Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Just received this as a gift from a family member, packaging is beautiful. Anyone know anything else about this line?IMG_20171003_141944.jpg IMG_20171003_142201.jpg IMG_20171003_142216.jpg IMG_20171003_142242.jpg IMG_20171003_141919.jpg
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Some DIY goodness

Some epic stoompos for me today


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Vape Mail Baby... yes still from the Paris haul! The Tanko by Odis... will get around to setting this up later today!
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Free vape pickup again. Thanks to @Yiannaki we had a meet this afternoon due to him wanting electical grease and he kindly gave me this for a little dolop of grease. A nice guy to meet and an amazing juice maker. I love this stuff. 17108327-9A28-4654-868E-8661E0A94D75.jpeg