I Love Cats

Because we're suckers.....

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Just took delivery of these this morning, someone was asking for help on facebook because they didn't know how to look after them, I had to take them because there were already people asking for replacement cats for their kids. They were found in a tree, the mother hadn't returned for them :(

They look about 2 weeks old, @Bumblebabe is off to the vet for some baby cat milk, they haven't fed in about 2 days... here we go again :rolleyes:
Sweetest little babies :)
Nothing wrong with those little longs :rofl:

Our awesome 11 year old boy let us sleep in while he did the 8am feeding AND poo pee patrol :D So proud :dance:
Baby Choo yawning because Dad woke her putting REO into the box for the photo shoot!
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Dad are you quite finished? Can I go back to sleep now?
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:) Are they siblings? Looks like it.

Yes they are sisters... one is really fat and couldn't catch a cold... and the other one is slim and trim and small and catches snakes, birds, rats, mice, shrews and anything else that moves! ;-)
i have to wait until i settle in Thailand, then i'll get a few stray cats or rescue cats, but i wonder... to be honest, nothing is as great as a Siamese for me...although then again, they need so much personal attention.
i have to wait until i settle in Thailand, then i'll get a few stray cats or rescue cats, but i wonder... to be honest, nothing is as great as a Siamese for me...although then again, they need so much personal attention.

When are you going to Thailand and what are you going to do there?

If you love cats you should go live in Turkey! There are cats everywhere and the Turks actually love cats!
If you love cats, don't go to China, even in the smallest restaurant you will find cat meat on the menu (as well as dog meat)
ja,i felt bad about it - slightly, for a few days - but he'd started kind of swaggering around...no way you could keep them in a flat without doing it. And if it's not a flat and you let them roam around, it would probably lead to trouble. ...Come to think of it, it would be good for many humans too.
One of the rescues we're raising, I don't know how we are going to part with them, having a hard time not naming them10846478_10205252148964336_3218161531272726053_n.jpg
After Maddy's passing, we got Chloe, pic posted previously in this thread. She is one little busy body. We've been thinking of getting a friend for her, so they can keep one another busy. Today this little angel popped up on a rescue site ... going to look at her tomorrow :)


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