Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

You met @Yiannaki to swop some grease for some juice :eek:
Imagine what a non-vaper would think of that
Lol @antonherbst

Jokes aside, @Yiannaki is a true gentleman and has a fine palate

You stated it. I didnt want to state the obvious so i just went with plain english to not walk into a deep hole of teasing. And yes the juice that Yoga eliquids make is devine.
Some mods and a tank




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Trying something new and updating some of the old


Finally pulled the trigger on Petri 22 and cloud cap as I wasn’t sure about the gold

Some trinity glass for my twisted messes that was a dead waist as it turns the attie into a 25mm or in that range

New punisher panels for my SQ

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Vape mail from @Amir ,paid R250 for the SMM and @hands drip tip,bargain! And the juices he sent for FREEEEEEE! What a legend,cannot wait to buy more stuff from you
Lovely purple there @RenaldoRheeder !

PS - i just want to see how you fit everything into the suitcase on your way back!

Hahaha @Silver - I am an experienced traveler- I never travel back to SA with only one suitcase. The first suitcase is already packed and ready for the trip back on Sunday.

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Vape mail from the Sirs. SXK BB & Exocet after months of resisting.

First build and wicking went well, really enjoying it.
