Ceramic coils and compatible tanks

Are you using a Target or Gemini? If you are using a Gemini then release the top fill a little till you see bubbles and leave it there. You will be fine!
Thanks for the advice. I am using the target but will remember this for the gemini i am thinking of one or a cerabis
Thanks for the advice. I am using the target but will remember this for the gemini i am thinking of one or a cerabis

With a decent cCell coil you should never get a dry hit on the Target Tank... you may have the marginal cCells. :confused:
With a decent cCell coil you should never get a dry hit on the Target Tank... you may have the marginal cCells. :confused:
Yes its dissapointing. But fingers crossed its goin well now and the flavour is amazing. I have noticed that xxx is such a balanced juice with suttle nuances that you need to use xxx only on a coil. While waiting for my xxx restock i had moonlight and paulies guava on the target and then xxx. It tasted great but i chucked the coil out today and primed a new one with xxx and WOW. You need to have a xxx only tank in my view otherwise the litchi taste gets blunted easily
I'd been really hoping for good things from the Gemini ceramic tank, but seeing some disappointment with the ss coils from alot of quarters i am going to hold off for awhile. But i'm still really on the idea of ceramic coils. So searching, I ran across the Freemax Scylla. Watched all the reviews, but what convinced me was watching Vaping With Vics review on it. Now I'm not interested in running tank at 90 watts, but if I can get decent flavor and cloud at say 60 or 70 watts, I can live with that. I'm hearing the flavor might not be as brilliant as with vaporesso coils, but if the flavor is good enough, I'll take that over the frustration of a pack of dud coils. Also, I always liked the freemax coils, they were so good and lasted such a long time for cotton coils....and this tank will fit ALL of the freemax coils as well. Plus, the tank is solid, well built and looks damned nice, with topfil that's simple and easy. Plus....the ceramic coil looks like it is less restricted than the vaporesso. So, I have it coming in the mail and will report back after having used it awhile. I still used my original freemax tank and enjoyed it, that is till my wife started vaping and confiscated the tank for her own...lol
I have been vaping marshmallow man pretty much all day in the Gemini tank. I have had no issues whatsoever today. Just lovely, smooth flavour.
I'd been really hoping for good things from the Gemini ceramic tank, but seeing some disappointment with the ss coils from alot of quarters i am going to hold off for awhile. But i'm still really on the idea of ceramic coils. So searching, I ran across the Freemax Scylla. Watched all the reviews, but what convinced me was watching Vaping With Vics review on it. Now I'm not interested in running tank at 90 watts, but if I can get decent flavor and cloud at say 60 or 70 watts, I can live with that. I'm hearing the flavor might not be as brilliant as with vaporesso coils, but if the flavor is good enough, I'll take that over the frustration of a pack of dud coils. Also, I always liked the freemax coils, they were so good and lasted such a long time for cotton coils....and this tank will fit ALL of the freemax coils as well. Plus, the tank is solid, well built and looks damned nice, with topfil that's simple and easy. Plus....the ceramic coil looks like it is less restricted than the vaporesso. So, I have it coming in the mail and will report back after having used it awhile. I still used my original freemax tank and enjoyed it, that is till my wife started vaping and confiscated the tank for her own...lol

I actually think that's one of the tanks on which you can also use the cCells.

Personally I'm optimistic about the new batch of cCells
Wow Duffie, that would be too excellent if I could use vaporesso coils on that Scylla tank. I'll have to check it out!
I'm also wondering about this. According to uncle Rob the latest batch of Kangertech gceramics is awesome. The standard Crown coils are significantly better than the standard Kanger coils, so all things being equal, the Crown gceramics could be totally amazing, possibly even better than the Vaporesso and Cerabis ceramics!

Does anyone know if they are available locally, or if any vendor is planning to bring them in? I basically took the day off work (uncle Rob's fault for the ceramic hype) to thoroughly search online for these coils but I can't find any.
Is there such a thing as gceramics for the uwell crown?
Is there such a thing as gceramics for the uwell crown?

Yip there is! Same company that makes the Kanger gCeramics - atomvapes.com.

Find them for us @Christos, I know you can do it!


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Yip there is! Same company that makes the Kanger gCeramics - atomvapes.com.

Find them for us @Christos, I know you can do it!
You have my attention but I need to wash my car. Been neglecting her for 3 months now.
Also when I'm done I need to go find shoes. I can never find my size or colour and the shoes I like are rarer than a virgin these days.
They have a thing called africa shipping for $13. I suspect it would go through SAPO.
Hey guys, I know a lot has been said about the target tank and the cCell coils, but as yet I am sill to find a good coil and, all I have tasted from the things is that lovely burn.

So I have seen posts talking about what tanks take the cCell but
Does anyone know what decent other coils will fit in the target tank! It's a nice tank and would really like to use it, I just don't think I can continue with the disappointment of the cCell.

Hey guys, I know a lot has been said about the target tank and the cCell coils, but as yet I am sill to find a good coil and, all I have tasted from the things is that lovely burn.

So I have seen posts talking about what tanks take the cCell but
Does anyone know what decent other coils will fit in the target tank! It's a nice tank and would really like to use it, I just don't think I can continue with the disappointment of the cCell.


You can use the Aspire Atlantis v2 or Triton v2 coils.