All Day Vapes - New e-Juice Flavours

So like a "strawberry flavour scone"? That sounds freakin delicious

@Taytay I think they are.
Your juices are steeping, the last strawberry of the 3 should be ok'd today - I think - so your order should go off this pm or tomorrow am. Either way you should have it by Friday.
I'm not a menthol type guy. Hated menthol in cigs and still don't like it, which is why my partner had to take the lead in the development of the Chilled line.

However, I am vaping the Chilled Liquorice and I actually like it a lot. It's got a great balance IMHO. Methinks it may be a hit, time will tell.

I also hated menthol but loving the chilled pineapple, how do you rate the licorice vs the pineapple?
I have to confess @Strontium , I had to apply very strict self control to not order more than 6. They have some excellent sounding flavor combinations. I haven't tasted them yet but if smell is anything to go by, definitely get the Apple & Cinnamon scone. Both that and the Strawberry & Lemon scone smell next-level-delicious. I ordered the chilled pineapple too (in mild menthol), which I have just tested - and it is amazing! Nice and sweet pineapple with a lovely mild menthol. Perfect for summer
@Taytay yep got the cinnamon scone in my order, it was a toss up between straw/lemon scone but decided on the lemonade instead. Then a whole bunch of menthols (mint, licorice and pine)
@Taytay Ikr!! It's brilliant, when I first ordered it I thought I was throwing my money away as I detested menthol stinkies but I killed the bottle off quick. Ordered 100mls this time lol
I'm on my last little chilled pineapple. Will place an order soon for the just fruit range. Taytay, if you can wait a week the chilled pineapple will be even better. Think I need to have another crack at my creme Brule tonight.

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@Tockit is right, the pineapple gets better everyday.
The Creme brûlée is a bit too subtle for me, my palette needs to be b1tchslapped with flavour for it to register, probably why I love the chilled range :)
So I have given the cinnamon scone a try because I was just too damn curious. Wonderful!!! I am fully aware that the juice will really shine in a week or two and will give it time, but this one was already great, already planning on getting 100ml next time I order. Had a quick test of the others too but they still need to steep a bit I think. Not as smooth as the chilled pineapple and the cinnamon scone yet. The chocolate one especially tasted promising. Really chuffed with my purchase, and you can't beat it on price!
@Strontium You asked about pipettes in the juice reviews thread. I cannot answer there as a vendor as it is in the general forum.
We will be changing our bottles to make dispensing easier. Currently we are adding a pipette with thin tip to every order if the glass pipettes are not suitable for your tank. We of course have to use up our stock of current bottles first, we are trying to keep costs down for obvious reasons. Please bear with us on this issue.

The spouts of the new bottles - our normal supplier only has the 'witches hat' type spouts most vendors now seem to use. The problem I see with that spout is that at the tip the wall is still too thick and it will still be difficult to fill most tanks without a mess. So we have settled for another spout from another supplier with a thinner point. These spouts are unfortunately blind, which is good for shipping but the user has to cut the tip off with a pair of scissors.

There doesn't seem to be perfect solutions out there but I think this will come closest.
Re the Creme Brulee - we have boosted the plain Creme Brulee after comments. The ones with other flavours added remain the same. Creme Brulee is essentially a creamy/custardy dessert with a touch of cinnamon and a caramelized topping, and will not be a strong flavour by itself.
I realize that you've only just started with the pastries but is there plans for a key lime or something similar? I quite fancy the tartness of lime/raspberry etc.
Sorry for all the requests but I like to stick to one supplier for all my items eg one for my juices, one for my concentrates, just makes life easier.
I realize that you've only just started with the pastries but is there plans for a key lime or something similar? I quite fancy the tartness of lime/raspberry etc.

@Strontium There are more scones to come. Not sure when we'll get to more bakery. I'll think about the lime issue.
@Strontium You asked about pipettes in the juice reviews thread. I cannot answer there as a vendor as it is in the general forum.
We will be changing our bottles to make dispensing easier. Currently we are adding a pipette with thin tip to every order if the glass pipettes are not suitable for your tank. We of course have to use up our stock of current bottles first, we are trying to keep costs down for obvious reasons. Please bear with us on this issue.

The spouts of the new bottles - our normal supplier only has the 'witches hat' type spouts most vendors now seem to use. The problem I see with that spout is that at the tip the wall is still too thick and it will still be difficult to fill most tanks without a mess. So we have settled for another spout from another supplier with a thinner point. These spouts are unfortunately blind, which is good for shipping but the user has to cut the tip off with a pair of scissors.

There doesn't seem to be perfect solutions out there but I think this will come closest.
Couldn't agree with you more regarding the witch hats, I'm not a big fan as they don't fit in a couple of my tanks and make a bit of a mess. But awesome that you're sorting out alternative options, I'm looking forward to the new setup!