Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

First out of the box we have some very nice drip tips from 3VAP in France! Unfortunately one of them got smashed!

Then we have some tumbled Doors, a Tumbled REO and some REO Buttons destined to Kokstad for special attention!

And next out the box are some 9ml Vapage Bottles that fit into REO's! Whooooo! :rock:

Been trying get my paws on these for a long time!


Thanks to the gentlemen at Sir Vape! My first temp control device. Will put it through its paces once I'm done studying for this exam! I've got about a thousand ni200 builds planned.

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Got some more vape mail from the awesome @Derick and @Melinda over at Skyblue today. First off, let me say thank you again for the Cloupor Mini :D Apart from a few bucks at casinos and vending machines, I haven't really won anything in my life. Never won a damn thing in a competition, so this was so awesome to win the Cloupor Mini 30W! Chucked in a battery and vaped it straight away :) Very nice little device. Not an iStick 30W, but the changeable batteries makes it a winner. Felt so good about winning this that I ordered some more DIY gear as well. Collection is coming along nicely, and the ideas are brewing in my head for some totally wicked recipes.

Vapemail from Complex Chaos

So a little back story here. When I placed my first order with Complex Chaos they accidentally read the quantities wrong and shipped me one of each item where some items were supposed to be 2. I contacted them via pm and they sorted me out asap (sent me the forgotten items at their expense). They forgot to send 1 x jap cotton and 1 x copper driptip.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and discovered extra juice and extra cotton as an apology. @ComplexChaos - the free gifts were not nessecary, but are very much appreciated. Also, the manner in which you handled the accidental miss shipment of items were also top shelf and for that you have made a customer for life.

Thanks again @ComplexChaos - Top notch service here.


Got some vape mail an istick 30 some 26g kanthal and some gummyberry juice from Vape king. Istick was a steal at R580.00 looks a little pink but nothing a little black vinyl wont sort out.

A little vapemail from @Kaizer

Awesome package bud, thanks :)

It's hitch hiking its way to me so I'm only going to get this over the weekend. Just thought I'd share the suspense :D
