Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Winter is a good push to quite hey. Lots of 1 year vaping around this time.

The thought of smoking outside in -1 degree :O:confused:
Today marks one year that I quit cigarettes and made the fulltime switch to vaping. I can breathe again, I haven't seen my doctor for chest infections and haven't caught a cold or flu once. As a 2 pack a day smoker I never believed it would have been possible to quit but thanks to vaping, I have :rock:
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MUCH CONGRATULATIONS Franky, I will get there, must be a great feeling to have reached this milestone in your life. I see that you also have excellent taste, Five Pawns Grandmaster is my top juice, really love this blend and taste. What more can you want, vaping "tools" and a pc, go great together....again...Congrats man!!!
Congrats @Franky.
Awesome achievement and really is a milestone.
Very well done mate
Congrats @nemo :party::party:

That first month is by far the worst, glad to see you've made it through - now you can really start to enjoy vaping for vaping, not as a way to quit smoking :)