Calling all DIY'ers

Looking at the recipes, possibly marshmallow and sweetener are trying to achieve the caramel effect.

I would suggest subbing the sweetener with TFA caramel at around 1.5% and possibly reducing the marshmallow to 1%. Need some 2 of the above concentrates but also keen to give it a go.

Good work @VapeSnow and thanks for sharing.

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Hi All

About to place my next order and wanted to find out thoughts on the concentrates Creme de Menthe (FW) [want to try out Cuprian] and Tiramisu (FA)?

Hi All

About to place my next order and wanted to find out thoughts on the concentrates Creme de Menthe (FW) [want to try out Cuprian] and Tiramisu (FA)?


Creme de Menthe is a solid flavour and cannot be subbed in Cuprian. I now use it instead mint and it's stunning! If you dont use it for anything else than Cuprian then it is still a good choice!
The Tiramisu must be used in very small quantities as it is very potent, standalone at max 3%... I don't care for it much and only used it once... It receives rave reviews by most...
Hi All

About to place my next order and wanted to find out thoughts on the concentrates Creme de Menthe (FW) [want to try out Cuprian] and Tiramisu (FA)?

I made Cuprian and it is good. FW Creme de Menthe works perfectly in that.
FA Tiramisu is a great concentrate. Very strong, will last a long time. For the best Coffee Cake in town: FA Nonna's Cake - 3%, FA Tiramisu - 1%, FA Jamaican Rum - 1%
Thanks @Andre and @Rude Rudi. I haven't found much recipes using Creme de Menthe so I was a bit doubtful on that concentrate. Can you guys suggest another mint recipe that I could use? I will also try out the peppermint tart recipe posted the other day in this tread.
Thanks @Andre and @Rude Rudi. I haven't found much recipes using Creme de Menthe so I was a bit doubtful on that concentrate. Can you guys suggest another mint recipe that I could use? I will also try out the peppermint tart recipe posted the other day in this tread.
@VapeSnow's Creamy Mint here I quite like. Suppose you could use FW in place of his TFA, not sure about the percentage though - would hazard you could stay around 7 %, being basically a standalone.
So guys, day:3 of the Bronuts saga continues. I cleaned out my tank and refilled her with this super hard throat hitting bronuts to give her one more chance. The first half a tank was just pure bliss, yummy perfect bronuts. Then after a while the crazey hard hit is back:(. I then persist and vape through the harsh hits and end up to the wonderful bronuts again.

This morning, HARSH HIT. vape for a while and back to lovely bronuts. WTF is going on guys?
Ok firstly, is this your own vape you made? If yes pls send me exactly how u made it, and what nic u using and how u mix and steep, step by step. It is sounding like a nicotine harshness. When u get nic hit, it goes away after a few puffs, but if you spend enough time between vaping it comes back. Also with nic hit your throat struggles to taste the flavour while u have the nic hit.

If its bought vape it can still have the nic hit if not mixed properly. What mg nic is it?

Let me know thanks
Ok firstly, is this your own vape you made? If yes pls send me exactly how u made it, and what nic u using and how u mix and steep, step by step. It is sounding like a nicotine harshness. When u get nic hit, it goes away after a few puffs, but if you spend enough time between vaping it comes back. Also with nic hit your throat struggles to taste the flavour while u have the nic hit.

If its bought vape it can still have the nic hit if not mixed properly. What mg nic is it?

Let me know thanks

Hey @Oceanic Vapes, Well first things first. the recipe I followed:

CAP Chocolate glazed doughnuts - 7%
FA Joy - 0.75%
FW Yellow cake - 1%
INW biscuit - 0.75%

Mixed at 70/30 VG/PG

Mixing method:

1. VG in bottle
2. PG in bottle
3. Shake the crap out of NIc then in bottle
4. small shaky shaky
5. Concentrates go in
6. Big shaky shaky
7. cool dark place

So your usual Bronuts recipe.

