Where in your car do you put your mod?

Good question @MHD

I usually only have one mod in the one cupholder of the centre console

If i am taking more mods they go in my camera bag (now mod bag) in the back on the floor.

Thanks Silver, the camera bag is a innovative idea. Couple of juice bottles can go with. Also prevents heat from catching the juice
Thanks Silver, the camera bag is a innovative idea. Couple of juice bottles can go with. Also prevents heat from catching the juice

Indeed @MHD
The part i like is all my mods stand upright when using the bag
Nice Golf dude ;). I have a GTD myself.

Anyhow I usually keep it in my side door compartment or in between my legs. But most of the time in the door compartment.
It's just a GT. The D I'm saving for my wife if anyone asks :D
Thinking of pulling the D off the back to follow through with my one liner....
Those vape cup holders are perfect.

Where do you get them @Christos?
Jwraps in the USA.
They do ship to south Africa I believe but I use a USA mailbox and then FedEx to south africa.

You basically select the mod combination or mod and 30ml juice bottle and then they make it for you. You can also select carbon fibre colour wrap on the holder.
Jwraps in the USA.
They do ship to south Africa I believe but I use a USA mailbox and then FedEx to south africa.

You basically select the mod combination or mod and 30ml juice bottle and then they make it for you. You can also select carbon fibre colour wrap on the holder.
Perfect. Thank so much.

Looks ideal! Will investigate more, appreciate the response.
Perfect. Thank so much.

Looks ideal! Will investigate more, appreciate the response.
Like I said before, my cup holders aren't getting much use anymore.
They sit in my vapeshelf holding mods and I use pouches in the car.

Also I can fit more mods in the car th is way
Mine is in the cupholder next to the aircon if i use the .25 ohm coils it gets hot as a MFer, nowhere near the D lol
just beware, where ever you keep it, try keep it in something soft

i scuffed a brand new mod in no time like an idiot where i used to put mine
Another thing to keep in mind when putting a mod in your car

When you park your car, dont leave a mod in the car in the hot sun
Rather take it with you if its boiling and you are parked in the sun
I slot my mod into the foldable sun visor I keep between my seat and door.
When I saw the high density foam dolphin head attached to a pool noodle at Mr Price Home, South Coast Mall, KZN, I knew it was what I was looking for. Cut it more or less to the shape of the door compartment (wasted space anyhow) and made some cut outs for the mods. Works perfectly. No more mods falling around or rattling. And right at my right hand for convenience.


HRH got this nifty 3 space baggie from one of her suppliers, which hangs from the ventilation slots.

Lekker thing about the older Hilux/My office, is the centre console behind the gear lever. Enough space to keep 2 mods and juice upright.
Good day fellow vapers,

Just curious as to where everyone puts there mods when they driving?
That is when you're not vaping....

I'm certain that everyone doesn't vape from home till you reach your destination :)
I put it in the cup holder. Doesn't everyone?
In a Desce Bag in the cup holders! If you don't own a Desce bag or five do yourself a favour and get!
Desce 001.JPG