Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Been a while since I got some vape goodies.

Got these at the vape meet yesterday.


Some juices from Mikes Mega Mixes. (Lime Party, Ashy Bac, Dragon Juice and Sweetbac all in 18mg) - long overdue and about time. Lol. Thanks @Mike for the mint honey 0mg tester! Will report back on these in time. @Andre I also got the extra sour shot in the Lime Party. Will let you know

Then a Wiener Vape Co Fetch juice from Vape Club. This is the Papaya one. Am looking forward to it.

In the background is some vapowire 27 and 29g from Vape Cartel. And a bottle of Phillip Rocke Grand Reserve in 9mg. Looking very forward to this.

And from Vaperite I got some premade Clapton and fused Clapton coils. So cool. Thanks @Rob Fisher for pointing this out. Now I feel like a pro and I don't have to struggle with making these things. He he. I just need to figure out what I will use them in because my gear is not all that Clapton friendly - Lol.
Awesome vape mail day today :dance:

Popped in by Andre to pick up my second O16 :h: and two LG brown turds :-D
Instead of just going home with my treasures, Andre the awesome man that he is goes and hands me 5 juices to try out :O :clap: :D:D

Thank you @Andre for all that you do for me, I appreciate you bud :rock:


Whats in this dodgy:giggle: picture:
Origen Little 16 BF Dripper
Complex Chaos - Yogi Drip
Complex Chaos - Coconut Comfort
Mr Hardwicks - DDD
The E-Liquid Project - White Biskit Bread
Select Reserve - Matador
Awesome vape mail day today :dance:

Popped in by Andre to pick up my second O16 :h: and two LG brown turds :-D
Instead of just going home with my treasures, Andre the awesome man that he is goes and hands me 5 juices to try out :O :clap: :D:D

Thank you @Andre for all that you do for me, I appreciate you bud :rock:


Whats in this dodgy:giggle: picture:
Origen Little 16 BF Dripper
Complex Chaos - Yogi Drip
Complex Chaos - Coconut Comfort
Mr Hardwicks - DDD
The E-Liquid Project - White Biskit Bread
Select Reserve - Matador
Lucky bugger! Those are all excellent juices :)
Did somebody say vape mail?! Thanks to the guys at VapeCartel and @ShaneW from Juicy Joes for his tremendous service.


We have from the left:

Rocket Fuel - Country Bumpkin
VooDoo - Bloody Sunday
Nostalgia - Fogweaver
Nom Du Plume - #4
NCV - Milked
Mad Hatter - I :h: donuts
Charlie and the Joose Factory - Fizzy Lifting Cola
Foggs - Pacific Coast
Did somebody say vape mail?! Thanks to the guys at VapeCartel and @ShaneW from Juicy Joes for his tremendous service.

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We have from the left:

Rocket Fuel - Country Bumpkin
VooDoo - Bloody Sunday
Nostalgia - Fogweaver
Nom Du Plume - #4
NCV - Milked
Mad Hatter - I :h: donuts
Charlie and the Joose Factory - Fizzy Lifting Cola
Foggs - Pacific Coast

Super assortment of juices @Eduardo

Why do I have to give @Nimatek his bottle of Biscuit Dreams?


Oh wait he paid for his bottle :p
So this arrives yesterday,was a bit busy But was itching to open last night
anyway Christmas came early this year :)


Tree Box
The Box it is in is also Cool :)
Nice show piece BUT don't think I will be using it a bit flimsy
for my liking


Tree Box and his Friend
you dont find the colors here in SA that much besides "Silver"
so I thought I would be different :)
Sooooo... refund him and keep it is an option. ;-)
Hahahaha I can't afford to refund him unfortunately - my funds this month is minimal to say the least. Otherwise I would have gotten 2 bottles for myself :p
So this arrives yesterday,was a bit busy But was itching to open last night
anyway Christmas came early this year :)


Tree Box
The Box it is in is also Cool :)
Nice show piece BUT don't think I will be using it a bit flimsy
for my liking

It does look awesome, like the sort of thing you'd pull out to vape on when your son is born, instead of the traditional cigar. :)

I must admit, the packaging in this whole vape industry is pretty damn nice, from my omnitester to the Bellus tank and even the iTaste SVD, just opening the box makes you feel like a kid at Christmas. :)