What Are You Waiting For?

iStick Pico Baby Kit from Eleaf, which I won from Eleaf.

and ...

coffee ... and coffee ... and ....

A real prince brings coffee.jpg

The couriers are all princes in my book!!
The first DNA250C mod is now available! Lost Vape Paranormal DNA250C now on VaporDNA! Order placed and now waiting at the top of the driveway for a mod that does REPLAY! Whoooooo! Can't wait!
$149.99 with free DHL shipping when ordering over $200 in one order @TheV. At today's exchange rate it was R1,834.325
Thank you sir. I appreciate the info.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. I know Replay is something you have been looking forward to!
Thank you sir. I appreciate the info.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. I know Replay is something you have been looking forward to!

I so have been amped to try it... I think it's going to be the GAME CHANGER of 2018! I know it will work just great on RTA's but the part I'm really looking forward to is testing it with RDA's. I have a beautiful collection of RDA's and never use them because I hate the inconsistency of dripping...
Waiting on a few bits and bobs and 2 dual coil RTA to try out.
After my last atempt at a dual coil RTA , The famous for all the wrong reasons Kylin RTA, i gave up on a flavour packed RTA.

So in 3 seperate orders i have the following incoming.

1. Manta RTA
2.Skyline drop kit
3. Spare glass tubes for skydrop
4. Aromamizer Plus RDTA
5. 5ml drop kit for Aromamizer plus
5. Battery wraps
6. Contact plates
Bring Coffee.jpg

By next week all my coffee orders for this century should have arrived and then I'll post on Vape Mail and on the Coffee Research thread.
I'm waiting for something ... but I don't know what it is yet! My b
rother is coming to visit on Friday and he said he's got something "for that vaping thing that you do." Oooooh how exciting is this! Can't wait! :aplastao: Two more sleeps!
I'm waiting for the first of my SolarStorm Mods. And it will be the first one ever made from Juma!

Here is the block of Juma I sent for it.
Still waiting for these:
Kmd Impact (USPS-at JIMC since 9 April)
Gloomtem (Delay from Limelight)
Hellfire Cobra (no.186 on the list..currently on 29 as far as I can see!)
Hellfire Strike (Production in 3-4 weeks from last week. Also through USPS!)

And add:
Atizmoo Vapeshell (Ordered late last night, will prob be here next week!)