Calling all DIY'ers

Hi everyone , i have a question for the clued up diy'ers, please could someone help me concerning the strength on the tfa concentrates, question what is the pure % flavor in the pg solution?
Hi everyone , i have a question for the clued up diy'ers, please could someone help me concerning the strength on the tfa concentrates, question what is the pure % flavor in the pg solution?
Not sure what you are asking - do you mean how much PG vs flavouring chemicals there are in the TFA flavours?
Hi Derick, hope you well, thanks for the chat the other day, just waiting for M to finish our order as we briefly spoke last week, yes was asked buy a client today interested in diy and pointed him to you guys, but the one question he asked me is what is the % flavor , how strong is the pure flavor in the pg solution, for example what is the % dilution ratio for TFA flavors
Hi Derick, hope you well, thanks for the chat the other day, just waiting for M to finish our order as we briefly spoke last week, yes was asked buy a client today interested in diy and pointed him to you guys, but the one question he asked me is what is the % flavor , how strong is the pure flavor in the pg solution, for example what is the % dilution ratio for TFA flavors
Hi there :)

TFA (and the other flavour companies) use pure flavour - it is not diluted, the PG is purely there to serve as solvent - i.e. to make the various flavour chemicals mix without separating.

Compare that to say vanilla essence you buy at the grocery store - that is heavily diluted - so for instance if you wanted to mix a grocery store vanilla essence to vape with you would have to go as high as 40/ 50% to get the same effect as a TFA vanilla at around 8%

Now I'm sure there are flavour companies out there that might be temped to add some more PG to save on manufacturing costs, but they would be discovered pretty quickly as people start using the flavours I'm sure
Sorry, PG is also used as a flavour carrier - so it carries the flavour better, but I will ask this question from TFA and see what they say - I highly doubt they would tell me though because their ingredient composition would be seen as part of the recipe, which would be proprietary information
Hi there :)

TFA (and the other flavour companies) use pure flavour - it is not diluted, the PG is purely there to serve as solvent - i.e. to make the various flavour chemicals mix without separating.

Compare that to say vanilla essence you buy at the grocery store - that is heavily diluted - so for instance if you wanted to mix a grocery store vanilla essence to vape with you would have to go as high as 40/ 50% to get the same effect as a TFA vanilla at around 8%

Now I'm sure there are flavour companies out there that might be temped to add some more PG to save on manufacturing costs, but they would be discovered pretty quickly as people start using the flavours I'm sure

Cool thanks D, i dont know what he has in mind but now i also know lol if any future questions do air concerning juice
This turned out rather yummy.

A Pink Lemonade of sorts

Sweet Rasberry 8%
Lemon Lime 5%
Vanilla Swirl 3%


The lemon lime is gorgeous!
I think you're on to something with this one. I have exactly zero of these ingredients but I can taste it just by reading the recipe. Awesome :D
Cool thanks D, i dont know what he has in mind but now i also know lol if any future questions do air concerning juice
Yeah, no worries ask away

If it is indeed as @BumbleBee says - then you usually add about 5% or so to start and adjust to taste - taste is extremely subjective so each person experiences it differently depending on variety of factors.

Usually you don't go higher than about 15% though, because then the vape starts to become chemical/soapy tasting.

So if your client is asking from the perspective of 'how long will 10ml of flavouring last me' - then at an average of 10%, a 10ml bottle of flavouring should be able to flavour about 100ml of e-liquid (depending on how strong he likes his flavours) :)
@BumbleBee , thanks for the reply, Derick hit the spot to the question, Client just wanted to know what the % dilution tfa was diluted in a solution, i guess to determine the strength for different flavor companies i guess i don't know lol
I have heard that some people say that Capella flavours need more compared to TFA, but that is not a common belief - once again, when you come to taste it is highly subjective - more like art and less like science, so I doubt something like that can be easily quantified
@BumbleBee , thanks for the reply, Derick hit the spot to the question, Client just wanted to know what the % dilution tfa was diluted in a solution, i guess to determine the strength for different flavor companies i guess i don't know lol
Ah ok... I see now ;)
This is another one I am really enjoying:

Inspired by Snake Oil:

I call it Mista Magoo :)


Strawberry Ripe 9%
Bavarian Cream 5%
Coconut 3% (or 1,5% coco extra)
Sweet Cream 1%
2 drops Sour per 10ml (just to make the Strawberry pop)
2 drops Ethyl Maltol per 10ml (or any type of sweetener really)
This is another one I am really enjoying:

Inspired by Snake Oil:

I call it Mista Magoo :)


Strawberry Ripe 9%
Bavarian Cream 5%
Coconut 3% (or 1,5% coco extra)
Sweet Cream 1%
2 drops Sour per 10ml (just to make the Strawberry pop)
2 drops Ethyl Maltol per 10ml (or any type of sweetener really)
Sounds awesome
Tried a new custard recipe and its my favourite custard so far.
12% Vanilla Custard - TFA
6% Butterscoch - TFA
2% Bavarian Cream - TFA

Original recipe was with wipped cream going to try that new with my new batch of flavours.
Tried a new custard recipe and its my favourite custard so far.
12% Vanilla Custard - TFA
6% Butterscoch - TFA
2% Bavarian Cream - TFA

Original recipe was with wipped cream going to try that new with my new batch of flavours.
Nice man, yeah I've been vaping this for couple weeks now. Really nice after a couple days steep. Haven't tried it with bav cream yet though.
Did you try the vanilla madness already? Sounds really good.

2% Vanilla Swirl
4% French Vanilla
6% Vanilla Cupcake
5% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
3% Bavarian Cream
1% Whipped Cream
1% Sweet Cream
5% Vanilla Custard
Did you try the vanilla madness already? Sounds really good.

2% Vanilla Swirl
4% French Vanilla
6% Vanilla Cupcake
5% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
3% Bavarian Cream
1% Whipped Cream
1% Sweet Cream
5% Vanilla Custard
Haven't seen that one before, i'll whip up a batch this weekend. Thanks!