
Think vapour mountain has a tubled in stock if I'm not mistaken.
Great thanks Rob, feel a bit more edumacated now ;-)

Now to track one down :p

Edit: the atomisers you mentioned, any available locally, or all imports?

The Stumpy and Thump are both hard to get imports. :confused:

But maybe a good place to start would be a Cyclone AFC. Chat to @Heckers as he got one today. He can give you an unbiased report... he was wanting an atty for his REO to do both mouth to lung and Lung hits!
The Stumpy and Thump are both hard to get imports. :confused:

But maybe a good place to start would be a Cyclone AFC. Chat to @Heckers as he got one today. He can give you an unbiased report... he was wanting an atty for his REO to do both mouth to lung and Lung hits!

Yes and so far im quite happy.The cyclone with the AFC gives you the option for mouth to lung and straight lung but the best part is that it is super easy to switch between the two compared to some other attys i have had before. And i found it even easier to build on than the RM2.
Just a final thought, if money is an issue then look at the economy grand LP.
I have one and if you are not worried about scratches that can be cleaned or buffed out and you don't need a fancy paint job, then it's awesome.
Vapes just like the other reos.

Also as rob mentioned @JakesSA from vapeclub can modify your favourite atty for bottom feeding.

Just bear in mind that some attys are easier than others depending on the centre pin/contact.

@JakesSA should advise you if it's do able or not.

That being said I have been using reos exclusively since august and I'm not interested in any other devices.

My only interest has been bf RTAs that give the most flavour.
The cyclone is a flavour beast in my opinion.

I want to echo the sentiments of I think it was @Andre who said, we sacrifice flavour for airflow.
I use a chalice iii clone as well and the airflow is not great but I can do restricted lung hits with it and the flavour is way better than all the lung hitting attys I own.

I'd rather taste my juices full flavour profile.
Just my 2c on the matter.
Hi @method1
I see other Reonauts have already given their views, which are largely similar to mine

But i will add my views

Reo Grand LP for sure. I prefer raw tumbled aluminium finish
RM2 for mouth to lung flavour. Tightish draw but perfect for me. Not clouds but concentrated flavour.

Nuppin for me for lung hits but these are not available anymore. You may find one in the Classifieds
Lovely smooth open air lung hits.
I'd love to try a nuppin even if there was a clone available.

I seem to have grown up some more because originals seem the way to go from here.
Yes it's pricey and yes availability sucks but the build is 10 times better than the cheaper Chinese alternatives and I am willing to bet good money the materials used are superior.

As an example my clone attys have rust forming on the post screw and some on the posts.

I can't tell you if this is the case with originals because I haven't used the cyclone long enough but oom Rob swears there is no rust after long use.
Thanks again for all the input, has cleared things up nicely ;-)

Main problems now seems to be availability - and you know how patient vapers are (we learned from fasttech) :p

I keep looking at those woodvils in the classifeds.. won't some kind mod please delete them?
Thanks again for all the input, has cleared things up nicely ;-)

Main problems now seems to be availability - and you know how patient vapers are (we learned from fasttech) :p

I keep looking at those woodvils in the classifeds.. won't some kind mod please delete them?
Rob had some amazing sales this week. Was tempted but I resisted the urge.
2 reos are all I need at this stage.
Although a regulated reo would be nice if I could change the chip.
30 w would be too low for me.
Main problems now seems to be availability - and you know how patient vapers are (we learned from fasttech) :p

In the classifieds right now are:
1 x 2015 Grand Black anodised plus Cyclone
3 x 2015 woodvilles
1 x Reo DNA 40

plenty to choose from :D
Yup, just spotted that Grand.

Woodvil is so much prettier though :p
All this talk has got me itching for robs unicorn.

If it was possible to replace the dna 30 chip with a dna 200 then the unicorn I will get. :inlove:

I would like about 60 watts max though.
Yup, just spotted that Grand.

Woodvil is so much prettier though :p

I too have been watching the woodies but cant for the life of me make a deciecion :rofl:

Then theres the new P67 thats coming out, which is making matters even more confusing for me, the more I look at it the more I want another SL grand o_O I bet when the mod modmaster shows us the SL version of the P67 I'll turn around and say I want that instead :tmi: :mask:
I too have been watching the woodies but cant for the life of me make a deciecion :rofl:

Then theres the new P67 thats coming out, which is making matters even more confusing for me, the more I look at it the more I want another SL grand o_O I bet when the mod modmaster shows us the SL version of the P67 I'll turn around and say I want that instead :tmi: :mask:
Even though the new prototype reos are looking good I can honestly say I'm happy with my 2 reos and don't need another one in the foreseeable future.

