Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

Coil 3 - Day 2

This is the second coil from the blister pack I bought.
Was vaping this all morning with 70/30 juice (Mike's Straw Vanna). No problem with wicking at all. Taste is good, getting the underlying creams quite a bit, strawberry is a little muted for me but I believe that's my palette. I get the same wafer taste others say they get instead of pure strawberry. To be fair that does come through better as well though. Can't wait to try 50/50 juices... Enjoying Hazeworks Sunset has convinced me to give XXX a try :)
The juice is Wormwood, AKA Absinthe.

OT, but may lend an idea of why it is a personal favorite. My ancestors hailed from several communities in Neuchatel Canton (somewhat centered around Noiraigue); and also the Trubschachen & Ruegsau areas of Berne Canton, Switzerland. Nine or ten of those communities in Neuchatel Canton merged to become Val-de-Travers a few years ago. That area is considered the birthplace of Absinthe from the late 1700's, originally as an aperitif. Some of my ancestors grew Artemisia absinthum, other botanical's, herbs and distilled them for it. My great-great grandfather was the first to come to America, and I am the first born of the 5th generation here. No one older than me is still alive, and no one younger either to carry on the family name in the direct line except my son. He never married and never wants to, so he will be the end of our branch of the family name.

My first impressions of the Snow Wolf Mini were posted above.....

Now that I've been using it steady for the last 10-11 hours or so and literally wiping out juice with the Target by the tank fulls, it has easily became an acceptable mod for daily rotations. A tracking update suggests the second Target will finally be delivered today, and there is two new Avocado tanks already sitting in my mail box that I will soon go pick up now that the wee hours of the night are here and I am going out to run some errands.

Most interesting about the Absinthe @Spydro and the family background. Wow.

I only tasted an absinthe flavour once before in a juice - it was one of the Five Pawns flavours - Absolute Pin
Didnt like it at all - but not sure if it was the absinthe or other flavours in there that put me off.

Looking forward to hearing more about the Target and ceramic coil experience from your side
Most interesting about the Absinthe @Spydro and the family background. Wow.

I only tasted an absinthe flavour once before in a juice - it was one of the Five Pawns flavours - Absolute Pin
Didnt like it at all - but not sure if it was the absinthe or other flavours in there that put me off.

Looking forward to hearing more about the Target and ceramic coil experience from your side

Neither Absinthe the vape nor the drink is for everyone with the intense anise and other additives in it, and in some cases the sweetness. Like with the drink sweetness can be established in the recipe to individual taste. Some, like the Czechs, take sweetness to very high levels in the drink and WAY past what I could ever tolerate. @Papa_Lazarou has more personal experience with the drink than I, and knows a lot about it as well, so if he see's this he may chime in.

Anyway, to update on the Target tank.... I gave it a rest after about 12 hours (kind of had to, I drained the 30ml bottle). But it never missed a beat, no dry hits and the flavor stayed right at the top the entire time. So 10 tanks done and ready for many more it appears. With it down I put a 26/32 Clapton and my VG Heavy DIY Coconut Coffee (that I extract the flavors for myself) in one of the Avocado's I picked up at my mail place in the wee hours this morning. I like it for many reasons, although I'll give my first thoughts on the tank elsewhere where more appropriate. But I will say that with this build and my vaping style I'll need to run a feed tube to it from a 120ml bottle. It's almost shocking how fast I empty the 3ml tank. Kind of makes the Target and it's coils more user friendly (when they work as advertised that is). :)
On the absinthe front...

I've had it prepared in the traditional way in France, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland. Each prefer different mixtures - both in terms of the liquid itself and the accompaniments. There are also differences between regions in each of those countries.

So... absinthe, the liquor, is not one thing, and certainly the way it's prepared to drink isn't either. It can range from sweet and dominated by the anise to very spicy and tart to fruity with only anise notes.

For DIY juice, this means it's actually one of the more variable flavours; however all too often, manufacturers take black licorice, add some citrus, and call it absinthe. It tends to be too dominated by the anise in almost all of those recipes. To me, a good absinthe (whether the drink or the vape) should reveal 3-5 flavours, some on the initial ingest, the rest as an aftertaste. Most critical is the balance of anise with spice, followed by the sweet/tart ratio.

I been dabbling with 5 different DIY absinthe juice recipes - some emphasis the fruit, others the spice, none are too dominated by the anise. Most likely, I'll end up going with maybe 3 of those recipes long term, but I doubt I'll ever settle on only 1.
I went and picked up the second Target tank in the wee hours this morning from my mail place. Have it setup with another liquid mixed 50/50 for the coils for my first attempt with a coil from the 5X coil boxes. I only gave the coil 2 hours to prime in my jury rigged 10ml syringe vacuum set up that I added a cripple to for the maximum vacuum it can produce. I've been pushing it hard with my long lung hits and vaping way more than I normally would since. It has also been chain vaped until the atty got pretty hot twice. An acid test of sorts. First tank emptied, half way through the second now using it as I normally would.

