Erm.... Aspire Nautilus, Not All Its Cracked Up To Be?


Data in the streets, Riker in the sheets!
Harare, Zimbabwe
So i got an Aspire Nautilus... after my EVOD's wick finally burnt out, and I used the Nautilus solidly for about 2 weeks. Initially the results I got off of it blew my mind. (for like the first day or so)

But since, I've had constant issues with the wick not being saturated enough, and then when it is kinda saturated, I get burnt hits.

So then i decided to pick up a VV mod (Kangertech iPOW). to see if my issues were power related. and low and behold, the nautlius is not handling anything higher than 3.7V...

So for comparison sake, I went out and bought new EVOD coil, and stuck that sucker on my iPOW, and what do you know? instantly better flavour and vapor production, all the way up to 5V.

From all my reading, the Nautilus is meant to be something special... But I don't get why its performing so bad for me, I've been through 3 coils, and I haven't been n00bing it, i've been priming it, and making sure that the coil is as saturated as possible without drowning it.

The juices I've tried on the nautilus are NicEjuice (60PG / 40VG) and Liqua (70PG / 30VG), the Liqua really didn't agree with the nautilus. Both those juices work perfectly in the EVOD.

Anyone got any ideas?

Just for your guys interest, heres what the prices for this kinda stuff are like up here...

Aspire Nautilus = R475-R500
Fancy hollowed out Nautilus tank = R200-R220
Kangertech iPOW VV = R380-R400
Aspire BDC coils = R50.0 each (not per pack)

EVOD starter kit = R730
I Don't have one, I have the Kanger Aerotank Mini...

But I have found that switching and soak-cleaning my coils every 3-5 days really helps preserve performance and flavour.

I'm just constantly rotating between 2 coils every few days, really.
And I definitely notice the difference everytime I put the cleaned coil in.

Day and night.

Dunno if that would help you, but worth a try?
I suppose some people just prefer the EVOD over the Nautilus... I personally haven't purchased 1 but from trying those of others I feel that the taste and overall design of the aerotank MEGA is much better.

Just my own 2 cents.
Just to be clear, are we talking about the original 5ml Nautilus or the new Nautilus Mini?
@WHeunis, Thanks, I'm going to try that out :) coil cleaning, is basically rinsing them with vodka, and then letting them dry out?

@Riddle, I'm kinda thinking that too... But unfortunately I'm not exactly spoilt for choice up here, can only really buy what the local supplier chooses to sell. He did say he'd be getting some BVC coils in stock, so maybe that might improve things?
@WHeunis, Thanks, I'm going to try that out :) coil cleaning, is basically rinsing them with vodka, and then letting them dry out?

1: Rinse coil in warm water.
2: Put coil in clear, plain, Vodka overnight.
3: Rinse coil again in warm water.
4: Drip dry on a paper towel for an hour or 2.
Ok, I have 2 of them and they also have me dumbfounded. First 2 days they worked great, if you're into huge clouds that is. I got massive clouds but zero throat hit and zero flavour. After a few days I got zero clouds. New coils made no difference. Tried them all the way up to 15W on the SVD and recently tried them on a mech, the best I could get was the tiniest little puff. I've rebuilt the coils, tried cotton, silica and rayon on single micro coils and even a chimney build with 28g and 32g kanthal, nothing works. It baffles me :confused:

The only thing I can think of is trying the new BVC coils or donate them to Xibalba
Haha... I normally just dry burn my coils. Let us know how it goes and if it solves your problem.
Its worth giving it a try.
perhaps give the BVC coil (the new coil design from Aspire) a go.

If I remember correctly that is where all the hype has been of late, grimm green fell in love with it saying that it brought him back to the days of cartos.
@Riddle, Totally :) going to buy me some vodka tomorrow at work :p

Before I forget...

Use one of these or similar for the overnight Vodka soak, else the Vodka just evaporates.

@Mike, as far as I can tell its legit, box had all the fancy holographic garbage on it, and the machining feels pretty high quality.
@r0gue z0mbie, Well my understanding of priming it, is taking a few drags with out hitting the fire switch, in extreme cases, blocking the air hole and releasing, to create a pressure surge, to suck the juice into the wicking material. Also letting it sit upright for a few minutes. before hand.
@BumbleBee LOL, didn't even know that was meant to be on the box, but sure enough, there is a scratch strip, and a number underneath that.
If cleaning the coil does nothing for you, dissasemble the rest of the tank entirely and re-assemble.
While reassembling, make sure to inspect all seals and o-rings etc, to make sure that they are in good condition.

As far as I know, the bottomcoil tanks like Aerotank and Nautilus's rely heavily on their pressure seal to work properly.
If a seal is cracked or torn, or not sealing properly - youre gonna have a bad time...
The only other thing I'm thinking it could be, is that I got some seriously screwed coils? But that seems kinda unlikely, the 2 coils in the box sucked. and the additional one I bought, also sucked.