Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Ooh, nice. I was so tempted, but now out of stock - temptation removed for the time being:D. Looking forward to your impressions.
@Andre , you know what, every time I tell my self, no more purchases, and yesterday morning I thought damn....I need a big boy for desserts. Luckily my wife is in Cape Town at the moment, so Yaaaaa vape mail baby. One problem it is not white......then the two Reo's could have camouflaged it....lol

Vapemail yum testing most of them for the first time


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Local "reserves" and other stuff from the mountain, the club & the cartel ;-)
@Zodd, OMW I like your taste in motor vehicles! Yes, it is a Honda, but it is a Honda with a RED badge..... YESSSSSSS
Not realy vape mail but some goodies I picked up at the Vape Meet on Saturday. Thanks @JakesSA for the great service and advice bud! The Evic VTC Mini is an awsome new member of the family!

Fetch from the Wiener CO. is NOM NOM!!! to the highest degree man, DAYMN!! @Rooigevaar I salute you!! Will definitely be grabbing the entire line sooner than soon :D

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