Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

postman knocked and brought me a Sigelei 100w box mod. After not buying anything for over two months (self-imposed vape ban) I'm like a kid at christmas again! Just waiting for my batteries to charge now

Slight hijack of thread: Are the corners of the box really that sharp that it is an issue?
Vape Mail Baby!

Replacement Copper Cyclops compliments of Vicious Ant in the Philippines!

It's gonna need some polishing and then into the US Bath!

CopperCyclops 001.JPG
subjective answer: they're corners, but not sharp. Mine came with 4 replacement copper pins, an unmissable warning about the pins being reverse threaded as well as a sticker addendem in the manual...so it may be a revision, but the corners have been rounded over from all three sides..
best I can describe it is that they are corners...but not sharp. Nothing comes to a point, but they arent radiused like crazy etiher
Roger that @Andre! You have first dibs! :rock:
Lol, first time ever I used that term, which I came to know about from this forum.

Says Wikipedia:
Calling "dibs" is the US English term, also known in Ireland as "Bagsies", or "Bags" in the Black Country region of the UK, for an informal convention where one declares a first claim to something to which no one else has a clearly recognized right. Calling "dibs" or "Bagsies" is only possible when the caller wants the responsibility of the object. It is important to note that it is possible to "undibs", if the caller wants to. Such a declaration is often recognized in certain cultures, or sub-cultures, as a means to avoid arguments over relatively trivial issues although can be considered quite rude at some points.

Says Urban Dictionary:
The most powerful force in the universe, it is used to call possession of a certain object or idea. There are very few things that trump dibs.
awesome @Rob Fisher
really love the look of this cyclops. a thing of beauty.
hope you enjoy this one as much as you enjoy your cyclones

I don't think I will but I'm going to clean it and load it with a single coil and only one hole open and give it a full test drive! ;)
I don't think I will but I'm going to clean it and load it with a single coil and only one hole open and give it a full test drive! ;)

best of luck. let the experimenting begin..
if @Andre changes his mind ill gladly take it off your hands
Vape Mail Baby!

Some Japanese Cotton and some ready made US Coils. Ya I know it's lazy but when I'm testing stuff it makes my life easier... only the Cyclones get the real McCoy!

VM 001.JPG

PS @andro you should get a drip tip or three tomorrow or the next day! ;-)
xmas here !!
Vapemail from over the water :D


ZNA 30 clone and Vaperwood (Touchwood clone )

postman knocked and brought me a Sigelei 100w box mod. After not buying anything for over two months (self-imposed vape ban) I'm like a kid at christmas again! Just waiting for my batteries to charge now

You will not be sorry. I love my Sigelei 100W ;)
@Rob Fisher i bought it with the ZNA in china, i will have a unboxing tomorrow and a review a day or so later. For now it feels good, made from Red Wood, There is a mini 18350 and the one i got 18650. They are about $22. I will start a group buy if there is some interest
Thanks @Oupa and @JakesSA for this amazing Vapemail. . . Arrived now while I'm at work. . . My wife got the honours to open it up and tease me by sending these pics.

The rest will be updated in REOMAIL later:)
VapeMail courtesy of @RevnLucky7

poison SteamHammer VapeMail.jpg

- Tarks Poison Elite
- SteamHammer ET3RNITY
- SteamHammer The Good Life - Oak aged

All 18mg of course...

And a lovely sticker of a strange looking character in flying/biker goggles
All in a nice clear plastic tub
LOL @RevnLucky7 - I was thinking of putting it on that clear plastic tub and using it for all the empty bottles ;-)
VapeMail courtesy of @RevnLucky7

View attachment 12715

- Tarks Poison Elite
- SteamHammer ET3RNITY
- SteamHammer The Good Life - Oak aged

All 18mg of course...

And a lovely sticker of a strange looking character in flying/biker goggles
All in a nice clear plastic tub

Got the exact same juices but at 12mg. Have not tried it yet as i seemed to have lost all sense of smell and taste. Busy vaping some DIY methol until my tastebuds recover.
Got the exact same juices but at 12mg. Have not tried it yet as i seemed to have lost all sense of smell and taste. Busy vaping some DIY methol until my tastebuds recover.

No, no .... very black humour:D. Rather go to this thread @yuganp - http://www.ecigssa.co.za/threads/vapors-fatigue.2597/