Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

I keep forgetting that I'm waiting for vape mail but you guys keep reminding me :p haha
I keep forgetting that I'm waiting for vape mail but you guys keep reminding me :p haha
Oh nevermind... its been at general reception since like 10am :p

Thanks @Cruzz_33 for hooking me up with a voucher for the muck up that was my previous order. I really appreciate it!
Need to create a thread, specifically for vapers waiting for vape mail :qmiedo:
A "thread" ... more like a support group buddy! :D

I don't even want to think about the 5 international orders that I have floating in the ether: o
Thanks @Silver

I should've said create a thread for 'What to do with your life while waiting for vape mail' lol :p

Lol, I hear you
I suppose by watching this thread it doesnt make it any easier.
Best is to probably just switch off and go for a walk to take your mind off it.