Forum Medals

Congrats @NaZa05 and thanks for your contributions
You have been a long-time member here - since Nov 2014!
Long may it continue
Congrats @NaZa05 and thanks for your contributions
You have been a long-time member here - since Nov 2014!
Long may it continue

I can't even believe it's that long silver. I was a "lurker" because the world of vaping was so scary when I joined. I just wanted something better than the twisp and I waited for the istick 20 and nautilus mini based on recommendations here.Life so was simple and juice economy was so much cheaper as well back then lol. This place and the people has helped me so much so I'm glad to contribute when ever I can because I'm still learning myself as well. It's a constantly changing industry which cost me more than maintaining my car :rofl:
I can't even believe it's that long silver. I was a "lurker" because the world of vaping was so scary when I joined. I just wanted something better than the twisp and I waited for the istick 20 and nautilus mini based on recommendations here.Life so was simple and juice economy was so much cheaper as well back then lol. This place and the people has helped me so much so I'm glad to contribute when ever I can because I'm still learning myself as well. It's a constantly changing industry which cost me more than maintaining my car :rofl:

Well said @NaZa05
You are right, things were much simpler in the "old days"
Back then I was on top of things... Now I get FOMO on almost every thread!
Participating regularly on the forum adds value for all ECIGSSA members and visitors. The Dedicated Member medal is awarded to members that regularly chirp in, support others and share their experience with all of us :
Dedicated Member screenshot.png

Our latest recipient is @Mac75 :campeon:
Thanks for all your contributions Mac75 !
Congrats @Mac75
Thanks for all your contributions and dedication!
Congrats Mac75. Very well deserved!

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Step right up, read all about it !

The latest dedicated member medal has been officially awarded to

Drum roll please......

@Silent Echo !!!

Well done and wear it with pride :)
Congrats @Silent Echo
Thanks for the dedication and contributions