The nic is 100% VG, Prime-nic 36mg/ml. I have tested the nic after used in the Bronuts and the nic is fine.

The scenario you described above with the harsh hit at first then fading and all that is spot on. I tried a a 80/20 mix and the throat hit is slightly less but still there. I made a batch with 0 Nic and it is absolutely perfect. I let two bottles steep for over a month and a half and still has the harshness.

I have all but given up on this recipe even though I am a big fan of the flavor. I have spoken to Valley vapor and they recon the concentrate has that quality to it, which sucks as I know the PG is just making it worse.
Hey @Oceanic Vapes, Well first things first. the recipe I followed:

CAP Chocolate glazed doughnuts - 7%
FA Joy - 0.75%
FW Yellow cake - 1%
INW biscuit - 0.75%

Mixed at 70/30 VG/PG

Mixing method:

1. VG in bottle
2. PG in bottle
3. Shake the crap out of NIc then in bottle
4. small shaky shaky
5. Concentrates go in
6. Big shaky shaky
7. cool dark place

So your usual Bronuts recipe.

The nic is 100% VG, Prime-nic 36mg/ml. I have tested the nic after used in the Bronuts and the nic is fine.

The scenario you described above with the harsh hit at first then fading and all that is spot on. I tried a a 80/20 mix and the throat hit is slightly less but still there. I made a batch with 0 Nic and it is absolutely perfect. I let two bottles steep for over a month and a half and still has the harshness.

I have all but given up on this recipe even though I am a big fan of the flavor. I have spoken to Valley vapor and they recon the concentrate has that quality to it, which sucks as I know the PG is just making it worse.
You are correct with the pg, as the pg causes more throat hit. But after all you have said it definitely sounds like the nic to me, have you tried vg/nic mix, when u shake the nic, when we say shake the sht out of it we actually mean shake the sht out of it for a long time, I shake my nic for at least 45min, when I'm working with 6mg vape, I shake it even more, I find that pg/nic wortks better for me as I find the nic mixes easier with pg than with vg. Vg sometimes suspends the nic where is pg holds the nic. Also remember that if nic is mixed with pg or vg, nic can still seperate from the mix. Try it out bru and let me know
You are correct with the pg, as the pg causes more throat hit. But after all you have said it definitely sounds like the nic to me, have you tried vg/nic mix, when u shake the nic, when we say shake the sht out of it we actually mean shake the sht out of it for a long time, I shake my nic for at least 45min, when I'm working with 6mg vape, I shake it even more, I find that pg/nic wortks better for me as I find the nic mixes easier with pg than with vg. Vg sometimes suspends the nic where is pg holds the nic. Also remember that if nic is mixed with pg or vg, nic can still seperate from the mix. Try it out bru and let me know

That's awesome advise @Oceanic Vapes , I don't shake it to nowhere close to that time. I literally give it a 2 minute vigorous shake. I Have tried the nic in some strawberry recipe and a few others and not one of those have that same effect of harsh throat hit. I mixed 3 batches of bronuts and they all have that trait apart from the 0mg.
That's awesome advise @Oceanic Vapes , I don't shake it to nowhere close to that time. I literally give it a 2 minute vigorous shake. I Have tried the nic in some strawberry recipe and a few others and not one of those have that same effect of harsh throat hit. I mixed 3 batches of bronuts and they all have that trait apart from the 0mg.
Remember, different concentrates affect nic differently, or should I say the nic affects the concentrates differently. There is a lot to take into consideration, acidity, alkaline etc etc. But yes you need to be shaking it a lot longer, and obviously if you working with 6mg u have to shake it even longer, that's a given, let me know if u need any more help
@Oceanic Vapes @Imtiaaz

