Calling all DIY'ers

We might as well remove the whole DIY section on the forum if the idea is "every man for himself" in my opinion.

Not at all the mark i was aiming at... What i was saying is that I personally dont feel like sharing my recipe until I reach that point where I am MYSELF 99% happy with it.
And being that I "vape to finish" every batch I make, and not bin and restart - that takes some time.

I can very well understand that taste is subjective. More so than others!
But I don't feel right putting what I still consider a "mehsauce" recipe up for others to try. Maybe someone comes around on their first mix and it completely ruins the DYI experience for them...

Just the luck of this thread and discussion point that I "finished" my Strawberry Tart recipe as far as she will go in my hands. (Posted above, like 5 mins ago or something hehe)
I have another recipe which I wanna share. It's my own recipe which I thought could be very good, ended up smoking my 10ml tester in a day.

12% CAP Vanilla Custard
6% CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl
3% TFA Dulche de Leche

3 Drops EM per 10ml

Steep for at least 2 weeks, 3 preferably.

It has a very floral aroma, but the taste is fantastic! Stick it out, it'll be worth it ;)
Oh yeah, another one I made over the weekend.

12% CAP Amaretto
8% TFA Coconut
6% VM Cream
2 Drops EM per 10ml

This juice is pretty good. I have guys at work wanting to order it from me, so it might be a real winner ;)
Oh yeah, another one I made over the weekend.

12% CAP Amaretto
8% TFA Coconut
6% VM Cream
2 Drops EM per 10ml

This juice is pretty good. I have guys at work wanting to order it from me, so it might be a real winner ;)

That actually sounds pretty darn delicious!
I have another recipe which I wanna share. It's my own recipe which I thought could be very good, ended up smoking my 10ml tester in a day.

12% CAP Vanilla Custard
6% CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl
3% TFA Dulche de Leche

3 Drops EM per 10ml

Steep for at least 2 weeks, 3 preferably.

It has a very floral aroma, but the taste is fantastic! Stick it out, it'll be worth it ;)

OMgosh that sounds like my kinda cuppa!
Thank you.
1 more recipe which I have been struggling with.... a "Fruit Salad" recipe. Any input would be appreciated!

5% TFA Pineapple (be careful with this, it's a throat killer)
5% VM Strawberry
5% VM Banana
5% TFA Coconut
5% VM Cream

Steep for a week.

This tatses good, but it's not my favourite. It tastes like one of those Tutti Frutti ice lollies that you snap in half (the ones you had as a kid)... I would imagine that koolada would go nicely with this juice.
1 more recipe which I have been struggling with.... a "Fruit Salad" recipe. Any input would be appreciated!

5% TFA Pineapple (be careful with this, it's a throat killer)
5% VM Strawberry
5% VM Banana
5% TFA Coconut
5% VM Cream

Steep for a week.

This tatses good, but it's not my favourite. It tastes like one of those Tutti Frutti ice lollies that you snap in half (the ones you had as a kid)... I would imagine that koolada would go nicely with this juice.

Jumped right out at me - Strawberry. Its just a notoriously weak flavouring! Bump that sucker WAY UP!
I would personally bump into some ratio like:
3% Pine
8% Strawb
5% Banana
4% Coconut
-% Cream (personally i would first finish the balance of fruit altogether before working on the cream)
I hear what you're saying, but don' agree at all. I don't think anyone starts out in DIY expecting to create the next international premium juice hit. Most people, like myself, will do DIY for the fun of it and as a hobby. Also to save some money on juice in the long run. We always preach that taste is subjective, so one man's OK juice could well be another man's ADV. I was one of the people complaining that people don't share their recipes. To me, the only way to get the most from a forum such as this is by sharing ideas and information. Otherwise we're just a bunch of guys playing with out keyboards, talking shit and playing :"mine is bigger than yours" with our mods.

One might mix up an OK juice, share the recipe and someone else might go "let's add that", or "why not try this additive" and turn it into a joy to vape. We might as well remove the whole DIY section on the forum if the idea is "every man for himself" in my opinion.

When I look at the international forums and the passion they have for DIY it saddens me to say I am south african. Really.

Nah man, many of us have only started DIY in the last few months.

And like already said, I to dont want to share a recipe untill I'm happy with it. So far, I'm still feeling recipes out. Not really happy with them.

I think the US/UK DIY folk have been at it a lot longer than we have.

