Forum Medals

A big congrats to @KimVapeDashian on the award of the Dedicated Member Medal !
Thank you for your contributions and dedication

Dedicated members rock!
Well played @TommyL and @theyettie ! cant wait to see what badge comes my way next.

All in good time bud. 42 posts in less than a month. You're well on your way.

Keep contributing, it's what makes this place awesome. I told someone the other day, I'm not on bookface or twitter or anything like that. I despise social media. This forum is the only place I interact online, which is kind of a big deal for me. Like minded folk, talking about something we've all grown to love. This is a culture/community which I'm proud to be associated with.
Congrats @kimvapedashion and to all the other members I haven't yet congratulated,you guys really do make new members feel right at home,i havent been on facebook for more than 2weeks @theyettie,totally agree with you that its a culture/community that I hope I'll be apart of for a really long time,invaluable knowledge and great people, thank you guys
Attention attention ! I have something to mention....

this morning something rather special has happened, an important member on the forum has just earned his first Medal

@RiaanRed has just been awarded with the Dedicated Member Medal !

congrats buddy and wear it with pride :)
Attention attention ! I have something to mention....

this morning something rather special has happened, an important member on the forum has just earned his first Medal

@RiaanRed has just been awarded with the Dedicated Member Medal !

congrats buddy and wear it with pride :)
THANK you all Very Much!
This forum has changed my vape life tremendously.
All of you Rock!
Thank You once again
@Gizmo I dearly want my 2 years of service medal!
Congrats @RiaanRed
Thanks for your contributions and dedication - and all the great photos!