Forum Medals

Dude are you pulling a Steve Harvey on @Cespian & me:D. Crowning the wrong clown;)
Steve "blujeenz" Harvey, thats me, although totally unintentional. :)

Not sure if its a good thing being dubbed "the real clown"... but I shall accept it as a compliment. Thanks. :think:
I enjoy your humour, well timed and appropiate and softens life's knocks.
I still LOL at Gollum dishing out hugs. :D
Congrats @Stosta and @Neal on your dedicated member medals!
Very well deserved
Thanks for all the support and contributions.
So chuffed!

Thanks guys, this forum has really become a big part of my life (and a large reason for my poverty!). You're all amazing!
And another medal is awarded. This one goes to @blujeenz, thanks for being there for the new guys :)
Well done @Blu_Marlin
Thanks for all your contributions and dedication
Big congrats to you @blujeenz on the noob friendly medal
This is a special one.

Its people like you that make new members feel so comfortable !

Thanks for all you do