Billet Box Mod (BB)

Hi Ho @Silver your wicks are just fine and I do mine with similar short tails... and yes the Royal Wicks is certainly the best wicking material (for the BB and Skyline anyway) around. I just noticed the wick in the Ultem tank is really short and I have refilled it twice and no issues. The wick on the right in the Nugget with Flo is pretty much ideal.
Boro 001.JPG
The ultem tank is not a chicken dinner and you can see a bit of leaking from that rubber plug.
P.s. I'll throw the lipo on a pro charger tomorrow. Just giving it the 8 hour initial (after testing and flipping the car a few times ) charge.
I prefer my helicopters but its dangerous to fly with a 4 year old running after it especially when I'm getting 3000 rpm on 1.5 metre carbon fibre composite blades. :D
I can imagine. One day when i am old like you i will get a helicopter :)
I can imagine. One day when i am old like you i will get a helicopter :)
You are older than me you old fart! :D

I own a mikado but that has been sitting for 4 years.
The indoor helis get occasional use but the billet boxes and my rewicking take up most of my time :D
You are older than me you old fart! :D

I own a mikado but that has been sitting for 4 years.
The indoor helis get occasional use but the billet boxes and my rewicking take up most of my time :D
No ways really?
Yes really! By a whole 4 years.
Think you need a billet box first lol!
Damn. Ok i thought were 40+ LMAO

i ll swop you the racing quad setup for a BB ;)

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Thanks for the tip
Thanks to VapeCon, my vaping is way , way behind where it should be @Amir
Been on "maintenance mode" for far too long, except for the new BB, which was an opportunity I had to take at the time it came.

I dont have Panama, I still need to get Calamity Jane or about 5 other juices...

But I am slowly getting back into the swing of things and hopefully I can catch up pretty soon

Panama is a must have. Especially for your style of vaping. It shines at lower wattage single coil builds

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Hi Ho @Silver your wicks are just fine and I do mine with similar short tails... and yes the Royal Wicks is certainly the best wicking material (for the BB and Skyline anyway) around. I just noticed the wick in the Ultem tank is really short and I have refilled it twice and no issues. The wick on the right in the Nugget with Flo is pretty much ideal.
View attachment 109522
The ultem tank is not a chicken dinner and you can see a bit of leaking from that rubber plug.

Thanks @Rob Fisher
What was the attraction for the ultem tank though?
Does it fill through that little plug?
Thanks @Rob Fisher
What was the attraction for the ultem tank though?
Does it fill through that little plug?

The attraction was just something new... I love testing new stuff looking for the perfect equipment... and yes you fill though the little plug.
My first wicking of the BB.

Don't laugh but I haven't rewicked it myself before.

When I got it, @Rob Fisher had kindly coiled and wicked it for me. I vaped on it quite a bit, but worried how was i going to figure out how to rewick this while in the heat of VapeCon preparations. (Those last two weeks were hectic). Then a week or two later at VapeCon Rob rewicked it for me on the Thurs night.

I haven't vaped it much the past 2 weeks because I could tell it was going a bit off. Had vaped plenty tankfuls ;-)

I found it quite easy actually. Not too many challenges.

R2 coin to take off the top ring part. I was a bit baffled how to remove the Exocet but then figured it out. Lol. With these things i have learnt not to use force, in case i break something.

I discovered that I could fire it on my Pico. Hehe. RiaanReds fused Clapton looked good again after some pulsing and streams of water.

Wicked with CB2. Incidentally Rob, i have a feeling your wick is slightly better.

Am loving my LIT Sidechick at the moment, so that went in.

Lubed all visible o rings.

And voila! It's vaping beautifully! This flavour is gorgeous. The BB is back in action.


@Rob Fisher I think I made the wick tails a tad bit too short. When installed they don't quite touch the walls of the Boro tank. They protrude out but not by much. I hope it's okay and doesn't give trouble down the line. But so far so good

Not sure how well you can see in this pic.


Anyhow, very happy now :)
Great job on your first wicking of the BB @Silver!
Looks like you did a fantastic job and are enjoying the fruits of your labor :)
The BB is fast becoming the absolute favorite device in my arsenal...
Great job on your first wicking of the BB @Silver!
Looks like you did a fantastic job and are enjoying the fruits of your labor :)
The BB is fast becoming the absolute favorite device in my arsenal...

The BB is indeed a great device and I am getting more familiar and acquainted with it

This is what I like about it
- so compact and portable, neat and tidy
- i like the feel in the hand
- nice juice capacity
- great battery life
- lovely flavour with the exocet and a fused clapton and fruity menthol juice
- draw suits me - am lucky - reasonably restricted lung hit

Nearly no negatives. Perhaps just that rewicking requires a bit more than just popping off the top of the atty. But i think one needs to use this with a good juice one likes that doesnt need frequent wicking.
The BB is indeed a great device and I am getting more familiar and acquainted with it

This is what I like about it
- so compact and portable, neat and tidy
- i like the feel in the hand
- nice juice capacity
- great battery life
- lovely flavour with the exocet and a fused clapton and fruity menthol juice
- draw suits me - am lucky - reasonably restricted lung hit

Nearly no negatives. Perhaps just that rewicking requires a bit more than just popping off the top of the atty. But i think one needs to use this with a good juice one likes that doesnt need frequent wicking.
Depends on the juice but I have 1 bb that I can go about 5 or 6 refills and another with one of my current favourites wich is a coil and cotton shredder than i can get 2 boros before a rewick.

It becomes easier with time and also the small tradeoff for great flavour is aceptable.

Ultrasoniced and rewicked 10 devices this evening and the 3 bbs were probably the fastest even though the BB'S got new coils as well.
10 devices in one evening - sho - that is a major pitstop @Christos !

I do like 1/2 at a time - maybe 3 if I am feeling energetic.

The other thing I like about the BB is how easy and quick it is to fill. Takes a few seconds. Amazing.
10 devices in one evening - sho - that is a major pitstop @Christos !

I do like 1/2 at a time - maybe 3 if I am feeling energetic.

The other thing I like about the BB is how easy and quick it is to fill. Takes a few seconds. Amazing.
The BB is by far my favorite and most satisfying device to fill :)

I also tend to do maintenance on 1 or 2 items a night... unless if I have a friend over for a planned vape maintenance session, then we do all the gear.
The BB is by far my favorite and most satisfying device to fill :)

I also tend to do maintenance on 1 or 2 items a night... unless if I have a friend over for a planned vape maintenance session, then we do all the gear.

These planned maintenance sessions sound good @TheV
Must be fun doing it with another vaper
10 devices in one evening - sho - that is a major pitstop @Christos !

I do like 1/2 at a time - maybe 3 if I am feeling energetic.

The other thing I like about the BB is how easy and quick it is to fill. Takes a few seconds. Amazing.
I do only 1 or 2 devices per pitstop but I had a lazy week and was down to vaping xxx in my skyline. I would have skipped the pitstop except I ran out of XXX :D

Everything was rinsed and de-wicked and some were even ultrasoniced already but i wanted to recoil and rewick and ultrasonic everything.
I do only 1 or 2 devices per pitstop but I had a lazy week and was down to vaping xxx in my skyline. I would have skipped the pitstop except I ran out of XXX :D

Everything was rinsed and de-wicked and some were even ultrasoniced already but i wanted to recoil and rewick and ultrasonic everything.

Must have felt awesome to have 10 "soldiers" ready to go for the week ahead @Christos !