Vapour Mountain - Juice Reviews

Great review as always @Silver. Unflavored is in my opinion a nice test e-juice to differentiate between various wicking materials. The peppery taste I guess is due to the nicotine content, on lower nicotine concentrations (<12mg or 1.2%) I can't taste any pepper.
Thanks @johan

I would like to also test unflavoured at say 9mg in a lung hit device.
And you are right about testing the difference in the taste of the wick materials. Rayon vs cotton on this juice are very different.
Hi all

This is a review I have been looking very forward to doing. I have always wanted to vape unflavoured, but just never got round to it.

So I ordered a bottle of "Clean Cut" from @Oupa at Vapour Mountain some time ago in 18mg strength. It cost me R100 for 30ml. Not sure of the exact PG/VG ratio, but it's probably either 50/50 or 60/40 in line with VM's other juices.

I've been vaping it for the past 10 days in two devices - the Reo/RM2 and the Nautilus Mini.

Vapour Mountain - CLEAN CUT (18mg) (UNFLAVOURED)

Bottom line - mild pleasant sweetness with a slight peppery taste. It grew on me over time and I quite like it. It tastes better than I thought it would. Nice for in-between other juices but a bit boring for me to vape on an ongoing basis. I would re-order but probably will have a go at mixing my own.

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It is a clear liquid and has no smell.

I get a mild sweet taste and a bit of a peppery tingle. The sweetness is light and doesn't taste like the sweetness from a fruit or a food. Just a mild sweetness - perhaps like water with a bit of sugar in it. This is apparently the sweetness from the VG in the juice. The pepper is quite subtle. Not in your face. It's in the background and makes the back of your mouth and throat slightly "tingly". That's supposedly the nicotine, which has the subtle peppery taste. Overall, its soft and mildly flavoured. Not much taste. Just slight.

This was a very interesting experience for me. Initially I did not enjoy the taste much. It was perhaps a bit dusty. Reminded me a bit of the tones I got from some of the Synfonya juices many moons ago. But that went away after a while and it did grow on me. I enjoyed its subtlety and mildness a bit more over time.

It's a slightly sweet vape and of medium dryness. I find it on the warmish side.

It has medium to good throat hit. I would say on par with other 18mg juices. I found it quite satisfying when in need of a vape. It does the job.

It has a soft texture. I found it neither too bold or too mellow - somewhere in-between. It easily has all day vape potential because the flavour is so mild. I just found that after a while it gets a bit boring. I could not easily vape this exclusively since I found myself missing and craving my other flavours. But having it on tap for a regular toot was nice.

I found vapour production to be good. On par with other juices. This juice also vaporised well and I had no troubles in the Reo/RM2 or the Nautilus Mini.

I found the aftertaste to be a bit weird. It leaves my mouth quite dry and with traces of that pepper taste, which lasts for quite a while. Slightly unpleasant. Made me thirsty.

In the Reo/RM2 I had a fairly tame 1 ohm setup and tried organic cotton and Rayon wicks. Most interesting since I guess one can really "taste the wicks" best with unflavoured juice. Without a doubt, I preferred the taste on Rayon:
  • The sweetness came through more on Rayon and the pepperiness was more subdued
  • The organic cotton gave me that slight unpleasant "dusty" taste at times. This did not happen at all with Rayon
  • The Rayon was a bit drier
  • Overall, the taste of this juice on the Rayon was much nicer.
The vape on the Nautilus Mini (with a new 1.8 ohm BVC coil) was nice but I preferred the taste and the vape on the Reo/RM2. I was vaping the Nautilus Mini at around 12 Watts:
  • Nice vape and nice flavour - reasonably sweet (inbetween the cotton and Rayon on the RM2)
  • The Nautilus Mini was a bit drier
  • Not nearly as much throat hit as the Reo/RM2 - admittedly, a bit less power.
Overall, I would say I was pleasantly surprised. Unflavoured tastes better than I thought it would. It's a bit sweeter than I imagined. With Rayon in the Reo/RM2, it's actually quite nice and I could easily see myself vaping it again. I quite liked vaping this first thing in the morning when I didn't feel like my other flavours. I also quite liked it inbetween other juices. In a way, it cleanses the palate and resets the taste buds a bit for the next juice.

I still have a bit left over and I would like to experiment adding a few drops of Menthol or Koolada - or perhaps a bit of lime or something else. Just to give it a dash of something, which I think I may like.