The regulated reo on the other hand is like the best of both worlds.

I remember using a mech for a long time and when I got my hana 30w box mod I vowed never to go back to mechs again.

The sigelei 150w was it's successor as the hana stopped firing.

The reo on the other hand is perfect as it is but I would really like to try a regulated reo even though it goes against the bullet proof design I have come to love in the reo.
Just a week or 2 ago I dropped a reo and my soul almost shattered until I saw the reo had won this encounter.
No tank glass broken. No mod destroyed.

Damage was a bent drip tip and a chip on my kitchen floor tiles which I plan to replace some day anyways.
Even though the new prototype reos are looking good I can honestly say I'm happy with my 2 reos and don't need another one in the foreseeable future.

The regulated reo on the other hand is like the best of both worlds.

I remember using a mech for a long time and when I got my hana 30w box mod I vowed never to go back to mechs again.

The sigelei 150w was it's successor as the hana stopped firing.

The reo on the other hand is perfect as it is but I would really like to try a regulated reo even though it goes against the bullet proof design I have come to love in the reo.
Just a week or 2 ago I dropped a reo and my soul almost shattered until I saw the reo had won this encounter.
No tank glass broken. No mod destroyed.

Damage was a bent drip tip and a chip on my kitchen floor tiles which I plan to replace some day anyways.

In the beginning I also wanted a regulated Reo but as time went on I realized I had no need for it, my SL is proof of concept for me :) I absolutely adore her :h:
And now that I got the perfect atty for my needs, in the form of the Origen Little 16, I for see a double up of the same before anything else.
I'm in the same situation. Want 2 of everything.

Waiting for stock of cyclones so I can have another.

It would be cool to own a dna 200 reo though :clap:
In the beginning I also wanted a regulated Reo but as time went on I realized I had no need for it, my SL is proof of concept for me :) I absolutely adore her :h:
And now that I got the perfect atty for my needs, in the form of the Origen Little 16, I for see a double up of the same before anything else.
Is the O-16 as complex to build on as it looks? I have this and a Thump on the way just dunno if I made the right choice with the Origen
Is the O-16 as complex to build on as it looks? I have this and a Thump on the way just dunno if I made the right choice with the Origen

Super easy to build for me, it took me a 1min to mount a coil, if not seconds lol I think you going to be happy with your O16, I must have another one! :nod: its the best atty I've used to date.
I've used cyclones, nuppins, atomics, RM2s, Chalice v3s and some 22mm attys like the derringer, odin and rogue.

Only downside for me and its really a niggle, I wish they included extra post screws, those things are tiny, you wouldnt want to drop one..
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Super easy to build for me, it took me a 1min to mount a coil, if not seconds lol I think you going to be happy with your O16, its the best atty I've used to date. I've used cyclones, nuppins, atomics, RM2s, odins, Chalice v3s. I must have another one! :nod:

Only downside for me and its really a niggle, I wish they included extra post screws, those things are tiny, you wouldnt want to drop one..
Cool so it sounds like you just mounted a single coil? On the side or fancy Z type or what..

Yeah screws and o-rings are a PITA sometimes.

I'll let you know if I decide to sell. :). First it has to make it here.
Is the O-16 as complex to build on as it looks? I have this and a Thump on the way just dunno if I made the right choice with the Origen
The 2 holes per post was somewhat confusing for me in the beginning. My first duals were a fail as the one coil leg just would not fasten properly. Either a problem with the grub screw bottoms or the wires need to go diagonally through the holes and not straight. Recoiled single (first Z and then like on a RM2 - prefer the latter) with wires diagonally through the holes and no problem. Great flavour and air flow really works - from mouth to lung to comfortable direct to lung hits. Would get another in a flash.
Super easy to build for me, it took me a 1min to mount a coil, if not seconds lol I think you going to be happy with your O16, I must have another one! :nod: its the best atty I've used to date.
I've used cyclones, nuppins, atomics, RM2s, Chalice v3s and some 22mm attys like the derringer, odin and rogue.

Only downside for me and its really a niggle, I wish they included extra post screws, those things are tiny, you wouldnt want to drop one..
I got extra post screws with mine?
Cool so it sounds like you just mounted a single coil? On the side or fancy Z type or what..

Yeah screws and o-rings are a PITA sometimes.

I'll let you know if I decide to sell. :). First it has to make it here.

Yes please do :rock:

and yes, I'm a single coil guy, mounted horizontally on one side of the posts