Forum Medals

A big congrats to @sabrefm1 on the award of the Dedicated Member Medal

Dedicated Members make ECIGSSA a very special place and we salute you all

Thanks for your contributions and dedication @sabrefm1 !
I love seeing so many dedicated member medals being issued, they are a testament to how involved our fellow members are. And how fast vaping is growing in SA.

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wow thanks guys, i would never of expected this medal since I dont think that I actually do enough on the forum. but thanks
We are proud to announce that the Dedicated Member medal has been awarded to @Soprono for his dedication to the forum. He now forms part of the corner stones of this awesome community and definitely deserves this medal.
Congratulations @Soprono ! :)
Very big surprise this morning seeing this, thank you guys and thank you to the community that has been created, without it not even a post count would have been possible. Look forward to the continued journey :)
Congrats @Soprono
Thanks for all the contributions!