Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

My favourite type of vapemail. Time to miclx some Rhodonite and Bombies Nana Cream

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You better share!!!!!!! Can't wait to get that coiler going, just needed a little length on the bit to manipulate the darn coils a tad easier.
Also can't wait to get it all in a bag that fits everything :D
Well get your arse in gear and come help me build coils for the mutation :p
got some DIY goodies and the hazeworks try pack :) couldn't wait for month end screw vape budget #VapeBudgetsMustRise
Do not be alarmed by the picture i'm not stalking anyone that is my beautiful wife, and half of me.
got some DIY goodies and the hazeworks try pack :) couldn't wait for month end screw vape budget #VapeBudgetsMustRise
View attachment 46051
Do not be alarmed by the picture i'm not stalking anyone that is my beautiful wife, and half of me.
I see you're playing it safe and have the wife's pics on the pc, that way at least you'll still have fingers to type on the forums, clever lad. :D
I couldn't man. Got the TFA Almond Amaretto, hoping it turns out ok

mmm good luck with that, not saying it is not going to work - I just read that the FA: Almond is sweet and the TFA: Almond Amaretto is more bitter - but hey try it if it's lekka let me know cause I too want to make that recipe. I'm actually gonna try it with VapeOWave Almond - it smells sweet and tastes okay, but I have to use in very small percentages. Will let you know how mine turned out :)
I see you're playing it safe and have the wife's pics on the pc, that way at least you'll still have fingers to type on the forums, clever lad. :D
of course man, she is finance minister and approves all budgets namely and very importantly vape budgets.
mmm good luck with that, not saying it is not going to work - I just read that the FA: Almond is sweet and the TFA: Almond Amaretto is more bitter - but hey try it if it's lekka let me know cause I too want to make that recipe. I'm actually gonna try it with VapeOWave Almond - it smells sweet and tastes okay, but I have to use in very small percentages. Will let you know how mine turned out :)

Cool likewise, and haha yes I am very optimistic, I think it will work fine
Wife was nagging and i Quote : "every month you look at this vape stuff like its porn why dont you just get what you want and get it over with"
Little does she know this is just the beginning lmfao :dance::rofl::dance:
Thanks VM, got these at 8:20 this am. Was able to fill up before Uni, really enjoying the XXX, it's extremely well balanced and the menthol is really not overpowering. Thanks for the service!!

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