Patience. This community will grow and share :)
Jumped right out at me - Strawberry. Its just a notoriously weak flavouring! Bump that sucker WAY UP!
I would personally bump into some ratio like:
3% Pine
8% Strawb
5% Banana
4% Coconut
-% Cream (personally i would first finish the balance of fruit altogether before working on the cream)

What strawberry do you use? I find the VM one to be very artificial in taste, so I try not too add anything over 6% with it in a mix. Otherwise your mix looks good! ;) Maybe I'll re-visit this when I have some TFA Ripe Strawberry in my arsenal. Thanks for the advice though dude, much appreciated!
What strawberry do you use? I find the VM one to be very artificial in taste, so I try not too add anything over 6% with it in a mix. Otherwise your mix looks good! ;) Maybe I'll re-visit this when I have some TFA Ripe Strawberry in my arsenal. Thanks for the advice though dude, much appreciated!

Oh, yeah, that.
I didn't find much love in the VM Strawberry either.
I am currently decently happy with TFA Sweet Strawberry from Skyblue; but ALSO looking forward to a bottle of the Ripe Strawberry from them on my next order.
My DIY contribution towards this thread, I made this juice over Desember and it was mildly successful with some of my testers, some LOVED it and other thought it was ok, in all fairness it went up against Happy Holidays and Ambrosia. I called it Curacau:-

TFA Bavarian Cream 4%
TFA Ethyl Maltol 3%
TFA Sweet Cream 2%
CAP Sweet Strawberry 5%
TFA Vanilla Custard 8%
@Melinda this is frikken delicious! I followed the recipe exactly and it is way up there with Ambrosia, spectacular!
@Melinda this is frikken delicious! I followed the recipe exactly and it is way up there with Ambrosia, spectacular!

@BumbleBee With my testing group Ambrosia won out with Caracau losing to the lady godess, I still mix it for one of my testers since this was his favourite, and I'm happy I could contribute something that you enjoy!!
Hi @Melinda
You have a beautiful range and it is growing like crazy. Congrats
How about Butterscotch?
Jumped right out at me - Strawberry. Its just a notoriously weak flavouring! Bump that sucker WAY UP!
I would personally bump into some ratio like:
3% Pine
8% Strawb
5% Banana
4% Coconut
-% Cream (personally i would first finish the balance of fruit altogether before working on the cream)

@UnholyMunk I agree 100% with @WHeunis here, drop that Pineapple, TFA Pineapple is seriously overwhelming and could overpower all your other flavours, it could still go lower than 3% but I think that dropping it to 3% will give you a better idea where to with that flavour.

A tip from me is when you start playing again with this flavour only adjust one flavour, so either the Strawberry or the Pineapple, don't do both at the same time, developing a nice juice takes time don't rush it, adjust your one flavour steep it and see where you are flavour wise once you get what you want from that one flavour move on to the next one etc...

Adjusting all of them at the same time might just muddle up your juice and you don't know where you went off the rails and you end up starting all over again.

I'm not as an eloquent explainer as Derick but I hope this make sense to you.
Hi @Melinda
You have a beautiful range and it is growing like crazy. Congrats
How about Butterscotch?

I'm not allowed to speak about my range here, It's seen as punting and will be removed I'm sorry :(
ok lets try again @Melinda. You say mix fruits steep and test.

My question is the steeping? Do you just do a quick steep and how?
I do about 3 - 4 hot baths on my liquids, because Derick usually can't wait for proper steeping, and then give to him for vaping, or place it in my Baby bottle warmer for the night if he is not too impatient :)

Final runs gets the 2 week dark cupboard vampire treatment, in secret so he doesn't vape it before it's ready :)

Best is to leave it for 1 week in Vampire state, by 1 week you will get an idea of where the flavour profiles need adjusting IF it needs adjusting.
I do about 3 - 4 hot baths on my liquids, because Derick usually can't wait for proper steeping, and then give to him for vaping, or place it in my Baby bottle warmer for the night if he is not too impatient :)

Final runs gets the 2 week dark cupboard vampire treatment, in secret so he doesn't vape it before it's ready :)

Best is to leave it for 1 week in Vampire state, by 1 week you will get an idea of where the flavour profiles need adjusting IF it needs adjusting.

Thanks will try
How important is breathing to you, or rather your liquids?
Thanks will try
How important is breathing to you, or rather your liquids?

Personally I try to not think of my juices in the cupboard, I usually leave the lid on but not screwed down, why I don't know I read it needs to breath so I leave it like that. Never had any issues with not shaking it or not having the cap off completely.
The Peaches and cream smelled so good I made a 15% mix with it.
It is very nice, maybe needs something more to bring the flavour out,,,we will see
I do two hot baths, boot steeping for a week and about half a day of breathing in a dark cupboard