Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

Honestly if you get a Target or Gemini Tank with the cCell coils you really don't need a Crown... or any other tank for that matter...
That's if all the coils are like the one's u have been getting. I can only suspect that this is the future and that they gonna get better and better. I know u love your reos and everyone says squonking and dripping is a total different vape does the target tank make it closer to a dripper flavour wise etc?

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That's if all the coils are like the one's u have been getting. I can only suspect that this is the future and that they gonna get better and better. I know u love your reos and everyone says squonking and dripping is a total different vape does the target tank make it closer to a dripper flavour wise etc?

No... the cCell vape on the Target and Gemini Tank is very different (for me anyway) than my Squonkers... In fact I pretty much only Vape Tropical Ice in my REO's (9mg) and they are full of flavour with much smaller clouds (in my coil set ups that I use) and I can use them anywhere... my cCell tanks I can only use at Vape shops, my office and out in the open because they blow big clouds of flavour...

REO's MTL - 9mg Tropical Ice
CCell Lung - 3mg XXX or Milky Way
No... the cCell vape on the Target and Gemini Tank is very different (for me anyway) than my Squonkers... In fact I pretty much only Vape Tropical Ice in my REO's (9mg) and they are full of flavour with much smaller clouds (in my coil set ups that I use) and I can use them anywhere... my cCell tanks I can only use at Vape shops, my office and out in the open because they blow big clouds of flavour...

REO's MTL - 9mg Tropical Ice
CCell Lung - 3mg XXX or Milky Way
Thanks Rob very interesting. I want to try a dripper and reo or squonker to see the difference. I'm still learning thus all the questions sorry.

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Don't be sorry... I'm happy to answer these kinds of questions all day and everyday!
Thanks Rob. It's much appreciated. If you ever have too many target tanks you more than welcome to send some my way lol. I'll be a newbie tester for u.

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0,5Ω cCell test will happen tomorrow as soon as the courier arrives. Also about to test a new batch of 0,9Ω coils that recently arrived in the country.

So the 0.5Ω are SS 316L it appears, not Kanthal. An excuse to play with TC some if I try these cCells out.
So the 0.5Ω are SS 316L it appears, not Kanthal. An excuse to play with TC some if I try these cCells out.

Yebo I think so... but I prefer to fire SS in Power mode anyway... I have never ever had a decent vape in temp mode... I guess it's because I have never really experimented enough with temp control.
Yebo I think so... but I prefer to fire SS in Power mode anyway... I have never ever had a decent vape in temp mode... I guess it's because I have never really experimented enough with temp control.
Maybe that's your next challenge Rob is to try the temp control versus VW etc.

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Maybe that's your next challenge Rob is to try the temp control versus VW etc.

Nope that doesn't excite me too much... now that I have found the perfect tanks I'm gonna search for more than 5 juices to vape! There are a gazillion juices out there and there just has to be one or two more ADV's for me. My problem testing juices before was that I always used a different tank or dripper or wicking system or coil... and that is unfair to juices because they simply don't get a fair shake... now that I have a system that I understand and gives me a consistent vape I can have a go at some new juices and give them a fair chance...
Nope that doesn't excite me too much... now that I have found the perfect tanks I'm gonna search for more than 5 juices to vape! There are a gazillion juices out there and there just has to be one or two more ADV's for me. My problem testing juices before was that I always used a different tank or dripper or wicking system or coil... and that is unfair to juices because they simply don't get a fair shake... now that I have a system that I understand and gives me a consistent vape I can have a go at some new juices and give them a fair chance...
Sounds awesome will be looking for these reviews could cause a bit of a stir too

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Yebo I think so... but I prefer to fire SS in Power mode anyway... I have never ever had a decent vape in temp mode... I guess it's because I have never really experimented enough with temp control.