Too soon to make any valid conclusions I know. but it is holding up so far. Just luck of the draw maybe in the coil selected at random out of 5. So for now the only other info that might be a factor is something I do while the coil is priming. In my syringe setup it gets bigger bubbles right away as the voids in the coils design are replace by juice. Then I set it aside vertical to work on priming the ceramic. In a short time tiny bubbles collect on the outside of the coil. I occasionally send them to the liquid surface by flicking the syringe with a finger/tapping it with a pencil, etc. Occasionally when I notice more have formed, I flick it again. On this coil well withing the 2 hours there were no more tiny bubbles, and even banging the setup against the desk hard and letting it sit awhile didn't produce any more. So assuming it was fully primed I gave it a go.

Still a lot of bother. So when I can get to it I'll go to my storage unit and see if I still have the lessor of the two vacuum setups I used to use to stabilize wood. I could do 50 coils at a time with it, and the much greater vacuum it can muster may speed up the priming process.
Just a quick update with my experience using the cCell coils: The included 0.9Ω coil that came with the tank was ok for about 4 days after which i got burnt hits. The included 0.2Ω coil... oh my word... what a pleasure. It lasted me 2 weeks, which included some massive chain vaping (clearing a tank in about 30 minutes...) and quite a few juice changes as well. I started with Foggs Milky way, but I got a Hazeworks sample pack (7x10ml) of which I used 6 of the 7 juices in the tank on the same coil. I also used it with two other juices (1 tank each) with some juices I got from a friend. So all in all, the one coil saw 9 different juices going through it with absolutely no problem. I ended up buying a Hazeworks (70/30) which then settled after I almost finished the Foggs (which is also 70/30 according to the label). But, all good things must come to an end, and after two weeks (I lost count on the amount of refills), the coil's flavor was severely diminished. So I installed a new 0.9Ω coil from a replacement 5-pack. I primed it with Hazeworks. That did not go well. Dry hits for days! I put some more Foggs in which took the dry hits away, but I only had enough left for one tank. I decided to replace it again yesterday evening with the whole ritual again (fake-hits until your eyes pop out, letting it stand overnight, fake hitting again, starting at 1sec, low wattage hits etc etc), but this morning after two hits: my reaction was much like that of @Rob Fisher in "Coils wars - Ceramic" vid (awesome vid BTW!) However, I did have Hazeworks (70/30) in it again. I have been struggling all day with it but finally popped out of the office and bought Foggs again. On the recommendation of the sales person, I squirted some juice on the inside of the coil as well. Thus far eveything is going smoothly (and this is on the coil that gave me burnt hits again). I will see how long the coil lasts, but I can definitely confirm that the flavor is not what it was on that 0.2Ω coil. Speaking of which:

Update for cCoil and Target Tank Owners.

After the pain and anguish of the Kanthal Coils and the discovery (I think) that the cCoils that come with the Tank are different to the refill ones and are the ones that appear to work I decided to try the Ni200 0.2Ω Coils. Bingo they seem to work well at 550 degrees F. The one I'm testing successfully is the one that came with the tank but I have one from a refill pack soaking at the moment... so feedback on that later.

So if you are a Target Tank owner battling with dry and burnt hits try the Ni200 cCoil.
@Rob Fisher : How did that refill pack coil turn out? I am very curious because decided to bite the bullet and buy a 0.2Ω replacement pack even though I still have 3 unused 0.9Ω ones.
@Rob Fisher : How did that refill pack coil turn out? I am very curious because decided to bite the bullet and buy a 0.2Ω replacement pack even though I still have 3 unused 0.9Ω ones.

Not very well... the Ni200 Coils are not as bad but that perfect vape I got with the original coils is very elusive. :confused::(
Not very well... the Ni200 Coils are not as bad but that perfect vape I got with the original coils is very elusive. :confused::(
That makes me a sad panda.... In that case I suppose I will just play the Russian Roulette game of coils with all the spare ones I have at the moment until I get that heavenly vape again :(
I'll play along until I go through the 12 Kanthal coils I have (no interest in Ni200/TC at this point) before I give up on the Target tanks. If most of them are winners so will I be. If not, the cost to play was not high.
I admire all your perseverence guys
Thanks for the update @Tasmotu

I am on coil 2 of the 0.9 ohm kanthal ones and its working great
Strangely the first one (included with the tank) gave me intermittent burnt hits
But this one - the first from the 5 pack - is working nicely.

