Calling all DIY'ers

Quick question if you have a few ingredients Al smal percentage 5 or 4 percent each say about 5 ingredients does it produce a single strong flavour or what im asking because im gonna try a few resepies but it would be my first apart from single flavours I mixed

You need to experiment bud. Decide what your main flavour is and what is going to compliment it then its all about mixing little batches and finding out how they react to each other, you might find one of the low notes knocking down your main flavour and need to decrease the percentage of the complimentary or increase the main. Start with a recipe that's available online and tweak it to your liking from there it will give you a really good idea of what can work and starting point for flavour percentages.

I eventually gave up on all but basic DIY. Lots of guys are finding great success though I suppose I'm not patient enough.
Quick question if you have a few ingredients Al smal percentage 5 or 4 percent each say about 5 ingredients does it produce a single strong flavour or what im asking because im gonna try a few resepies but it would be my first apart from single flavours I mixed

As Gazza says, really.

The problem comes in that each flavour comes into its own at differen t strengths. For example, Ripe Banana or Peppermint at 5% will totally kill anything else in a mix. Whereas Ripe Strawberry is bearly there at 5%.

Have a look at these percentages

They obviously not 100% accurate, but it gives you an idea of what is strong and whats not.
Will start small luckily I have a good Al day vape
Hehehehe:-D Just had a taste and a look at my first recipe I did when I started in Feb, and at that stage i thought I nailed it, I thought this DIY thing is easy. When I look and taste it now I can not believe how noob I was and probably still am.:banghead:

Just thought I will share my latest creation I made a week ago.
After 15ml of Strawberry concentrate, this is the first one I really like:rock:

Please let me know what you think? :smoke:

Hehehehe:-D Just had a taste and a look at my first recipe I did when I started in Feb, and at that stage i thought I nailed it, I thought this DIY thing is easy. When I look and taste it now I can not believe how noob I was and probably still am.:banghead:

Just thought I will share my latest creation I made a week ago.
After 15ml of Strawberry concentrate, this is the first one I really like:rock:

Please let me know what you think? :smoke:

View attachment 27708
Oooh this sounds good, like a fresh fruit salad with ice cream, yum :)
Nicobeak 1 point 8 days ago

Mint Chocolate Ice Cream

  • Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TFA) 4.50%
  • Dark Chocolate (MF) 1.00%
  • Creme de Menthe (FLV) 2.00%
Super simple, super good
smoakleyyyMixologist 6 points 23 days ago

Raspberry Custard (my personal favorite mix I've made)

  • FA Meringue 1%
  • FA Fresh Cream 1%
  • CAP Vanilla Custard v1 5%
  • FA Raspberry 2%
  • FA Bilberry .5%
  • FA Apple Pie 1.5%
Mix and forget for at least a week, preferably 2, and you will not be disappointed. Assuming you aren't mortified by raspberry anyway. xD

When I get my next order of flavors in I want to try replacing FA Raspberry with INW Raspberry and see how that affects the taste.

Hehehehe:-D Just had a taste and a look at my first recipe I did when I started in Feb, and at that stage i thought I nailed it, I thought this DIY thing is easy. When I look and taste it now I can not believe how noob I was and probably still am.:banghead:

Just thought I will share my latest creation I made a week ago.
After 15ml of Strawberry concentrate, this is the first one I really like:rock:

Please let me know what you think? :smoke:

View attachment 27708

Congrats @Waltervh
Strawberry Crackers & Cream
Sounds good...
Strawberry (TFA) 6%
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 8%

It'll be good. That's pretty damn close to the "base" for one of my strawberry (and oddly most successful) recipes. I use 3% strawberry, 7% ice cream and then a couple of others along with it.
I've read this Mustard Milk (named after its creator) is supposedly brilliant, while being simple to make:

Strawberry (TFA) 6%
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 8%

You can read on reddit all about why fizzmustard says this is such a great mix.
I will be mixing it on the weekend, and will report back.
I only have ripe strawberry... I know it's a bit weaker than normal strawberry, any suggestions on what I should mix it at with Ripe Strawberry?
I'm not too clued up, as I've never used normal Strawberry. But I think you need to use 2 or 3% more Ripe. I'm sure I read that somewhere
Okay, I'll make it with a 8% strawberry mix tonight. It sounds like a good recipe, thanks for this ;)
Pity I can't vape vanilla flavors :( Sitting with almost full bottles of vanilla bean ice cream, vanilla cupcake and some French vanilla. So many recipes use vanilla
Pity I can't vape vanilla flavors :( Sitting with almost full bottles of vanilla bean ice cream, vanilla cupcake and some French vanilla. So many recipes use vanilla
Why can't you vape vanilla flavours? Is it a taste thing?
Why can't you vape vanilla flavours? Is it a taste thing?

Tastes like I'm vaping the Sahara Desert. Just this bland, tasteless clouds with no taste to speak of. Funny, because I love vanilla Coke, and vanilla flavors in general.
Tastes like I'm vaping the Sahara Desert. Just this bland, tasteless clouds with no taste to speak of. Funny, because I love vanilla Coke, and vanilla flavors in general.
Hmmm... That's interesting! Touch Wood I never suffer with the same problem. I've had something similar happen to me with some cinnamon type flavours, but it was only with the Sir Vape No. 5 and nothing else since then.

I have noticed that some vanilla flavours leave a sour taste in your mouth after an extended period of vaping, and once you get the sour taste it becomes really tough to pick up the vanilla, maybe you're suffering from something similar?
Hmmm... That's interesting! Touch Wood I never suffer with the same problem. I've had something similar happen to me with some cinnamon type flavours, but it was only with the Sir Vape No. 5 and nothing else since then.

I have noticed that some vanilla flavors leave a sour taste in your mouth after an extended period of vaping, and once you get the sour taste it becomes really tough to pick up the vanilla, maybe you're suffering from something similar?

I have that bland taste from the start. All I could taste on the Sir Vape No 5 was the peanut. Was still nice, but the rest was lost on my palette. No I avoid dessert juice like the plague :D Found my happy place with some menthol, some fruit and some tobacco juice.

Speaking of, this one is a real winner in my opinion

Getting some more goodies from @drew today. Lots of fruit flavors stacking up, lol.

Still tweaking the banana + peanut butter one, but I'm liking that as a break between fruits.
Still busy mixing and matching some others too. Will mix it up later and taste in a few days. Just thought of the movie Pineapple Express and had to do it, lol
Did you vape that and how does it taste?

Can't speak for the smell (never smell my own vapor) but the taste is authentic..... and, the I overheard the neighbors (pensioners) about the "laaitie" next door and his mountain cabbage :D :D :D

Got this flavor specifically for work. Two of my colleagues keep complaining that my vape "stinks" or smells "funny". Guess what? Now it DOES smell funny :D