If you are asking why I didn't just mix my own unflavoured, the answer is that I bought this bottle before I had my SkyBlue DIY materials. And I wanted to give VM's Clean Cut a proper test before making my own.

I would say that anyone who wants something very mild (from a flavour point of view) should give this a try.

  • Standard VM "squeezable" plastic bottles - I like it and it's practical
  • The labelling is okay. But I think it has some shortcomings. No mention of the PG/VG ratio. The sticker with the juice name and strength is a bit small. Not easy to see it when it's with several other VM bottles ;-)
  • It does not have a "child deterrent" cap - I like this - but just pointing it out.
Equipment used:
  • REO Grand/RM2 with 1.0 ohm single micro-coil. Organic cotton and Rayon wicks - 14 to 18 Watts, depending on battery level
  • Nautilus Mini with 1.8 ohm BVC coil. Powered at around 12 Watts on the SVD.
Great review as always bud! The pepper is defiantly comming from the nic and there now a new nic that doesn't taste like pepper which is interesting ! This review is very important incase one day we cannot get flavour due to bans etc.
Great review @Silver, I can't explain the taste I get from unflavoured Base VG, but as you pointed out it grows on you over time. It's most definitely an acquired taste.

Great job in describing it so well, although I don't really get much of the pepper taste with mine. Probably just a different nicotine, or a lower concentration.
Great review Hi Ho! I have tried the unflavoured route but just can't get to like it....
Great review as always bud! The pepper is defiantly comming from the nic and there now a new nic that doesn't taste like pepper which is interesting ! This review is very important incase one day we cannot get flavour due to bans etc.

Thanks @Paulie!
Would be interesting to try create a totally flavourless e juice
Sort of like water, a flavourless drink
Great review @Silver, I can't explain the taste I get from unflavoured Base VG, but as you pointed out it grows on you over time. It's most definitely an acquired taste.

Great job in describing it so well, although I don't really get much of the pepper taste with mine. Probably just a different nicotine, or a lower concentration.

Thanks @Alex. Definitely acquired, you are right
I suppose the pepper is more at 18 mg

Interesting to consider the flavour distortion from this peppery taste of nicotine for other flavoured juices. Perhaps why some say lower nic flavoured juices taste better or more like the flavour because the pepper interferes. Dont think it harms the tobacco flavours or the rich dessert flavours much. Maybe it does more harm to the lighter fruitier ones.
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Thanks @Alex. Definitely acquired, you are right
I suppose the pepper is more at 18 mg

Interesting to considerthe flavour distortion from this peppery taste of nicotine for other flavoured juices. Perhaps why some say lower nic flavoured juices taste better or more like the flavour because the pepper interferes. Dont think it harms the tobacco flavours or the rich dessert flavours much. Maybe it does more harm to the lighter fruitier ones.

The guys on reddit recommend the nude nicotine which has none of the pepper taste
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I ordered some of this a while ago but ended up throwing it away. I hated the taste, thought I was going to puke. Thank god for flavorings! Write it off to experience but flavorless is not for me.
Another great review @Silver :D only you could make clean cut sound like a wonderful juice.

Reading this review temptepted me to buy some to try :D
Thanks for the review @Silver.

Unflavoured is my ADV. I can't vape any flavour no matter how great it is for a whole day. I go through 4 - 6 ml during work hrs. So either I take multiple devices or flavours but its a pain, so reo loaded with unflavoured and off I go. Flavoured is for dripping in the evening.
Another great review @Silver :D only you could make clean cut sound like a wonderful juice.

Reading this review temptepted me to buy some to try :D

Lol, thanks @Yiannaki - but making it sound appealing wasn't my intention. If it was, i could have made it sound a lot better.

I think that everyone should at least try unflavoured once. If you like it, then its a bonus because it can me mixed DIY style fairly inexpensively and one can drastically cut down the cost of juices by vaping this more regularly. Not sure I will do that myself because I dont like it enough but i want to experiment with some additives.
Thanks for the review @Silver.

Unflavoured is my ADV. I can't vape any flavour no matter how great it is for a whole day. I go through 4 - 6 ml during work hrs. So either I take multiple devices or flavours but its a pain, so reo loaded with unflavoured and off I go. Flavoured is for dripping in the evening.

Peasure @Gazzacpt - then you know the unflavoured far better than me.

What i would like to know from you is how does the taste differ depending on where you get your ingredients? I.e. Do the different VG brands differ in taste and what about the different nic juices? I assume you mix up your own.