The dreaded throat hit from Bronuts has been attributed to the CAP Choc Glazed Doughnut concentrate.
On reddit a guy made a batch with and without nic and both bottles had harsh TH.
General consensus is that the CAP CGD concentrate is inconsistent with some batches being harsh while others are fine. I have myself now experienced this first hand. I had a lot of TH, especially the first vape in the morning, with the last Bronuts I mad. Confirmed by my mate @Nico_gti as his bottle was harsh too. I mixed up some last week and I did a test drip the other day, there was almost zero TH. I'm going to mix a 0mg for a work colleague and if he doesn't have any TH then I'm convinced it is the CAP CGD concentrate!
@Oceanic Vapes @Imtiaaz

The dreaded throat hit from Bronuts has been attributed to the CAP Choc Glazed Doughnut concentrate.
On reddit a guy made a batch with and without nic and both bottles had harsh TH.
General consensus is that the CAP CGD concentrate is inconsistent with some batches being harsh while others are fine. I have myself now experienced this first hand. I had a lot of TH, especially the first vape in the morning, with the last Bronuts I mad. Confirmed by my mate @Nico_gti as his bottle was harsh too. I mixed up some last week and I did a test drip the other day, there was almost zero TH. I'm going to mix a 0mg for a work colleague and if he doesn't have any TH then I'm convinced it is the CAP CGD concentrate!

Thank you @Greyz @Oceanic Vapes appreciate the advise as I too believe its the concentrate itself. So as for me, I am done with bronuts for now until and if ever they fix the issue. Sad to say but that TH just makes the juice un-vapable.
@KZOR @RichJB I need help please, I mixed up this recipe. It’s a clone of Mad Hatter “I love Cookies”

3% INW Biscuit
4% FA Cookie
2% TFA Cream Fresh
5% TFA Double Chocolate
1.5% TFA Marshmallow
1% TFA Sweet Cream

6 mg Nicotine
30% Pg
70% Vg
I Steeped it for 15 days

It’s unvapeable. It has the background taste of medicated shampoo, the blue one you used to use to kill dandruff with.

I traced the smell to the INW Biscuit. I have two 10ml bottles of it, one used and one just opened to check the smell. The darker of the two has a stronger odour. I have no idea why they are not the same colour.
@KZOR @RichJB I need help please, I mixed up this recipe. It’s a clone of Mad Hatter “I love Cookies”

3% INW Biscuit
4% FA Cookie
2% TFA Cream Fresh
5% TFA Double Chocolate
1.5% TFA Marshmallow
1% TFA Sweet Cream

6 mg Nicotine
30% Pg
70% Vg
I Steeped it for 15 days

It’s unvapeable. It has the background taste of medicated shampoo, the blue one you used to use to kill dandruff with.

I traced the smell to the INW Biscuit. I have two 10ml bottles of it, one used and one just opened to check the smell. The darker of the two has a stronger odour. I have no idea why they are not the same colour.
View attachment 75587
I just checked my bottle of INW Biscuit. It has the same colour as the right hand side one in your picture. Nice cookie smell.
@KZOR @RichJB I need help please, I mixed up this recipe. It’s a clone of Mad Hatter “I love Cookies”

3% INW Biscuit
4% FA Cookie
2% TFA Cream Fresh
5% TFA Double Chocolate
1.5% TFA Marshmallow
1% TFA Sweet Cream

6 mg Nicotine
30% Pg
70% Vg
I Steeped it for 15 days

It’s unvapeable. It has the background taste of medicated shampoo, the blue one you used to use to kill dandruff with.

I traced the smell to the INW Biscuit. I have two 10ml bottles of it, one used and one just opened to check the smell. The darker of the two has a stronger odour. I have no idea why they are not the same colour.
View attachment 75587

3% biscuit for starters - that's way high - biscuit can be strong at 0.5.
Drop the biscuit to 1-2% max
FA cookie - also very strong - try at 1-2%

Personally I'd try cookie at 1.5 & biscuit at 0.5.

Also just wait for it to steep, although with those levels of biscuit and cookie in the original recipe I wouldn't hold out much hope.

Also having tried the I love cookies, I'm pretty sure there's coconut of some sort in there.. so this clone recipe looks like a shot in the dark :p