Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!


Thank you @Vape Empire this juice is awesome,the Strawberry Allstar is something for the books!

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Ohhh shiny!


Thanks @Throat Punch
Quoting myself here because I was too busy to thank @Throat Punch properly yesterday.
As I'm sure most of you are aware this guy is awesome!
His service is both very professional and personal at the same time.
I had a nice chat with him before placing my order and he was more than willing to answer any of my questions and even make some special provisions for me if needed.
In an industry where we have so many different suppliers I can tell you now that service is everything.
@Throat Punch, you have gained a loyal customer in me. Keep on being awesome!
2hrs and I still don't know what this thing looks like.
Didn't there used to be some kind of fine system

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The Reload RTA needed to be treated to some nice wire:

The guy at Vaper's Corner was super friendly. Very interested in the RTA. Did a mean build for me and I can now see why people are raving about this tank!
Vape Mail Baby! :b1:

FedEx just left and there was my long awaited Billet Box Unicorn Poo, another Odis Flow, A Victor Gonzalves Mod, Wayneo REO Woodvil and some cup holders for BB's!
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