Another question, why are you not able to vape a flavoured juice for a while? Do yget bored of the same flavour or does the flavour disappear like with vapers tongue?
Peasure @Gazzacpt - then you know the unflavoured far better than me.

What i would like to know from you is how does the taste differ depending on where you get your ingredients? I.e. Do the different VG brands differ in taste and what about the different nic juices? I assume you mix up your own.

Another question, why are you not able to vape a flavoured juice for a while? Do yget bored of the same flavour or does the flavour disappear like with vapers tongue?

Howdy @Silver

I do mix my own. I've sourced ingredients from Skyblue, Vapour Mountain and Valley Vapers and they just about end up tasting the same at a 50/50 pg ratio I do add 1% EM to smooth and add a bit of sweet. What I have found is that the VG I got from a pharmacy once (can't remember the name, might be Alphapharm??) had a bad after taste. Dolly Varden however gives mostly the same flavour as the other 3. PG is PG I haven't picked up differences in taste in the ones I have used. Nic is a funny one the taste varies from different sources. The nic from VM had a very distinct peppery taste at 18mg (back in the day) the one form VV not so much. Since dropping to 6mg it is hardly noticeable something is there but you can't put your finger on it. At 18mg unflavoured reminded me very much of Marlboro Lights for some reason.
These days a very kind man who loves mixing juice whips me up 100ml bottles of 6mg unflavoured.

As to the why I can't vape flavoured juice all day. After 3ml I start losing the complexity in the juice and just taste the promeinant flavours and after a bit that fades and I just taste sweet if its a custardy thing or bitterish if its a tobacco. I think its the amount of juice I go through, before it would be 4ml in a day at 18mg now that its more ml's and more intense as I'm effectively dripping all day (Reo) I get a mild case of vapors tongue.
Thanks @Gazzacpt
Most informative!
I need to experiment a lot more
Company: Vapour Mountain
Product Name: Monroe
Product Image:

Reviewer: Moonunit

Mod: Smok BT50
Watts/Volts: 20/3.5

Atomiser: Aspire Atlantis
Coil Resistance: 0.5
Wicking Material: Standard off the shelf

Strength: 6mg
Blend: 60pg/40vg
Price: R150/30ml

Website blurb: Named after a famous actress and model, Monroe reminds of a naughty, decadent desert. Layers of chocolate and caramel, topped off by creamy ripe banana. The perfect indulgent after meal vape!

Reviewer Notes: Off the cuff, this definitely needs to steep as it is freshly made to order, but I was too impatient and decided to give it a vape. It gives quite a throat hit, I would imagine this is from the higher PG? It smells delicious, and is actually comparable to Rocket Sheep Booster(my current favourite) in terms of smell. The flavour reminds me of toasted to the point of approaching burnt marshmallows. Picture toasting a marshmallow over the fire and the edges get that burnt tinge and you eat the whole thing in one shot getting the sweet and burnt slightly bitter flavour all mixed.

I actually have high hopes for this one once it is steeped. Been shacking and airing the whole day.

Similar to: Rocket Sheep Booster

Avoid if:...

@Oupa said his Special Reserve "Ice" wasn't quite ready but this Oak aged Ice Juice is as smooth as silk!

I will test it over the next few days and then review it... I'm testing it with @Yiannaki made temp sensing nickel coil at 0,10Ω at 19J on the SX Mini in a Taifun GT 2. Initial impression are that it's Smooth Menthol Ice without the hard edge! This could well be a chicken dinner juice! More in a couple of days. I need to do a Hi Ho @Silver and give it some time before blurting out a review! ;)

JuiceTesting 042.JPG
This is not a review, just praise.

I have now thoroughly tested and vaped the VM4 Oak Aged juice from Vapour Montain and I can't get enough. I keep coming back to it time and time again. I don't use it as an ADV, but after vaping some other juices, having a few toots of the VM4 is just heavenly.

I have to commend Oupa on that juice. I will definitely buy lots more of it when I get the chance.

I have never had such a round, smooth, flavorful taste from any of the juices that I bought in the past and even the ones that I mix myself. It's just perfect!
This is not a review, just praise.

I have now thoroughly tested and vaped the VM4 Oak Aged juice from Vapour Montain and I can't get enough. I keep coming back to it time and time again. I don't use it as an ADV, but after vaping some other juices, having a few toots of the VM4 is just heavenly.

