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Vape mail baby :D

No more struggling to get juice into the reo bottles :p

Vape mail baby :D

No more struggling to get juice into the reo bottles :p

That needle looks a bit thin... may battle with high VG juices... I can't find a need big enough anywhere for the high VG juices! ;(

Here is a tip for free... keep all your empty Vapour Mountain juice bottles and wash them out... then when you find a juice that you like decant it into the VM Bottles! They just simply rock at filling all bottles and atties!
Why don't you just pour it in the Reo juice bottles @Yiannaki, as they all have wide openings?

This worked fairly well when filling up the grand bottles but with a small bit of spill. However, on the mini bottles it was a disaster. Rocket sheep + pouring into mini bottle = huge mess and waste of juice :(

Maybe i just have no cooth and cannot get it right :p
This worked fairly well when filling up the grand bottles but with a small bit of spill. However, on the mini bottles it was a disaster. Rocket sheep + pouring into mini bottle = huge mess and waste of juice :(

Maybe i just have no cooth and cannot get it right :p

No I don't understand how you get to spill, you are far too young for parkinson's. The square bottles even got smaller openings than the mini's, and I find it easy to just pour without spilling. Maybe you should start to drink more beer :D.
No I don't understand how you get to spill, you are far too young for parkinson's. The square bottles even got smaller openings than the mini's, and I find it easy to just pour without spilling. Maybe you should start to drink more beer :D.

i'll have a Guinness or 5 on Saturday and test your theory :rock: :giggle:
Those booster caps are big...almast a R5 size...can understand how you spilt some.. I once knocked over my Port Royal, used a siringe to suck off the table what i can. Makes me think of Solomon Burke - Cry to me... Don't you feel like cryyyyyyyying
Hana box for my sx350 build, zenith v2, kayfun topcap and combi screw driver


sent from my telegraph machine using Tapalalk stop
Thanks @ShaneW. This is going to be a good weekend after all.


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No Gorilla juice. Have too much Banana juices as it is!
Big ups to Tristan from Lekka Vapors... These 2 Elvis's Breakfast has been pre-steeped by the looks of it and confirmed by him. This is a big plus for me, no waiting time :D Thanks boet

A few micro rda's for juice tasting,drip tips and some hangsen cuban, bit of a pre ec vape meet group buy

Fyi: pricing indicated for drippers is wrong tho, got them on 50% sale.

Cant compliment vaporize.co.za enough...stellar service.

ps:loving these little things, had to replace an o ring with a beefier one...but just look how big an mvp looks.
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