Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Awesome Vapemail, thank you VapeClub! The Smok M80 & Subtank Mini is from 2 weeks ago and the EVic I just received. Waiting on the Billow 2 now. Great service guys!
Received a new box mode from the USA to make my Monday better :p

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Some epic mail from the usa

HexOhm V2.1
Authentic Velocity RDA
Trinity Copa drip tips
Bellcap for the Silverplay V2
50ft SquareOhm wire
Efest ohm meter
and a bit of cotton

Photo 2015-06-22, 19 15 19.jpg
If you wanna sell one of them drip tips ill love you long time
@Attie give mea shout when you order again, I'd love one or two of those drip tips
Some epic mail from the usa

HexOhm V2.1
Authentic Velocity RDA
Trinity Copa drip tips
Bellcap for the Silverplay V2
50ft SquareOhm wire
Efest ohm meter
and a bit of cotton

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Thats epic vapemail. Enjoy. Would like to hear your thoughts on that square ohm wire once you have played a bit.
Thats epic vapemail. Enjoy. Would like to hear your thoughts on that square ohm wire once you have played a bit.
First impression, really hard to build with, 8 wraps 3mm id comes out at about 0.18 ohm. Heats up super fast, flavor and clouds are EPIC :rock:
Here we go again - lol