Congratulations, unfortunately there is no award for has beens :p, but I'll try with: "Your world has been adjusted for the good"

I may be odd,but i havent checked my "vaping for" stats for ages.maybe once a month when someone tells me " ah ja hey,those things don't work"

10 months stinky free yet buy a pack every day...eish.wish the wife would convert already

Congratulations, you passed 9 months!

9 Months.png
me and the wife are now both a bit over week!!! Thank you community for helping us, wish I knew then what I do now, would have had an awesome vape from the start, hehe... spending a couple of grand to get to a sweet spot is kinda crap.. so I try to advise all the newbies that I convert to go for the good stuff :) keep everyone happy :)

Latest convert is my mother in law that was introduced to a mvp 2.0 and nautilus mini that I procured from @PeterHarris
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