Forum Medals

Awh thanks guys:dance: . Kind of hard not wanting to be part of this forum with all you awesome folks around.

The vaping experience wouldn't be half as much fun were it not for this community to share it with:)
All Dedicated Members really ROCK! The life blood of the forum are new members and especially ones that partake! Anyone with this medal is a VIP!
DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png DedicatedMember.png
Big congrats to all recipients of Ecigssa honours, well done and well deserved. Damn, must get myself one of those medals someday...
Well done @Neal
bp.jpg forgot to draw in a mod & some clouds

Im very sorry @Khan83 I got you mixed up with the proper clown, you sir, play a relatively normal game. :)
The real clown I was thinking of was in fact young @Cespian as evidenced by the below post.
I guess I suffered a brain fart between the post and my keyboard. :)

Michael Hockey said:
Currently unemployed!
, zero vape budget!

Cespian said:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Im very sorry @Khan83 I got you mixed up with the proper clown, you sir, play a relatively normal game. :)
The real clown I was thinking of was in fact young @Cespian as evidenced by the below post.
I guess I suffered a brain fart between the post and my keyboard. :)

Michael Hockey said:
Currently unemployed!
, zero vape budget!

Cespian said:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not sure if its a good thing being dubbed "the real clown"... but I shall accept it as a compliment. Thanks. :think:
Guys, am honoured, stoked and completely chuffed. I love this forum, I love vaping, and the two go hand in hand. Such helpful and cool people here. Timing of award is fantastic, as I was recently diagnosed as a violent schizophrenic and have spent days beating myself up as I did not have a medal.
Im very sorry @Khan83 I got you mixed up with the proper clown, you sir, play a relatively normal game. :)
The real clown I was thinking of was in fact young @Cespian as evidenced by the below post.
I guess I suffered a brain fart between the post and my keyboard. :)

Michael Hockey said:
Currently unemployed!
, zero vape budget!

Cespian said:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dude are you pulling a Steve Harvey on @Cespian & me:D. Crowning the wrong clown;)
Guys, am honoured, stoked and completely chuffed. I love this forum, I love vaping, and the two go hand in hand. Such helpful and cool people here. Timing of award is fantastic, as I was recently diagnosed as a violent schizophrenic and have spent days beating myself up as I did not have a medal.
I was going to rate your post as "funny" but after careful consideration I'm just going to place your medal gently on the table and quietly sneak out the back door :mask:
I was going to rate your post as "funny" but after careful consideration I'm just going to place your medal gently on the table and quietly sneak out the back door :mask:

leave the money on the counter and sneak out the back door without being noticed.... that sounds familiar