TC was not on my list of must do's when I took the plunge into these reg mods/tanks. I am fine with the 0.9Ω K in the Targets, the 0.5Ω SS just another twist maybe worth a try. Might try to get my hands on a Gemini tank (cCell) instead of another Target... like the idea of top fill and having top and bottom air options. Kind of scarce that are not on preorder, only finding black so far. But I haven't looked much yet. They or even more tanks at all are not a must do thing until I decide if the Avo's stay on line or not.
TC was not on my list of must do's when I took the plunge into these reg mods/tanks. I am fine with the 0.9Ω K in the Targets, the 0.5Ω SS just another twist maybe worth a try. Might try to get my hands on a Gemini tank (cCell) instead of another Target... like the idea of top fill and having top and bottom air options. Kind of scarce that are not on preorder, only finding black so far. But I haven't looked much yet. They or even more tanks at all are not a must do thing until I decide if the Avo's stay on line or not.

The Gemini is great once you get decent coils... and I must say the top fill is a bonus and it hold more juice!
The Gemini is great once you get decent coils... and I must say the top fill is a bonus and it hold more juice!

All I've had is decent coils so far, luck of the draw. Hopefully that will continue as it seems they got the coils under control after the earlier runs you fought with for so long.
Went ahead and bought a third Target tank while I could still find another SS (they are out of stock most places like the SS Gemini).
I am "this close" to getting that Gemini Tank with the SS 0.5 coil....not for temp control (I simply use wattage for my vaping, try to keep it simple). I wonder if the bore is any wider on that new coil, or the same? No, you just can't beat the vaporesso coil for flavor, thats for sure. How do you find the construction, pretty solid?
Test of the new batch of cCell 0,9Ω Ceramic coils from @Sir Vape and I'm happy to say it appears that it is a new batch and working just fine! Oh happy days!
View attachment 51057
Has there been any correspondence from the OEM on why the originals were not up to spec ?
I am quite hesitate to buy any ceramic products due the Atom ceramics been so bad
@CosmicGopher, @WARMACHINE ...

The batch number that Rob had with so many dud coils was a way earlier box of 5 number than the batch number I bought that has had no duds at all. So Rob bought some from the same source I did with the higher lot numbers and is not having any problems with them either it appears. Long story short, it appears they corrected whatever the issue was with that much earlier batch.
FWIW, mine are lot number 6 970186 230048.
I am "this close" to getting that Gemini Tank with the SS 0.5 coil....not for temp control (I simply use wattage for my vaping, try to keep it simple). I wonder if the bore is any wider on that new coil, or the same? No, you just can't beat the vaporesso coil for flavor, thats for sure. How do you find the construction, pretty solid?

Well the first 0,5Ω cCell out of the replacement pack is a fail. Will try a second one today.
Has there been any correspondence from the OEM on why the originals were not up to spec ?
I am quite hesitate to buy any ceramic products due the Atom ceramics been so bad

Atom have responded to my query and they apologised profusely and replacements are on the way. They have been open and honest and I look forward to trying the new batch.

Vaporesso on the other hand just brushed me off with a two word answer that annoyed the crap out of me. If the new 0,9Ω coils were not so fantastic I would just give up on them... but I guess that one chinese gopher who probably doesn't speak english should not tarnish a whole company so I will persevere because the products are really great when a decent coil is found!
Well the first 0,5Ω cCell out of the replacement pack is a fail. Will try a second one today.

Ouch! Here we go again, with you absorbing the lead again. The third Target tank is on the way. Truth be known I can live with just the 0,9Ω coils though. But the 0,5Ω coils #2-#5 are going to be good coil's (maybe being positive will help some anyway). :nusenuse:
Took the gamble and ordered a pack of 0.5 cCell to try on my ijust 2 tank that was collecting dust. It probably soaked for about 6 hours today. First 2 pulls about 30 min ago...dry...disappointed. Took some dry blocked off pulls and tried again. Flavor starting to come through and getting better with every toot. Looking good for now. Got one in a pico tank, will see how that one goes.