I tried a 70VG juice yesterday and after about 10 toots it started giving a burnt taste
Chucked the juice out and reverted to my thinner blend and all is ok

So I am actually trying to slow down on this tank - say vaping only around half a tank a day on it - so I can continue on this "good" coil as long as possible ;-)
Going for a all night soak with the airflow bottom removed. XXX Soak. I need a Target Tank Operational with XXX.
Soak 001.JPG
Long weekend of 70 VG juice in coil 3 (2nd from the blister pack) and no problems at all wicking and no burnt taste, working perfectly.

Might be technique, I now tip the tank when taking a pull (I.e. Horizontally rather than keeping it vertical while I bend my head over) not sure if it helps loosen bubbles inside the coil or it is just a better coil than my second one...
Ceramic Wars continue today... The Atom gCeramics won't feature today... this attack is my original cCell coil having soaked in PG for 4 days and hoping I may get some more life out of it again. In the middle is a brand new cCell that has been soaked overnight in XXX with the bottom pin removed. And on the right we have the Deviant tank from Council of Vapor that I didn't really test much when I got it because the Target tank was the tank of the time.
CeramicWar 001.JPG

And here we have a whole heap of cCell coils that have been soaking in PG for 4 days... now moved to soak in a bottle of XXX for as long as it takes!
CeramicWars 001.JPG
My god - I admire your dedication to getting a good vape, but man, oh, man, this seems like an inordinate amount of effort for a disposable coil unit.

Flavour that good when it's "on"?

<vaping a REO and thinking... o_O>
My god - I admire your dedication to getting a good vape, but man, oh, man, this seems like an inordinate amount of effort for a disposable coil unit.

Flavour that good when it's "on"?

<vaping a REO and thinking... o_O>
It sure is ;-)
When ceramic coils work they are outstanding... and I'm still convinced that ceramic is the way of the future... I have just resurrected my original coil that had been filled over 75 times after having soaked it in PG for 4 days and XXX overnight and there is absolutely no question that this coil is DIFFERENT to all the others! The vape is fantastic even after the white ceramic went black... I may try dry burn it white again at some stage but until I find a coil to replace it it will be staying in the tank.

Through all this pain and anguish the P67 and Snow Wolf Avo combo has been on hand!

InHand 001.JPG
When ceramic coils work they are outstanding... and I'm still convinced that ceramic is the way of the future... I have just resurrected my original coil that had been filled over 75 times after having soaked it in PG for 4 days and XXX overnight and there is absolutely no question that this coil is DIFFERENT to all the others! The vape is fantastic even after the white ceramic went black... I may try dry burn it white again at some stage but until I find a coil to replace it it will be staying in the tank.

Through all this pain and anguish the P67 and Snow Wolf Avo combo has been on hand!

View attachment 49628

These "working coils" do exist and are amazing I am still running my original coils on both my targets. Hoping these 2 keep lasting I am hesitant to even try the spare or any others after all the horror stories...
My god - I admire your dedication to getting a good vape, but man, oh, man, this seems like an inordinate amount of effort for a disposable coil unit.

Flavour that good when it's "on"?

Yip the flavour is pretty damn good and crisp and pure.

And if you think I have spent some effort on this already then I won't mention that I have just sent off a pile of gCeramics and cCell coils off to Knysna 1,166.3 kms away from me to be put into a very strong vacuum chamber (Coils in XXX) and then returned.
These "working coils" do exist and are amazing I am still running my original coils on both my targets. Hoping these 2 keep lasting I am hesitant to even try the spare or any others after all the horror stories...
Im getting nervous now ... Im still on my " Supplied in the Box coils" I have a fresh pack of replacement coils in my drawer at home. What is they don't work ... !!! But the two I am using are a dream for sure.
Im getting nervous now ... Im still on my " Supplied in the Box coils" I have a fresh pack of replacement coils in my drawer at home. What is they don't work ... !!! But the two I am using are a dream for sure.

And so you should be nervous... :confused::D
When ceramic coils work they are outstanding... and I'm still convinced that ceramic is the way of the future... I have just resurrected my original coil that had been filled over 75 times after having soaked it in PG for 4 days and XXX overnight and there is absolutely no question that this coil is DIFFERENT to all the others! The vape is fantastic even after the white ceramic went black... I may try dry burn it white again at some stage but until I find a coil to replace it it will be staying in the tank.

Through all this pain and anguish the P67 and Snow Wolf Avo combo has been on hand!

View attachment 49628
@Rob Fisher How do you keep your Tiffney Miniken so clean? I have one in this colour too and it shows up everything :eek:
Lol it sure seems so! Especially If you are like Chezzig and myself who have had no issues thus far!

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@Rob Fisher How do you keep your Tiffney Miniken so clean? I have one in this colour too and it shows up everything :eek:

I don't use it much and it stays on my desk... it doesn't fit in my REO holder in my car so only REO's and Snow Wolfs get to go out and about. :D