Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Do you maybe know how much difference in PG the heavy VG and max VG is?
Next sale is on 29 of june and im going on a holiday in july home to the netherlands so might order and let them sent it there.

@Tom Anything else interesting that i should pick up in europe what they dont sell this side?
I'm not too sure what the exact ratio is, I prefer the taste of his MAX VG blend as it is ultra smooth and enjoy the flavor more.
Absolutely AMAZING start to my day, Vape Mail Baby!!!!

1 x 250ml Ambrosia (12mg)
1 x 250ml Melinda's Nilla Custard (6mg)

Already sampled the Ambrosia using the Subtank Mini on iStick 30w, and WOW, all I can say is WOW.....
@Melinda , awesome juices! Cant wait to try them in ALL my devices... Thanks for pushing this order to get to me, after all the disruptions of the website, my e-mail etc etc, you made it happen within a day of me ordering, now THATS impressive service right there.
Its the website, been having non stop issues the past few weeks :rolleyes:
Absolutely AMAZING start to my day, Vape Mail Baby!!!!

1 x 250ml Ambrosia (12mg)
1 x 250ml Melinda's Nilla Custard (6mg)

Already sampled the Ambrosia using the Subtank Mini on iStick 30w, and WOW, all I can say is WOW.....
@Melinda , awesome juices! Cant wait to try them in ALL my devices... Thanks for pushing this order to get to me, after all the disruptions of the website, my e-mail etc etc, you made it happen within a day of me ordering, now THATS impressive service right there.

Golden goodness :inlove:

Enjoy :rock:
Vape mail from Vapour Mountain, thanks for the best of service @Oupa.
Berry Blaze, HRH's staple.
And the new jooses for me to try.

Go Bulk or go Broke!
Can't beat 500ml @ R1500 delivered, compared to buying 10 to 30ml at a time.
Is that the "Zephyrus Sub-Ohm Tank by Youde" ?
Please pm me how it works, as I think it may just be my next online purchase, VERY soon....
Is that the "Zephyrus Sub-Ohm Tank by Youde" ?
Please pm me how it works, as I think it may just be my next online purchase, VERY soon....

been looking at it for a while now. My subtank mini is *&(sing me off :)

Will let you know. Just had a quick vape after priming. Damn thing is thirsty at 50watts. So far a very promising tank. I would advise a different drip tip. Chainvaping heats it quite a bit

been looking at it for a while now. My subtank mini is *&(sing me off :)

Will let you know. Just had a quick vape after priming. Damn thing is thirsty at 50watts. So far a very promising tank. I would advise a different drip tip. Chainvaping heats it quite a bit
The Zephyrus is an awesome tank in my opinion, been vaping it since VapeCon and cant complain at all, its a thirsty tank, but flavour is there, no leaking and no dry hits (even when juice level was almost empty). I havent used the standard coil, but running the RBA deck on a dual 0.3 ohm
And some more Vape Mail!
Ordered yesterday from @Sir Vape , arrived just now :-D Awesome service indeed!

1 x HCigar (Authentic Evolv) DNA 40W with Temp Control - Black
1 x Coil Winder - Black
1 x Zephyrus Sub-Ohm Tank by Youde - Silver

Been a wile since i had some vape mail for myself

Thank you @andro been wanting to try the subtank mini for a wile now


@andro even drilled out the RBA base for me :D, Thank you

Got this lovely package from @RevnLucky7, and u where correct with these NET juice's only had a few sample's and the one that sticks out the most for me is the menthol one dam this stuff is almost as real as a sig the menthol is nice and crispy and the tobacco is damn fine.


For me from the quick tasting i had i will definitely make this an all day vape me and Debbie from vapeking pretoria had a few tasting unfortunately @BoogaBooga wasn't there, will bring him a bit later

And also got a few other juices and a dripper


And some more Vape Mail!
Ordered yesterday from @Sir Vape , arrived just now :-D Awesome service indeed!

1 x HCigar (Authentic Evolv) DNA 40W with Temp Control - Black
1 x Coil Winder - Black
1 x Zephyrus Sub-Ohm Tank by Youde - Silver

You are going to love that tank
@BioHAZarD , tried it last night, built some awesome coils (28G 2mm ID @ 9 wraps = +-0.9 Ohms) but messed up the wicking, and burnt my throat a few times on dry hits.. Watched plenty YouTube vids this morning, realised my mistake (Cant compare wicking method at all to the Goliath style) so will have another go at it tonight. Just wish I had 26G Kanthal instead of the 28G, so I can wrap them exactly like in the vids, but all I have currently is 20G, 28G, 30G and 32G.... Not wise buys, but expected of a noob and all. We live, we learn I suppose...
@BioHAZarD , tried it last night, built some awesome coils (28G 2mm ID @ 9 wraps = +-0.9 Ohms) but messed up the wicking, and burnt my throat a few times on dry hits.. Watched plenty YouTube vids this morning, realised my mistake (Cant compare wicking method at all to the Goliath style) so will have another go at it tonight. Just wish I had 26G Kanthal instead of the 28G, so I can wrap them exactly like in the vids, but all I have currently is 20G, 28G, 30G and 32G.... Not wise buys, but expected of a noob and all. We live, we learn I suppose...
I wouldn't say that this was a noob buy. I use 28G mostly so it depends on personal preference. ;)