I have to commend Oupa on that juice. I will definitely buy lots more of it when I get the chance.

I have never had such a round, smooth, flavorful taste from any of the juices that I bought in the past and even the ones that I mix myself. It's just perfect!

I bet you are having a hard time calling anything an ADV right now, no matter how good it is - you are definitely spoiled for choice ;)
Sometimes having too much is a bad thing :p

But I agree, the VM4 Special Reserve is almost too good - it can be an ADV (quite easily) but really shines as a "treat" too :)
I bet you are having a hard time calling anything an ADV right now, no matter how good it is - you are definitely spoiled for choice ;)
Sometimes having too much is a bad thing :p

But I agree, the VM4 Special Reserve is almost too good - it can be an ADV (quite easily) but really shines as a "treat" too :)

You'd be surprised how many of the juices in that hamper are "not my thing".
I've gone about halfway through and more than half of those are on the "pass on" side than on the "keep" side.
I mean, it's no use keeping and torturing myself with juices that I don't really like just for the sake of being nice because I won it.
I'm passing them on to friends and those that they don't want will come back to me and I'll give them away to other friends and so on.
You'd be surprised how many of the juices in that hamper are "not my thing".
I've gone about halfway through and more than half of those are on the "pass on" side than on the "keep" side.
I mean, it's no use keeping and torturing myself with juices that I don't really like just for the sake of being nice because I won it.
I'm passing them on to friends and those that they don't want will come back to me and I'll give them away to other friends and so on.

I can totally understand that - I'm also at the point where I no longer "struggle through" a juice I don't really enjoy fully. There's too much good stuff out there to suit each of our tastes so it no longer makes sense to try and like something ;)

But what I really meant (and seems to be the case) is that even when you find something you love it'll be a while before you can use it as an ADV - testing out new juices is quite time consuming :D It's a good "problem" to have though :p


Company: Vapour Mountain

Mod: Reo Mini
Watts/Volts: Around 27W

Atomiser: Chalice III
Coil Resistance: 0.61 ohms
Wicking Material: Ceramic

Strength: 12mg (Available in 6 and 12 mg)
Price: R200 for 30 ml

Website blurb:
Vapour Mountain’s top seller has been given the 5 star Oak aging treatment. This batch was matured in American Oak. Just the right amount of time to impart the woody and earthy aromas you expect to find in a good whiskey, as well as tone down the sweetness of our standard VM4. The tobacco flavour is also slightly more pronounced than in our standard VM4. Indulge in this fine juice while sipping on your favourite whiskey, brandy or fine red wine!

Reviewer Notes:

VM4 has been a winner around here for a long time. Many a vaper has "grown up" on VM4. Looking back at the reviews in this thread, a few have found it too sweet (of course a "less sweet" order option exists) and some found it to be not enough on the tobacco side. To all of those - the VM4 Special Reserve is a MUST try. Personally, I love a well steeped "normal" VM4, but more as a dessert vape.

The foundation of VM4 Special Reserve is still unmistakably VM4. On both the inhale and the exhale you get the full roundness of a luscious caramel tempered by a touch of vanilla. But, wait, where is that sweetness of caramel that usually attacks the senses? It is not there! What a bargain - the full taste sensation and aroma without the cloying sweet.

On the inhale, but only around the outer edges I detect the influence of the oak aging. A slight woodiness. With it a bit of the tobacco, for sure more than in VM4, but still not the main role player - cannot wait to see how the tobacco notes are affected by steeping (will have to get some new stock for that - this bottle is almost gone:)).

On the exhale the full effect of the wood maturation and some more tobacco is enjoyed. If you have tasted an oak aged juice before (like 5 Pawns Castle Long Reserve), the effect thereof is clear, but not easily described. For me in the case of VM4 Special Reserve, this includes a tingling touch of tart, which cleans the palate and stays as a refreshing aftertaste - coating the inside of the mouth and even the lips. I think VM4 Special Reserve has done the oak aging far better than 5 Pawns for their said product.

No doubt in my mind this is a special juice, playing in the league of exclusive premium juices. At half the price!

VM4 Special Reserve almost deserves more than a 10/10 - a winner for sure @Oupa!
Thanks so much @Andre for the superb review.

I have totally gone of super-sweet caramel RY4's, so I was hesitant about this one. Of coarse I am dying to try the "regal" version of one of the favourite local juices. But I would've not enjoyed it if it was cloyingly sweet, as you said.

But it does sound like something I would enjoy.