Forum Medals

Congrats @SmokeyJoe !
If you're on leave, you have some time to polish the bling, or polish a joose or two.. or three ;)
( I'd settle for the latter if it was me )
Time to celebrate another recipient of the Dedicated Member medal :
Dedicated Member screenshot.png

This one goes to none other than @Nicholas , who amongst other talents, seems to be a part-time Pac-Man specialist ;)

Thanks for keeping us company @Nicholas , and thanks for all the contributions !
Congrats on the medal @Nicholas !
Thanks for all your contributions and your dedication to the forum :campeon:
Whaaaaaaaaat!!! No ways

I've been dreaming of this day and i've been so busy with work.

Firstly I would like to thank all of you guys that keep this forum so awesome @Kuhlkatz @Silver you guys rock and you might not hear it much but you guys save lives. You have definitely been a huge motivation in my life.

I know I'm not tagging everyone but you guys know who you are and I'm really grateful for you guys.

And then to all the members of the wonderful community, the mixers. The chasers the yoda's like @Rob Fisher. You guys are the best and I am over the moon about this.

Thank you to every last person on here that makes a contribution you might not think you make a difference but you do. And I appreciate every single one of you guys

And one more time thank you so much for the medal.
Very pleased and delighted to announce the next medal award

Dedicated Member Medal goes to @Mahir

Congrats @Mahir and thank you for all your contributions and dedication !


This medal goes to those members that show plenty dedication to the forum. Dedicated members help to make the forum a great place.
